dow 27000


Well-Known Member
So tell me . How LONG do you think we can fight a trade war with China? What was the driver behind getting out of Vietnam? We were running out of money . And running out of money is exactly the driver behind our efforts to find a way to extract ourselves from Iraq and Afghanistan .

you keep asking a question with a question. the rest being you dont have anything but criticism on this subject.

how do we stop china from screwing us on trade?


Well-Known Member
Trump is going to fold like a cheap suit once the election comes a calling. The real stupid thing is to think the Chinese don't know that. He's a terrible business man

Lulz, he’s telling Iran to ‘call him’, Bolton and Pompeo are horrified that he’ll give away the store if Iran flatters him.


Well-Known Member
American arrogance on display. Wait till they start dumping the trillion dollars worth of treasuries they own. Wait till they restrict the selling of rare earth minerals. The Chinese people are way more equipped to deal with a free falling economy than we are. There will be no winners, we will all lose.
Their economy is half the size of ours with 4 times the population. Over 500 million in poverty. They need us more.


Well-Known Member
you keep asking a question with a question. the rest being you dont have anything but criticism on this subject.

how do we stop china from screwing us on trade?
If he wants to take China on fine . it's a war he says China will pay for. Just like Mexico was going to pay for his border wall. You saw how far that went and right now he's probably forgotten all about it but I'm sure China hasn't .


Well-Known Member
If he wants to take China on fine . it's a war he says China will pay for. Just like Mexico was going to pay for his border wall. You saw how far that went and right now he's probably forgotten all about it but I'm sure China hasn't .

if you're in a trade war and the other guy is selling 600 billion dollars worth of goods more in your country then you are in his then which country has more to lose?


Well-Known Member
if you're in a trade war and the other guy is selling 600 billion dollars worth of goods more in your country then you are in his then which country has more to lose?
Tariffs are the only weapon Trump has but what you don't seem to get is that Chinese goods are now being made in Ethiopia and Vietnam to bypass Trump's tariffs and China is now staking a claim in Italy. And when their Belt and Road initiative for all of Europe and Asia is completed they won't need the US.


Well-Known Member
Tariffs are the only weapon Trump has but what you don't seem to get is that Chinese goods are now being made in Ethiopia and Vietnam to bypass Trump's tariffs and China is now staking a claim in Italy. And when their Belt and Road initiative for all of Europe and Asia is completed they won't need the US.

Newfie doesn’t get this.

He thinks we’re in the ‘strong’ position, and that China has to deal with us, on our terms.

The fact is, China is changing the rules...they’ll deal with us as long as it suits them.

And when they’ve finished the ‘belt and road’, they won’t need us at all.

Newfie is fighting a losing battle.

We should have stayed in the TPP, at least that framework would have slowed China down.

Trump’s ‘America First’ nonsense is going to translate into ‘America Third’.

Or fourth.


Well-Known Member
Then why do we have to import so much from China and why do we have to send what we do have to China for refining? It's because their reserves are much larger and we don't have the refineries .
Because China was selling them so cheap in the late 80s early 90s, our mines shut down. Rare Earth isn’t really rare at all.


Well-Known Member
Because China was selling them so cheap in the late 80s early 90s, our mines shut down. Rare Earth isn’t really rare at all.
We have 1.4 M tons of rare earth minerals. China......44M tons. It's not as much a question of how much there is but rather where it is and who controls it.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
We have 1.4 M tons of rare earth minerals. China......44M tons. It's not as much a question of how much there is but rather where it is and who controls it.
Adapatibilty is the issue, may take a couple of years but we would get there, then china would lose that market.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Newfie doesn’t get this.

He thinks we’re in the ‘strong’ position, and that China has to deal with us, on our terms.

The fact is, China is changing the rules...they’ll deal with us as long as it suits them.

And when they’ve finished the ‘belt and road’, they won’t need us at all.

Newfie is fighting a losing battle.

We should have stayed in the TPP, at least that framework would have slowed China down.

Trump’s ‘America First’ nonsense is going to translate into ‘America Third’.

Or fourth.
If we're not strong now when are we going to get strong? There is a constant complaint about the younger generation being soft and the older generation being capitalism sellouts. I see more folks looking to support local businesses and community focused. Good for us.