Draining The Swamp


nowhere special
Please ... never refer 2 me as dirtbag ..... show some respect

You're not a dirtbag.


You're obviously a Pigpen.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I think the timing of this is too convinient . These women waited 35 years to release this information and timed it a month before these elections?

Sleazeballs don't have a couple of sleazeball moments and then just stop forever.

every one in Hollywood knew about Wienstien and Louis CK and chose to ignore it. This one came out of left field at a politically opportune moment.

Hell you guys tried to line up 10 women against trump last year, that was all BS. when politics are part of the story I wait to see how it plays out.
Convinient timing? Are you not aware of the current #metoo movement going on in the culture right now? Women are feeling empowered to speak out about their abusers. Moore just happens to be an abuser.


Inordinately Right
"If I did, I'm not going to dispute these things, but I don't remember anything like that," Moore said on Sean Hannity's radio program, when asked whether he had dated 17- or 18-year-old girls at the time.



Well-Known Member
Convinient timing? Are you not aware of the current #metoo movement going on in the culture right now? Women are feeling empowered to speak out about their abusers. Moore just happens to be an abuser.

ok, 35 years ago you tried to rape me . Now you are guilty as charged . no need to go to trial.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
ok, 35 years ago you tried to rape me . Now you are guilty as charged . no need to go to trial.
There's more corroboration than that, and you know it. Moore was a scumbag unfit for office before these allegations and remains unfit. Republicans continue to demonstrate they will vote for anyone with an (R) by their name. The guy raped children, but hey the rich need tax cuts.


Well-Known Member
"If I did, I'm not going to dispute these things, but I don't remember anything like that," Moore said on Sean Hannity's radio program, when asked whether he had dated 17- or 18-year-old girls at the time.


Just to be fair, this nonsense was legit in Alabama when the (allegedly ) completely normal things happened between a 30+ year-old man and a 14 year-old girl...

Oh wait...there’s breaking news...

I’ve just been told the age of consent at the time was 16, back to you Bob...

(Funny to see the R’s defend a pedo...)


Man of Great Wisdom
maybe Weinstein , spacey and Louis CK can be the entertainment

Oh ! I'm sorry I was supposed to stick to the script and only speak bad of conservative perv's huh
The difference is the liberals act like liberals. It's the hypocritical conservative christians that get nailed constantly. Church pews are full of these fakes.


Well-Known Member

Republicans Try to Block Moore’s Path as Candidate Denies Sexual Misconduct

...But on Friday, Democratic donors appeared increasingly interested in the race. Stephen J. Cloobeck, a Nevada hotel magnate who contributed $500,000 last year to a Senate-focused Democratic “super PAC,” described Mr. Moore as “despicable” and said he would gladly direct money to Mr. Jones.

“If there’s an event, I will participate, because I have a 14-year-old little girl, and if anyone touched her, I’d kill them,” Mr. Cloobeck said. “I’d kill them