dow 26000


Well-Known Member
Everything you guys said would happen if Trump was elected hasn't, and much of what you said wouldn't happen has. So who's right here? Not you.

Hey DIDO, just wanted to say thanks for all the creative designations! I work hard to bring you content that you'll love and appreciate being recognized for it. :rofl:

and he appreciates your effort and recognizes your hard work :)


Well-Known Member
I didn't say they didn't want me to.
Very true, you didn't. I do find the verb 'grab' to carry a specific connotation, especially when coupled with 'snatch'.

I'm sure the snatch you grabbed regrets not making you a life partner to this day.


Well-Known Member
If you actually followed things you would know that the budget was passed after a deal with the Democrats. Squarely in this universe. So slamming Trump for spending means slamming your own party too. I would've preferred that they cut way back on spending because of the debt but it is what it is.
Why deal with democrats? Many republicans made promises to get elected and did not keep them. In my no "nuance" book, that is a lie, legally the false statements would be, an inducement to procure a vote.