DOW 30000


Strength through joy
Many companies are rethinking about adjusting their supply lines. A few months of China being shut down and Walmart , Dollar Tree, the Dollar Store and many others will be out of business.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Doesn’t look like the market was calmed by the bumbling incoherent press conference last night. Putting a religious zealot in charge of the American response might not be the best idea.
Lol. Keep buying.
FedEx stock?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I have been dollar cost averaging out of my 401k investments 10% per month into Guaranteed Government Securities with my last deduction last Thursday.
I'm sitting at 50% at the moment ...
... thinking about getting back into the stock market if the DOW hits 26,000 or roughly 10% drop.

Question: Do I just get back into the S&P or try and pick individual stocks?
I have made good returns in the past on 'fear based' drops in stocks in the past.

Delta was one that I made over 20% gain in a weeks time back when a plane crashed in Queens after 9/11.
Delta is down today and trading at a P/E of 7 and down 12% in the last two days.
OK ... Looks like I'm going back in fully in the morning!
A 10% pull back hopefully assures no losses at the end of April.


Inordinately Right
I've been doing a little bit. The last few months I've been putting most of my IRA money into my sweep account. Picking up some stocks on my list at a much lower price than the was a week and a half ago.
I'll decide March 4th.
Our 401k contributions have been off since January and we didnt do IRAs at year end, so I'm ready to go shopping.