dow 27000


Well-Known Member
Tariffs are the only weapon Trump has but what you don't seem to get is that Chinese goods are now being made in Ethiopia and Vietnam to bypass Trump's tariffs and China is now staking a claim in Italy. And when their Belt and Road initiative for all of Europe and Asia is completed they won't need the US.
They just started the tariffs, there's no way enough industrial capacity has been built in other countries to bypass tariffs, and Vietnam is in competition with China. They aren't friendly.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
The one and only mine in the US. Moreover REM is comprised of 17 different elements . Not every mine has all 17 different elements.
I don't know what is in the mine, not like they put out a list, I am just telling you tget said a year


Well-Known Member
China has the will and the political wherewithal to play the very long game. Meanwhile, our leaders have to worry about next year’s election. I think we’re mistaken if we think we can beat China by taxing ourselves with tariffs.

this is not a 5000 year plan .

china has made the mistake of assimilating into a world market . They have over a billion people that are counting on continued growth and success.
Their economy is very much dependent on the market they participate in. they are joined at the hip with us.
they don't buy our farm products simply to do us a favor they do so because we are the only producer that can meet the demands of a billion people
being a good communist country it is already very likely that any economic results they reported were severly overstated.
A full fledged economic war with a superior economic power would hurt them significantly.
however if we did nothing and waited until China was the economic super power with a stronger economy then ours
then we would have no hope of ever forcing them into playing the game fairly
its why we have to do what we're doing either now or soon before China becomes the bigger economic power
We have given this issue lip service through a variety of adminstrations both dem and repub
Trump has chosen to be the guy that takes on this very difficult and very painful economic reality
If he wins and there is a lot of blood on the floor most of it ours he will still bear the anger that comes with it.
but at some point this battle has to be fought
if not now then when?


Well-Known Member
this is not a 5000 year plan .

china has made the mistake of assimilating into a world market . They have over a billion people that are counting on continued growth and success.
Their economy is very much dependent on the market they participate in. they are joined at the hip with us.
they don't buy our farm products simply to do us a favor they do so because we are the only producer that can meet the demands of a billion people
being a good communist country it is already very likely that any economic results they reported were severly overstated.
A full fledged economic war with a superior economic power would hurt them significantly.
however if we did nothing and waited until China was the economic super power with a stronger economy then ours
then we would have no hope of ever forcing them into playing the game fairly
its why we have to do what we're doing either now or soon before China becomes the bigger economic power
We have given this issue lip service through a variety of adminstrations both dem and repub
Trump has chosen to be the guy that takes on this very difficult and very painful economic reality
If he wins and there is a lot of blood on the floor most of it ours he will still bear the anger that comes with it.
but at some point this battle has to be fought
if not now then when?
So here we are. There are no new trade talks scheduled. Another round of tariffs are on the way and these ones are expected to be even more impactful

And even your own monarch president publicly acknowledged that manufacturers are pulling tariff exposed product manufacturing out of China and moving it to other countries to avoid tariffs. Think and say what you want but China has been able to counter punch everything Trump throws at them.


Well-Known Member
this is not a 5000 year plan .

china has made the mistake of assimilating into a world market . They have over a billion people that are counting on continued growth and success.
Their economy is very much dependent on the market they participate in. they are joined at the hip with us.
they don't buy our farm products simply to do us a favor they do so because we are the only producer that can meet the demands of a billion people
being a good communist country it is already very likely that any economic results they reported were severly overstated.
A full fledged economic war with a superior economic power would hurt them significantly.
however if we did nothing and waited until China was the economic super power with a stronger economy then ours
then we would have no hope of ever forcing them into playing the game fairly
its why we have to do what we're doing either now or soon before China becomes the bigger economic power
We have given this issue lip service through a variety of adminstrations both dem and repub
Trump has chosen to be the guy that takes on this very difficult and very painful economic reality
If he wins and there is a lot of blood on the floor most of it ours he will still bear the anger that comes with it.
but at some point this battle has to be fought
if not now then when?
They're having a terrible time with African Swine Fever. Guess who they're buying tons of pork from right now? China has the world's biggest pig population, but their herds are getting decimated.


Well-Known Member
So here we are. There are no new trade talks scheduled. Another round of tariffs are on the way and these ones are expected to be even more impactful

And even your own monarch president publicly acknowledged that manufacturers are pulling tariff exposed product manufacturing out of China and moving it to other countries to avoid tariffs. Think and say what you want but China has been able to counter punch everything Trump throws at them.
Foreign manufacturers are moving factories which hurts the Chinese who were manufacturing under license for them. Not benefiting them.


Well-Known Member
So here we are. There are no new trade talks scheduled. Another round of tariffs are on the way and these ones are expected to be even more impactful

And even your own monarch president publicly acknowledged that manufacturers are pulling tariff exposed product manufacturing out of China and moving it to other countries to avoid tariffs. Think and say what you want but China has been able to counter punch everything Trump throws at them.

Are you saying it won't be easy or that you're still hiding under your bed when we use the word China?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
China has the will and the political wherewithal to play the very long game. Meanwhile, our leaders have to worry about next year’s election. I think we’re mistaken if we think we can beat China by taxing ourselves with tariffs.
china is already down 14 percent this year


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
So far the liberals on this board are for communist China, illegal immigrants, climate change, gun ban.


Fight the power.
So far the liberals on this board are for communist China, illegal immigrants, climate change, gun ban.


Well-Known Member
China has the will and the political wherewithal to play the very long game. Meanwhile, our leaders have to worry about next year’s election. I think we’re mistaken if we think we can beat China by taxing ourselves with tariffs.

They know the US economy is much more fragile than the rosy outlook being broadcast by major news outlets (I concede it is somewhat important to keep dumb asses buying :censored2: they don’t need and can’t really afford).

At the end of the day, they’re asking why a supposedly historically strong economy is completely dependent on artificially low interest rates, and they are banking on the next recession hitting (just by the law of averages since the end of WW2 we are long overdue).

When it hits, what arrows are going to be left in the economic quiver? Lowering interest rates, cutting taxes and deficit spending are completely played out.