dow 26000


Well-Known Member
bc we are over due for a recession / depression and i prefer these events over the normality of the current economy, and mostly rich people own most of the stock market anyways.
Tens of millions of working people have 401k's. That's the stock market and their retirement.


Staff member
If we hadn't cut taxes we'd still have stagnation. That's increasing the debt without improving workers lives. If you a better way to do things then please tell us.
Generally speaking, workers’ lives haven’t improved and at the same time we’ve saddled the next generations with even more foolish debt.


Well-Known Member
If we hadn't cut taxes we'd still have stagnation. That's increasing the debt without improving workers lives. If you a better way to do things then please tell us.

How much, when it’s all said and done, do you think workers [sic] lives will have improved by the end of the current administration?


Well-Known Member
Generally speaking, workers’ lives haven’t improved and at the same time we’ve saddled the next generations with even more foolish debt.
You defended Obama's spending repeatedly. But please get this point. Revenue has gone up after the tax cuts, which you and yours said it wouldn't. We don't have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem. And I agree wholeheartedly that the spending needs to be cut. And when it is Democrats will squeal like stuck pigs. And Republicans in Congress have proven time and again that when the squealing starts they'll back down. If we go over a fiscal cliff can almost guarantee that the Republicans will be blamed.
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Well-Known Member
How much, when it’s all said and done, do you think workers [sic] lives will have improved by the end of the current administration?
Immensely. We'll all be in mini-mansions with chauffeured limos out front, sipping on champagne by the pool while semi-nude college co-eds wave palm fronds over us. Is that what you want to hear? Bill Clinton said during the 2016 election that the working man has nothing to look forward to when he wakes up. Is that what you want more of? No one is owed a great living, but if one wants to work, and has opportunities to improve his lot in life, the government should strive towards making that possible. Wasn't happening until recently.


Well-Known Member
Immensely. We'll all be in mini-mansions with chauffeured limos out front, sipping on champagne by the pool while semi-nude college co-eds wave palm fronds over us. Is that what you want to hear? Bill Clinton said during the 2016 election that the working man has nothing to look forward to when he wakes up. Is that what you want more of? No one is owed a great living, but if one wants to work, and has opportunities to improve his lot in life, the government should strive towards making that possible. Wasn't happening until recently.

Come on, Van. You’re probably a pretty decent dude in real life, but do you really think things are getting better for the average Joe?


Well-Known Member
Come on, Van. You’re probably a pretty decent dude in real life, but do you really think things are getting better for the average Joe?
Absolutely. If the average Joe has opportunities he didn't have before, and is willing to take advantage of those opportunities, then yes. It's up to the individual to take care of themselves, not up to the government to give them everything.


Inordinately Right
Come on, Van. You’re probably a pretty decent dude in real life, but do you really think things are getting better for the average Joe?
Of course he does.
When you live your life with self worth issues and delusions of persecution, all you really need is a good motivational speaker to tell you everything will be ok. It got Obama elected, then it got Trump elected.

Trump has essentially been a therapist for a huge swath of the electorate that was told for 8 years by the far right that the world was coming to an end.

Economic fundamentals, fiscal policy, facts in general.... None of it matters. The only thing that matters is how Trump makes them feel.


Well-Known Member
Of course he does.
When you live your life with self worth issues and delusions of persecution, all you really need is a good motivational speaker to tell you everything will be ok. It got Obama elected, then it got Trump elected.

Trump has essentially been a therapist for a huge swath of the electorate that was told for 8 years by the far right that the world was coming to an end.

Economic fundamentals, fiscal policy, facts in general.... None of it matters. The only thing that matters is how Trump makes them feel.
Everything you guys said would happen if Trump was elected hasn't, and much of what you said wouldn't happen has. So who's right here? Not you.

Hey DIDO, just wanted to say thanks for all the creative designations! I work hard to bring you content that you'll love and appreciate being recognized for it. :rofl: