Draining The Swamp


Staff member
There's only one "side" here defending the kiddie diddler. Van is arguing that it was normal for 30 yr old men to bang 14 yr olds in the 80s and the only thing wrong was that they weren't married. There's no way you guys would be making this argument if the perp wasn't your candidate for senate.
Or possibly a bigwig at Fox News.


Well-Known Member
Fmr Dep. DA Theresa Jones, who worked alongside Roy Moore, tells CNN: “It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird...We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall..."

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Fmr Dep. DA Theresa Jones, who worked alongside Roy Moore, tells CNN: “It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird...We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall..."
There's so much more coraboration with Moore than there is for Spacey, but I didn't hear any "let's wait and see" with him. It's all about tax cuts for the rich, can't jeopardize those.


Well-Known Member
There's only one "side" here defending the kiddie diddler. Van is arguing that it was normal for 30 yr old men to bang 14 yr olds in the 80s and the only thing wrong was that they weren't married. There's no way you guys would be making this argument if the perp wasn't your candidate for senate.

Don't twist honey buns. I said I'll let it play out and see where it goes before I condemn that guy , that's not a defense of pedophilia.

here is a list from the NY times. I'll await the appropriate commentary and feigned outrage for each person listed from you.

After Weinstein: A List of Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct and the Fallout for Each


Well-Known Member
There's only one "side" here defending the kiddie diddler. Van is arguing that it was normal for 30 yr old men to bang 14 yr olds in the 80s and the only thing wrong was that they weren't married. There's no way you guys would be making this argument if the perp wasn't your candidate for senate.
I'm not making any such argument. You're saying it was pedophilia, which it wasn't. It was still wrong, and if it's true he should pay a price for it. It's still legal in many States for 14 year olds to get married, although not as common as it was in the 50's or earlier. Those laws do not demand they only marry those of similar age. And marriage presumes sex. So take it up with the States who allow it.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Sexual Misconduct in California's Capitol is Difficult to Escape

Nearly 200 women have signed a letter denouncing a culture of rampant sexual misconduct in and around the state government here in Sacramento.

Unfolding sex scandal offers lessons about California’s political hypocrisy

SACRAMENTO — There are few areas of private life that California’s legislators won’t at least attempt to meddle, which makes it that much more infuriating when the Capitol crowd can’t get its own house in order. I’m thinking, of course, about the unfolding sexual-harassment scandal, and lawmakers’ amazing efforts to basically look the other way.

Sexual harassment or misconduct knows NO political lines. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I said I don't know if he's guilty or not.......you can't excuse someone when you don't know the outcome.
Doesn’t make any difference. He is not being tried in a court of law, only in the court of public opinion. The longer he is defended, the worse it will be.


Well-Known Member
I think we now know the real reason Van wants to live overseas.
According to laws in the majority of States a 14 yr old is old enough to marry. Girls that age routinely marry in many countries. And used to in this country. But women's rights advocates want to push the age of consent up to insure girls get educated and have a life independent of men if so desired. Fine, I get that. But sex with a 14 year old isn't wrong because of her age. As a Christian it's wrong because he wasn't married to her. And I know I'll get scorned for that from every angle. We live in a different world today than when Moore was 32. And I'll gladly say I have a problem with a 32 yr old with a 14 yr old much more than a 19 yr old with a 14 yr old. But in a historical context it isn't pedophilia.

I'm not defending his sex with a minor. I'm saying it's not pedophilia. But as a Christian he had no business touching anyone but his wife. Sin is sin. And as humans nothing trips us up more than sex. I'm not innocent either. The youngest woman I have had sex with was 20, same as I was. But I wasn't married to her. What you folks don't seem to grasp is that Christians are just as human as everyone else. The difference is we acknowledge the wrong, ask for forgiveness, and try not to do the wrong again if we're sincere. Non-believers don't see the necessity of that, don't want that kind of structure over their lives, and some are angered that Christians living the best they can by that code are somehow judging them for not doing so. Guess we'll have to find out someday who was right, if it mattered, or if it was worth getting angry about.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I'm not making any such argument. You're saying it was pedophilia, which it wasn't. It was still wrong, and if it's true he should pay a price for it. It's still legal in many States for 14 year olds to get married, although not as common as it was in the 50's or earlier. Those laws do not demand they only marry those of similar age. And marriage presumes sex. So take it up with the States who allow it.
Should he pay a price before or after republicans elect him to the US senate.


Well-Known Member
Sexual Misconduct in California's Capitol is Difficult to Escape

Nearly 200 women have signed a letter denouncing a culture of rampant sexual misconduct in and around the state government here in Sacramento.

Unfolding sex scandal offers lessons about California’s political hypocrisy

SACRAMENTO — There are few areas of private life that California’s legislators won’t at least attempt to meddle, which makes it that much more infuriating when the Capitol crowd can’t get its own house in order. I’m thinking, of course, about the unfolding sexual-harassment scandal, and lawmakers’ amazing efforts to basically look the other way.

Sexual harassment or misconduct knows NO political lines. Hope this helps.
Who knew Trump getting elected would open up the floodgates to embolden women to go after so many liberal pervs? Way to go Trump!


Well-Known Member
Sexual Misconduct in California's Capitol is Difficult to Escape

Nearly 200 women have signed a letter denouncing a culture of rampant sexual misconduct in and around the state government here in Sacramento.

Unfolding sex scandal offers lessons about California’s political hypocrisy

SACRAMENTO — There are few areas of private life that California’s legislators won’t at least attempt to meddle, which makes it that much more infuriating when the Capitol crowd can’t get its own house in order. I’m thinking, of course, about the unfolding sexual-harassment scandal, and lawmakers’ amazing efforts to basically look the other way.

Sexual harassment or misconduct knows NO political lines. Hope this helps.
Texas, too. It’s everywhere, even at UPS.