Drivers- Best Shoes

By The Book

Well-Known Member
Nope. Would it help if I started linking additional websites why your legs become tired and how its directly related to your feet being properly supported?

I'm amazed so many around here refuse to think about it.

Its not the weight of the shoe. The fat around your belly effects your back and legs more than a few grams heavier shoe.

Read post #264 again.

If you still don't get it take a break. Go to the bathroom, fly a kite, take a nap.
Come back later and reread post #264.

If you still don't get it, continue on with your miserable non-thought provoking life.
If you are not on the safety committee please join. This thought process needs to be implemented. Lets start with your center so you get the credit.


That’s Craptacular
yea yea yea. Like already mentioned your experience does not change the Medical facts of which causes your legs to become tired.
You can continue believing it was the weight of the shoe and show how you're unwilling to listen to facts.
You must be one of been one of those few drivers who kept themselves in tip top shape with very low body fat to actually have noticed a weight difference in your shoes.


Well-Known Member
If you are not on the safety committee please join. This thought process needs to be implemented. Lets start with your center so you get the credit.
Is the safety committee management or union?
If its union do they follow the standard process of promotion by seniority only and not knowledge?


That’s Craptacular
yea yea yea. Like already mentioned your experience does not change the Medical facts of which causes your legs to become tired.
You can continue believing it was the weight of the shoe and show how you're unwilling to listen to facts.
You must be one of been one of those few drivers who kept themselves in tip top shape with very low body fat to actually have noticed a weight difference in your shoes.
So....they haven't asked you to become a PT sup yet?? If so, why didn't you leap at the opportunity?


Well-Known Member
I was on the safety committee for a few months. Pizza and extra half hour pay was pretty sweet when all I had to do was listen to gossip and new safety procedures.

By The Book

Well-Known Member
Is the safety committee management or union?
If its union do they follow the standard process of promotion by seniority only and not knowledge?
They are comprised of both. The management you get who's there, union members are a combination of part time and full time members. The trick is to get them to talk about safety issues of the members.