Draining The Swamp


Inordinately Right
No I'm not. Check Wikipedia about state laws concerning marriage age. Most States allow very young ages if parents or superior court judge or both approve it. And many States don't have a minimum age as long as the above approval happens. And we aren't talking about a handful of such marriages either. The truth is if a girl is menstruating she's old enough to marry and thus have sex in most States. If you don't like that take it up with the States. Now if people are smart they don't get married before getting a good education. And a 32 yr old chasing teenagers makes me queasy. But a 19 yr old with a 14 yr old? A 20 year old with a 16 yr old? With parental or court consent why not? It's not pedophilia.
You're defending a 30+ year old with a 14 year old girl. You're a sick bastard.


Well-Known Member
Opinions are not facts, and you have consistently shown to have strange opinions.
I reported facts, not opinions, about young marrying ages that are allowed by the States. You are using an incorrect definition of pedophilia to attack a Republican not because you care about that woman when she was 14, but about attacking a Republican by any means possible.


Inordinately Right
I reported facts, not opinions, about young marrying ages that are allowed by the States. You are using an incorrect definition of pedophilia to attack a Republican not because you care about that woman when she was 14, but about attacking a Republican by any means possible.
Reasonable people don't need it to be illegal to know it's wrong and disgusting. Your only concern is defending a Republican by any means possible, even though it makes you look like a dirtbag.


Well-Known Member
I reported facts, not opinions, about young marrying ages that are allowed by the States. You are using an incorrect definition of pedophilia to attack a Republican not because you care about that woman when she was 14, but about attacking a Republican by any means possible.
Allowed in special circumstances, not as a general rule.


Well-Known Member
Happy to take advantage of it, though, right? Do you go to the Dominican Republic with Rush Limbaugh?
More than happy to marry a young adult willing to marry me if I were still single. Assuming she appealed to me. What you are saying in effect is she should remain in poverty rather than improve her chances of a better life. The Philippines has a 70% poverty rate.


Staff member
I'm not making any such argument. You're saying it was pedophilia, which it wasn't. It was still wrong, and if it's true he should pay a price for it. It's still legal in many States for 14 year olds to get married, although not as common as it was in the 50's or earlier. Those laws do not demand they only marry those of similar age. And marriage presumes sex. So take it up with the States who allow it.

Earlier you said the "majority of states." Now, you are down to "many states."

Backing off?


Inordinately Right
I had planned to go to the Philippines to find a wife when I was around 60. And she most likely would've been in the late teens to early 20's. They don't have a problem with that there.
Wow you really are sick.


Well-Known Member
Reasonable people don't need it to be illegal to know it's wrong and disgusting. Your only concern is defending a Republican by any means possible, even though it makes you look like a dirtbag.
Who are you to say when States make it legal? I'm just pointing out that there's a difference between a 14 yr old that's menstruating and a 12 yr old that isn't. Whether you like it or not one is a child and one is a young woman. I don't think a 14 year old is mature enough to be with a 30 yr old. And there's something very off about a 30 year old who only dates teenagers. But it isn't pedophilia, even if it's a Democrat. And as I've said before sex should be between a man and woman who are married to each other from a Christian perspective. So Moore was flat out wrong to touch her. And if that derails him so be it. For all I know Moore may have gotten serious about his religion, asked for forgiveness, got married and never touched another woman besides his wife. If that's the case there is such a thing as forgiveness. If you are expecting lawmakers to be perfect angels you'll probably have to get rid of most everyone in Congress.


Well-Known Member
Over the last two decades. Good to hear you condone child marriage, though.

You seem like a swell fellow.
So? You make it sound like it was all my idea. Most people get married for their first and hopefully the last time in their 20's and 30's. I'm not advocating anything else, just pointing out your idea of pedophilia isn't accurate. And again, if you are truly outraged take it up with the States, get the laws changed, prove the Left can be as prudish as the Right. More power to you!


Inordinately Right
Who are you to say when States make it legal? I'm just pointing out that there's a difference between a 14 yr old that's menstruating and a 12 yr old that isn't. Whether you like it or not one is a child and one is a young woman.
So you're still defending a 30 year old preying on a 14 year old child. Not surprising considering you just admitted you were going to the philippines to buy a wife 40 years younger than you. Disgusting.


Staff member
The truth is if a girl is menstruating she's old enough to marry and thus have sex in most States.

...said every guilty pedophile ever.