dow 27000


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
They know the US economy is much more fragile than the rosy outlook being broadcast by major news outlets (I concede it is somewhat important to keep dumb asses buying :censored2: they don’t need and can’t really afford).

At the end of the day, they’re asking why a supposedly historically strong economy is completely dependent on artificially low interest rates, and they are banking on the next recession hitting (just by the law of averages since the end of WW2 we are long overdue).

When it hits, what arrows are going to be left in the economic quiver? Lowering interest rates, cutting taxes and deficit spending are completely played out.
You realize if we go into a recession that hurts china more right


Well-Known Member
Are you saying it won't be easy or that you're still hiding under your bed when we use the word China?
You're still not getting it. China is still a one party communist nation with a so called "president" who will be in office for as long as he wants to be in office. In China there is no such thing as political dissent. The media is still state controlled and they sure as hell are not going to worry about pig fever. And as long as there is no such thing as political dissent they will be no pressure to make a deal on Trump's terms. They'll just sit there across the table and smile and whatever agreement if any is reached it will likely be more symbolism that substance and it's terms will not likely be much different that TPP.
Chances are it will be something like the much hyped USMCA. Not whole lot different than the treaty it replaced.
For example the US share of the Canadian milk market will grow from 3.25% to 3.59% . Big deal. All it will mean is that a few additional tanker loads of milk will go over the border.

Yeah, you might see a deal reached but the devil is in the details and the only thing actually harvested is more political timber.
BTW. Trump's embargo of Iran oil which promises sanctions against those nation's that don't comply? Day before yesterday an Chinese oil tanker (state owned) pulls up to an Iranian oil depot and loaded up ....See just how seriously the take Trump?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
You're still not getting it. China is still a one party communist nation with a so called "president" who will be in office for as long as he wants to be in office. In China there is no such thing as political dissent. The media is still state controlled and they sure as hell are not going to worry about pig fever. And as long as there is no such thing as political dissent they will be no pressure to make a deal on Trump's terms. They'll just sit there across the table and smile and whatever agreement if any is reached it will likely be more symbolism that substance and it's terms will not likely be much different that TPP.
Chances are it will be something like the much hyped USMCA. Not whole lot different than the treaty it replaced.
For example the US share of the Canadian milk market will grow from 3.25% to 3.59% . Big deal. All it will mean is that a few additional tanker loads of milk will go over the border.

Yeah, you might see a deal reached but the devil is in the details and the only thing actually harvested is more political timber.
BTW. Trump's embargo of Iran oil which promises sanctions against those nation's that don't comply? Day before yesterday an Chinese oil tanker (state owned) pulls up to an Iranian oil depot and loaded up ....See just how seriously the take Trump?
yes we seized that ship


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
I’m sure that will bring great solace to the forty percent of the US population that can’t cover a $400 dollar emergency - what was I thinking!
If we go into a recession we buy even less from china


Well-Known Member
You're still not getting it. China is still a one party communist nation with a so called "president" who will be in office for as long as he wants to be in office. In China there is no such thing as political dissent. The media is still state controlled and they sure as hell are not going to worry about pig fever. And as long as there is no such thing as political dissent they will be no pressure to make a deal on Trump's terms. They'll just sit there across the table and smile and whatever agreement if any is reached it will likely be more symbolism that substance and it's terms will not likely be much different that TPP.
Chances are it will be something like the much hyped USMCA. Not whole lot different than the treaty it replaced.
For example the US share of the Canadian milk market will grow from 3.25% to 3.59% . Big deal. All it will mean is that a few additional tanker loads of milk will go over the border.

Yeah, you might see a deal reached but the devil is in the details and the only thing actually harvested is more political timber.
BTW. Trump's embargo of Iran oil which promises sanctions against those nation's that don't comply? Day before yesterday an Chinese oil tanker (state owned) pulls up to an Iranian oil depot and loaded up ....See just how seriously the take Trump?
They aren't worried about African Swine Fever? Pork is a staple of their diet and they have to feed well over a billion people. Sometimes to shape your narrative you really are myopic.


Strength through joy
Reports are coming in that Obama's Administration Officials are still meeting with foreign countries' contacts telling them to sit tight and wait out Trump's departure. Then business will return to normal.

Don't we have laws against this type of behavior ?

Gitmo should have a special section for US Traitors.