Driver Quits


Well-Known Member
This is a bit off topic but as far as proper training goes,it takes the cake.
Someone in the cafe posted about a year ago (I think the thread was"stupid things drivers do") not sure if its true...but it could happen....
They sent a new guy out and told him to do your deliveries and do your pickups...and make sure you dont bring anything back.
He went missing.The police couldn't find him.
He called 3 days later from 3 states away to tell them he was running
out of money.He was delivering all the pkgs he picked up and surviving
on his cod money.



Need LS7 powered PKG car
Bit off topic, but a funny driver story.

I was at one of our Satellite centers a couple days ago picking up the feeder trailer after all the pkg car guys got back. I was talking to one of the drivers when the center manager called wanting to know why he ran 2 hours over plan that day. Without missing a beat he said " 120 people told me, just a minute,". Center manager didn't know what to say after that. I got a good laugh though.


Browncafe Steward
I was talking to another steward today and he told me this story.

On monday a proby driver took out his route while he did a half day. When he came back to the building ho noticed his truck was back and just sitting inside of the overhead door. So he went in and asked the girls in the office why his truck was back at the building, they were in shock so they went out and opened it up. Everything had fallen off the shelves and it was just one big mess. He then picked up the diad and there was a note, I QUIT THIS JOBS NOT FOR ME! This punk kid didnt even have the respect to inform anyone he was quitting. Wheres the work ethics with these kids now? He was only 22 and had the chance of of living a preety good life. Anyways any of you have similiar stories of drivers quiting like this.

Heres an update. Ups has brought this kid back as an air driver on the night shift now! Can you believe this? I bet you this kid has a friend higher up in management somewhere! How can ups ever discipline us for this after doing this? UNBELIEVABLE!


Two minute Therapist
On a good note, this falls as past practices!!!! So we teamsters can get some slack on this issue.:thumbup1:

Heres an update. Ups has brought this kid back as an air driver on the night shift now! Can you believe this? I bet you this kid has a friend higher up in management somewhere! How can ups ever discipline us for this after doing this? UNBELIEVABLE!


Senior Member
Bit off topic, but a funny driver story.

the center manager called wanting to know why he ran 2 hours over plan that day. Without missing a beat he said " 120 people told me, just a minute,". Center manager didn't know what to say after that. I got a good laugh though.
How many times does a driver hear a customer say," It will just take me a minute."
One minute of their time averages five minutes ,in the watch wearing world.
The one I love is," It will just take me a second."
I start my stopwatch everytime I hear that phrase.
Minutes go by in that second ,on an average. I say nothing, the customer is satisfied. I quietly laugh to myself and wonder how the timestudy IE people factor in this common/constant occurance.
Then, I remember they don't.


Agent of Change
Heres an update. Ups has brought this kid back as an air driver on the night shift now! Can you believe this? I bet you this kid has a friend higher up in management somewhere! How can ups ever discipline us for this after doing this? UNBELIEVABLE!

Yeah, actually, I can believe it, Red. UPS is having a real desperate time attracting and retaining people. In Chicago's suburbs, I've gotta guess its even harder. Its really sad UPS has stooped so low but I'm still not surprised. -Rocky


Well-Known Member
Heres an update. Ups has brought this kid back as an air driver on the night shift now! Can you believe this? I bet you this kid has a friend higher up in management somewhere! How can ups ever discipline us for this after doing this? UNBELIEVABLE!

Wow, Red are you in mgt now. I have read most all of your post(did my homework) and can' t believe what Im hearing. Red if your a shop stewart you should be defending this poop bird at all cost. You should blame the company its there fault for making him quit, anyhow. Remember when you defended Joe the no show, no call in part timer. This is truly disturbing. Red is changing. Red, I told you that when I was a shop stewart I would bring the poop bird out in public and make him an example or deterent, so others wouldn't fall into the same bad pattern. Folks we are the ones ultimately affected when a poop bird blatantly breaks the rules. If you dont know Im a driver and ex shop stewart in Virgina(22 yrs total so far with UPS). Red, I thought you would have already had his grievance written out for him. Red you should be happy with the sups decision to bring him back. Red this is out of your character. Again, I would bring the poop bird employee out in public.

Red, you chastised me, for bringing the poop birds out in public. You told me to take him to the wood shed(chew his butt out in private, away from sups and hourlys), but then you take this poop bird, that I assume is in your center(I also assume your center knows you post here, sups and hourlys because you stated it) and post his plight on the World Wide Web(is that out in public or what). Is that what a hard core teamster shop stewart is supposed to do. Red, you were elected as a shop stewart, what percentage of your vote was from the poop birds. What are you thinking about Red? Red, you could lose the poop birds vote then you would lose the election. What about that power over the sups,being a shop stewart. It would be gone. No longer a shop stewart, just a plan old laborer like the rest of us. Red, believe it or not Im trying to help you here. Dont take it personal. sincerely area43
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Browncafe Steward
Wow, Red are you in mgt now. I have read most all of your post(did my homework) and can' t believe what Im hearing. Red if your a shop stewart you should be defending this poop bird at all cost. You should blame the company its there fault for making him quit, anyhow. Remember when you defended Joe the no show, no call in part timer. This is truly disturbing. Red is changing. Red, I told you that when I was a shop stewart I would bring the poop bird out in public and make him an example or deterent, so others wouldn't fall into the same bad pattern. Folks we are the ones ultimately affected when a poop bird blatantly breaks the rules. If you dont know Im a driver and ex shop stewart in Virgina(22 yrs total so far with UPS). Red, I thought you would have already had his grievance written out for him. Red you should be happy with the sups decision to bring him back. Red this is out of your character. Again, I would bring the poop bird employee out in public.

Red, you chastised me, for bringing the poop birds out in public. You told me to take him to the wood shed(chew his butt out in private, away from sups and hourlys), but then you take this poop bird, that I assume is in your center(I also assume your center knows you post here, sups and hourlys because you stated it) and post his plight on the World Wide Web(is that out in public or what). Is that what a hard core teamster shop stewart is supposed to do. Red, you were elected as a shop stewart, what percentage of your vote was from the poop birds. What are you thinking about Red? Red, you could lose the poop birds vote then you would lose the election. What about that power over the sups,being a shop stewart. It would be gone. No longer a shop stewart, just a plan old laborer like the rest of us. Red, believe it or not Im trying to help you here. Dont take it personal. sincerely area43

Area This punk kid brought a truck full of packages back to the center and did not even have the stones to tell any one he quit! Do you know who suffers here? The customer! This kid to my knowledge was hired off of the street and still in his 40 day probationary period so hes not entitled to my representaion yet. Even if he was i couldnt argue this because he chose to abandon his job! Fyi he wasnt out of my center, another steward called me and asked what he should do, i told him nothing the kid quit. What i couldnt believe is that ups hired this same punk kid back, so when he gives up out there again and misses pick ups the company can only blame themselves for losing those customers and or service failures!

Area i dont have to explain myself to you, and im really not interested in your help on anything! your the same guy who printed out someones post from here on the bc and sat in your managers office with the ups accountant and the posters real name and had them look over the info! Your the one doing a great disservice to the brown cafe community by bringing info thats meant for us in this community out into the workplace.


Well-Known Member
I have even heard stories of employees (both union AND management) coming back after fighting, I mean exchanging blows and everything. All I know is if I ever lose my cool and my thinking for a split second and punch somebody out, I will still have a job.:thumbup1: (Past practice)


Agent of Change
I have even heard stories of employees (both union AND management) coming back after fighting, I mean exchanging blows and everything.

Yep, same here. I heard about a guy that took a swing on a p/t sup and got his job back! P/t supe wasn't fired, despite throwing a punch AND connecting with the hourly. I work for the p/t supe and see the hourly when I double. Hourly is still pretty peeved at the supe. The supe walks away every time the hourly's name comes up, so he obviously hasn't forgotten, either. -Rocky


Well-Known Member
Heres an update. Ups has brought this kid back as an air driver on the night shift now! Can you believe this? I bet you this kid has a friend higher up in management somewhere! How can ups ever discipline us for this after doing this? UNBELIEVABLE![/quote

Or the kid has a higher up union friend.

Knew of a driver in the late 80's who was stealing COD monies to support a cocaine habit. He was arrested and prosecuted.

A phone call was made by the District Manager to drop the charges as the driver was the son in law of a union official.

The employee made restitution on all the monies stolen, however, did not get his job back at UPS.

He even kept the COD tags at his house, with the intention of submitting COD monies at a later date, with either their own money or other COD money.

So we all know there is give and take when it comes to employee discipline.


Well-Known Member
I have even heard stories of employees (both union AND management) coming back after fighting, I mean exchanging blows and everything. All I know is if I ever lose my cool and my thinking for a split second and punch somebody out, I will still have a job.:thumbup1: (Past practice)

I've seen a case in our building where an employee on 2 different occassions was removed from service for workplace violence and came back. Not because the employee didn't do as claimed but because a certain papertrail wasn't followed. I know it's the rules but what message do you send to the other employees?

If this guy ever gets out of hand and hurts someone, my guess is UPS and IBT will see themselves together as defendants in a nice lawsuit that I'm sure is the last PR nightmare this company needs. Someone will hit the lottery so to speak IMO.


Well-Known Member
I've seen a case in our building where an employee on 2 different occassions was removed from service for workplace violence and came back. Not because the employee didn't do as claimed but because a certain papertrail wasn't followed. I know it's the rules but what message do you send to the other employees?

If this guy ever gets out of hand and hurts someone, my guess is UPS and IBT will see themselves together as defendants in a nice lawsuit that I'm sure is the last PR nightmare this company needs. Someone will hit the lottery so to speak IMO

Unfortunately, it is just a matter of time.

I've seen union and non union employees given their jobs back as well. Must be the form of discipline we take with the employees involved. Warning as opposed to immediate termination. Should be a cardinal sin in my opinion.

Why risk the behavior happening again, unless the employee goes to anger management classes, which I have seen be a condition of employment at UPS.


Well-Known Member
Area This punk kid brought a truck full of packages back to the center and did not even have the stones to tell any one he quit! Do you know who suffers here? The customer! This kid to my knowledge was hired off of the street and still in his 40 day probationary period so hes not entitled to my representaion yet. Even if he was i couldnt argue this because he chose to abandon his job! Fyi he wasnt out of my center, another steward called me and asked what he should do, i told him nothing the kid quit. What i couldnt believe is that ups hired this same punk kid back, so when he gives up out there again and misses pick ups the company can only blame themselves for losing those customers and or service failures!

Area i dont have to explain myself to you, and im really not interested in your help on anything! your the same guy who printed out someones post from here on the bc and sat in your managers office with the ups accountant and the posters real name and had them look over the info! Your the one doing a great disservice to the brown cafe community by bringing info thats meant for us in this community out into the workplace.

Red, to answer your first question, Who suffers here? Yes, you have it partly right. Remember my Marine Corp analogy, the sup(platoon sgt) and the other drivers(marines) will have to cover his sorry butt. Oh thats right the sup cant help, because you'll file a grievance(remember Joe dirt, no call, no show,awol that you stubbornly defended) for the sup(sgt) working.

Red, your second question. In reference to not representing him in his 40 day prob period. Hmmmm that surprises me. When I was a shop stewart, as soon as that new employee punched in. I was there to represent him, you know, "the common laborer". What s the kid supposed to do? Represent himself. Lets say he didn't abandon his job. Lets just say he was 5 minutes late. Would you then represent him? Or would you just leave him high and dry?

Red, don't you believe in giving people second chances. This kid seems to need guidance and tutoring. Obviously, he didn't get it at home. Red, you and the other shops stewarts are mentors, role models for the younger drivers whether you want to be or not. Like you say the company is counting on you. The customers are counting on you, so to speak. Does that stewart know that you post on the Brown Cafe. Curious, if he does than Im sure he has told others in his center. Therefore, you have called this poop bird out in public on the World Wide Web(no wood shed, here folks).

Red, you said you don't have to explain yourself to me. I have been a teamster for 22 years, longer than you have. I pay my dues and are in good standing with the teamsters. I am a common UPS laborer. Its your job as a stewart to answer all my questions. Our do you just want the soft fluffy questions? This isnt Red communist China. This is America. Red, answer my questions. I want my monies worth.

Red, Last question pertaining to me bringing the info to the center manager office. Red dont forget you asked for the facts. I guess, I could have just told the center manager to bring it up on their computer screen. Anyhow, as a shop stewart 99 percent of the time you have to go to the company to get the facts. Example, accidents,theft, call ins, pay problems, etc, etc. Where did you want me to go to get the facts? the teamsters, as far as I was concerned, they were not involved.

In Closing, Red why did you tell the people in your center you post here. I believe in telling them you have forfeited your right to post as you convictions lead you. Peer pressure. Knowing that you have to go to work the next day and face the music, could be scarey. Ex. You want to side with Tie on a issue but dont, because of the poop birds in your center will give you a dirty look and you might lose their vote.


Industrial Slob
I was talking to another steward today and he told me this story.

On monday a proby driver took out his route while he did a half day. When he came back to the building ho noticed his truck was back and just sitting inside of the overhead door. So he went in and asked the girls in the office why his truck was back at the building, they were in shock so they went out and opened it up. Everything had fallen off the shelves and it was just one big mess. He then picked up the diad and there was a note, I QUIT THIS JOBS NOT FOR ME! This punk kid didnt even have the respect to inform anyone he was quitting. Wheres the work ethics with these kids now? He was only 22 and had the chance of of living a preety good life. Anyways any of you have similiar stories of drivers quiting like this.
*old man voice* those damn kids!


Well-Known Member
He called 3 days later from 3 states away to tell them he was running
out of money.He was delivering all the pkgs he picked up and surviving
on his cod money.

Now that's funny!

As far as being a steward, if the person is off the street then they are not union paying members etc...and have no rights under the contract until they qualify. We can give advice but that's about it. If they were part-time then we still can't do much until the probationary period is up. Also Red is the steward for those in his center that elected him, and is not paid by the union, as all stewards to my knowledge. We don't hire them, we just have to defend the contract etc...As far as calling them out on the carpet in front of everyone, that's certainly not the way I do things as what an individual did is not anyone's business but theirs, and it's personal and confidential. We are not managers and are not obligated to try and embarass them or demean them in front of the body.