dow 26000


Staff member
what alternative universe do you live in? This pig was greased for democratic support and thats the way it slid through. its really stupid to watch you two sides argue about blame when both sides are responsible for these spending excesses. Neither side is completely responsible and neither side is in a position where they can blame the other.

its a given that repubs constantly harp on the deficit and then constantly violate their alleged spending principles.

Everyone and I mean everyone who is one bit honest knows that the democrats are hell bent and determined to spend on domestic pig programs with no limits in mind.

what a stupid argument for anyone to engage in.
Oh. Look who’s suddenly a level headed, middle of the road, responsible (but not responsible) independent!


Staff member
Then you need to go back and check the budget bill and how it was passed. Apparently you've got the idea that Republicans are in lockstep about everything. Not the case. Trump made a deal with Democrats who voted to pass his budget because not enough Republicans were willing to vote for it to get it passed. The Republicans who were against the budget felt too much was being spent. So to get it passed Trump upped the spending to get Dems to go for it. That's how he got his defense spending. Be sure to duck, your world is falling down around you.
You seem to have trouble understanding how congress works. Nothing even comes up for a vote without the approval of republican leadership in the persons of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Also, Congress writes legislation, not the president, so Trump couldn't "up the spending to get Dems to go for it" even if he wanted to because the bill was written entirely in republican controlled congressional committees. I have no idea where you are coming up with this stuff but it's pure fantasy, none of it ever happened.


Well-Known Member
You seem to have trouble understanding how congress works. Nothing even comes up for a vote without the approval of republican leadership in the persons of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Also, Congress writes legislation, not the president, so Trump couldn't "up the spending to get Dems to go for it" even if he wanted to because the bill was written entirely in republican controlled congressional committees. I have no idea where you are coming up with this stuff but it's pure fantasy, none of it ever happened.

You're in total denial. So I guess when the dems get a 5 vote majority in the house you will loudly blame them for spending deficits?


Well-Known Member
Oh. Look who’s suddenly a level headed, middle of the road, responsible (but not responsible) independent!
Proves you don't really engage here other then to fire shots. I have been blaming both sides from GW on and I gave both sides credit for deficit reduction in the nineties.


Well-Known Member
last time dow got this high in jan there was a bit of a sell off.

hopefully theres a massive sell off AND ECONOMIC CHAOS SOON



Well-Known Member
You seem to have trouble understanding how congress works. Nothing even comes up for a vote without the approval of republican leadership in the persons of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Also, Congress writes legislation, not the president, so Trump couldn't "up the spending to get Dems to go for it" even if he wanted to because the bill was written entirely in republican controlled congressional committees. I have no idea where you are coming up with this stuff but it's pure fantasy, none of it ever happened.
And you don't seem to realize that there's not a huge Republican majority in either house, and that if enough Republicans balk at the spending bills put forth by the White House with the Republican leadership's blessing, the bills won't pass unless Democrats are brought onboard. Not too difficult to get Republican votes these days because of how well things are going, but Trump had to make a deal with Democrats to get that initial budget bill passed. Too many Republicans were saying no, but enough said yes along with Democrat support to get it through.


Well-Known Member
last time dow got this high in jan there was a bit of a sell off.

hopefully theres a massive sell off AND ECONOMIC CHAOS SOON

Everybody like a good buying opportunity. Unfortunately you just want to send in the commies


Staff member
And you don't seem to realize that there's not a huge Republican majority in either house, and that if enough Republicans balk at the spending bills put forth by the White House with the Republican leadership's blessing, the bills won't pass unless Democrats are brought onboard. Not too difficult to get Republican votes these days because of how well things are going, but Trump had to make a deal with Democrats to get that initial budget bill passed. Too many Republicans were saying no, but enough said yes along with Democrat support to get it through.
You don't need a huge majority to pass a budget bill, just a simple majority which republicans have. If you want to say that the root of the problem is that republicans are incapable of writing a bill that gets the support of their own party that's fine, but how is that the democrats fault? Be that as it may this is a budget bill that was written by republican committee members, put forward for a vote by republican leadership, and passed with majority republican support in both houses. Trying to characterize it as some sort of deal between Trump and the democrats isn't just a little bit wrong, it's completely divorced from reality. You're trying to make it sound like Trump and the democrats got together and wrote a budget bill and then republicans somehow got bamboozled into voting for it. That's just straight out nonsense.


Staff member
You don't need a huge majority to pass a budget bill, just a simple majority which republicans have. If you want to say that the root of the problem is that republicans are incapable of writing a bill that gets the support of their own party that's fine, but how is that the democrats fault? Be that as it may this is a budget bill that was written by republican committee members, put forward for a vote by republican leadership, and passed with majority republican support in both houses. Trying to characterize it as some sort of deal between Trump and the democrats isn't just a little bit wrong, it's completely divorced from reality. You're trying to make it sound like Trump and the democrats got together and wrote a budget bill and then republicans somehow got bamboozled into voting for it. That's just straight out nonsense.
Not to mention that it was passed AFTER the tax cuts so that ALL the deficit hating conservatives that voted for it KNEW they were accelerating deficit spending.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
So if we emulate the German economy with manufacturing export dominance, won't revenues exceed expenses? Rebalancing to a home team approach will have some hiccups. Get the Big picture folks.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You don't need a huge majority to pass a budget bill, just a simple majority which republicans have. If you want to say that the root of the problem is that republicans are incapable of writing a bill that gets the support of their own party that's fine, but how is that the democrats fault? Be that as it may this is a budget bill that was written by republican committee members, put forward for a vote by republican leadership, and passed with majority republican support in both houses. Trying to characterize it as some sort of deal between Trump and the democrats isn't just a little bit wrong, it's completely divorced from reality. You're trying to make it sound like Trump and the democrats got together and wrote a budget bill and then republicans somehow got bamboozled into voting for it. That's just straight out nonsense.
You obviously didn't see what went down. The Dems were against everything Trump did and were voting party line on everything. A small coalition of Republicans were determined to get all spending down because of concerns about the ever growing debt. Between them and the Democrats the Republican leadership didn't have the votes necessary to make a majority. The dissenting Republicans refused to yield. So Trump made an offer to Democrats because he dearly wanted more defense spending. Democrats went along after generous spending concessions. That's how the bill was passed and we ended up with a massive spending bill comparable to Obama era spending.