The little technicalities people throw out there make it confusing. Easier just to think okay, I left at 9. I have to be back by 11 or I'm violating DOT rules.
You said it correctly, be
back by 11, not necessarily off the clock by 11.
It's not a hard concept to grasp.
1. You cannot
drive more than 11 hours without taking 10 hours off. Does not affect package car drivers.
2. You cannot
drive after working for 14 hours, including lunch and breaks, without taking 10 hours off.
3. You cannot
drive after working for 60 hours in a 7 day period, not including lunch or breaks.
4. You need to be off for 34 hours to reset your 60 hours.
Yes some centers have gone to a 70/8 rule and you can do a rolling 60/70 without taking 34 hours off, but most package car drivers don't need to bother with this.