DOW 30000


Engorged Member
I’d say the possible communist take over of America scares people more than some bat eater flu.

The stock market says otherwise. Racism aside, you're an absolute idiot. Look up "pandemic", and forget that Rush said it was a "cold". Remember, Rush also said smoking doesn't cause cancer.

Boy, Republicans are dumb.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Companies profits are an illusion. So many companies are a product of low interest rates and tax breaks. Thousands of companies that exist only on paper, losing billions yearly, yet we buy their stock and blindly believe their sales pitch.


Well-Known Member
And early indications are this isn't over yet. However one positive indication that when may be approaching a new support level is the slow down in overall trading activity.


Staff member
@newfie come defend Orange man praising a bunch of tyrants who murder their own people.

Now let’s be reasonable Sam, Bernie is a communist.
You know what happens when you google “Bernie a communist”? A bunch of right wing news articles. You know what else? They’re all very, very recent. Know what that is? A smear campaign.

And the person that Trump has praised and never criticized? Putin. You know what he is?


Staff member
@newfie come defend Orange man praising a bunch of tyrants who murder their own people.

Now let’s be reasonable Sam, Bernie is a communist.
So if we’re going to be reasonable, explain to me how “socialist” is so suddenly not the catch phrase for Bernie and “communist” is?
Be honest.
You know what happens when you google “Bernie a communist”? A bunch of right wing news articles. You know what else? They’re all very, very recent. Know what that is? A smear campaign.

And the person that Trump has praised and never criticized? Putin. You know what he is?
Russian troll bots at work.