Draining The Swamp


golden ticket member
let's eyeball this century..... I think Harrison was a long time ago..

Benjamin Harrison was the most recent lame duck to place a justice on the Supreme Court, five other presidents (Hayes, Tyler, Van Buren, Jackson and Adams) did so as well.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
let's eyeball this century..... I think Harrison was a long time ago..

Benjamin Harrison was the most recent lame duck to place a justice on the Supreme Court, five other presidents (Hayes, Tyler, Van Buren, Jackson and Adams) did so as well.
So did Reagan. Nominated one in November, got confirmed in the February of his last year. This wasn't normal. It isn't tradition, stop spreading lies.


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Well-Known Member
this is really important and its too bad trump was never going to do it. btw obama was less awful but still bad for america.

Trump has granted more lobbyist waivers in 4 months than Obama did in 8 years

Trump has granted more lobbyist waivers in 4 months than Obama did in 8 years

"Rather than publicly grant waivers of ethics rules with a clearly stated rationale, the White House was simply routinely waiving ethics rules in secret so nobody knew how many waivers were issued or for what purpose.

...In reality, Trump’s White House is filled with lobbyists and waivers. And we have no idea what kinds of rules are being waived in the various regulatory agencies.

...the lines between private financial interests and public policy have never been blurrier than they are under the Trump administration. That starts from the top down, where the president’s personal pledge to separate himself from his private business interests has been implemented in an utterly meaningless way, and it carries forward to his implementation of his own self-imposed ethics rules."


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Max Keiser‏ @maxkeiser 3h3 hours ago