E-Star* Update!


Well-Known Member
Alright, rook.
We’re simply going to disagree forever on that one. Amazing the luck I’ve had these eight years, fooling everybody at work. I’m going to write a screenplay.
You are just being a drama queen at this point. It's funny yet pathetic at the same time. Keep writing that screenplay I'm sure Netflix will eat it up in no time.

That's too much extra work to lie to the customer(I deliver and be on my way faster than trying to explain anything to them), we have an acceptable % of standalones, they just happen to be pushing it this time of year, just like hour breaks last month... same thing for the past umpteen years.

I'm surprised there's an acceptable amount of stand alones. If you deliver a stand alone where I'm at, you get berated the next day even if your P1 is on time.


Well-Known Member
That's too much extra work to lie to the customer(I deliver and be on my way faster than trying to explain anything to them), we have an acceptable % of standalones, they just happen to be pushing it this time of year, just like hour breaks last month... same thing for the past umpteen years.
What are stand alones?


Well-Known Member
I'll change the punctuation just for you.

"Will you show up? Shut up? Get in the truck? You're hired."

BTW, you use too many commas in your run-on sentences. I understand them but you might have to use some periods to break them up into proper sentences.
"Shut up?" and "Get in the truck" are questions? I didn't know we had an English major in here, and a bad one at that.
That's too much extra work to lie to the customer(I deliver and be on my way faster than trying to explain anything to them), we have an acceptable % of standalones, they just happen to be pushing it this time of year, just like hour breaks last month... same thing for the past umpteen years.
I thought you couldn't go out of order with EStar.
What are stand alones?
Delivering a deferred only delivery during the P1 cycle.


Huge Member
What’s an example of a deferred only delivery? Like delivering a P2 right next door to an estar mandated P1 stop?

A deferred only/stand-alone is a stop with ONLY a P2 package for that delivery. A standalone is a standalone, doesn't matter if it's DRA, SRA, Estar, etc.

Tag-along packages are P2 packages that are going to the same stop that you're already going to with a P1 package.

Do they not teach this in training anymore?


Well-Known Member
My official courier training was for about 3 1/2 days. So there seem to be little things I’m always hearing for the first time. I do remember my terrible, worst instructor in the world telling us to return later to the same address with any P2s. But I didn’t hear the term “standalone.”


Well-Known Member
My official courier training was for about 3 1/2 days. So there seem to be little things I’m always hearing for the first time. I do remember my terrible, worst instructor in the world telling us to return later to the same address with any P2s. But I didn’t hear the term “standalone.”
We had a few couriers who only delivered all their businesses three times a day, P1 first, SOS later, 2day and XS even later. First time I ran one of their routes, the bulk customers complained about me delivering all their stuff during P1. Managers caught on eventually, they either looked the other way or were that dumb to not notice the 12 hours days every day, when swings ran it in eight or nine hours a day.


Well-Known Member
My official courier training was for about 3 1/2 days. So there seem to be little things I’m always hearing for the first time. I do remember my terrible, worst instructor in the world telling us to return later to the same address with any P2s. But I didn’t hear the term “standalone.”

3 and a half days of training? That explains an awful lot, but your instructor is totally wrong here. You have to return later but not that much later. You are allowed to deliver standalone P2 packages after 10:30 commit only. This is so we don't miss the window on stupid-ass receiving hours that most places like Walmart and Costco have.


Well-Known Member
Yes, well that’s what the company was doing before peak. As anyone who’s gone through any courier training knows, it’s nice, but being on the job is the real teacher. I’ve learned what’s needed to do a good job. And what doesn’t get the job done well. I’m certain I’m better at it than you are. And I couldn’t care less what you think. You’re in lockstep with some of the forum’s most clinically needy crazies.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
Yes, well that’s what the company was doing before peak. As anyone who’s gone through any courier training knows, it’s nice, but being on the job is the real teacher. I’ve learned what’s needed to do a good job. And what doesn’t get the job done well. I’m certain I’m better at it than you are. And I couldn’t care less what you think. You’re in lockstep with some of the forum’s most clinically needy crazies.
Whatever instructor you had in courier class should be terminated. Their teaching skills must be very poor.


Well-Known Member
Yes, well that’s what the company was doing before peak. As anyone who’s gone through any courier training knows, it’s nice, but being on the job is the real teacher. I’ve learned what’s needed to do a good job. And what doesn’t get the job done well. I’m certain I’m better at it than you are. And I couldn’t care less what you think. You’re in lockstep with some of the forum’s most clinically needy crazies.

You already proved yourself to be unfit for the job and you can't back up your claims. This response just reinforces what's already true. Even the rookies at my station don't complain this much.


Just telling it like it is
Does FedEx even have a courier school anymore?
I really don't know, but I doubt it. It's probably more like "here's the keys, there's your vehicle, now have at it."

30 years ago courier school was two full weeks and 8 hours a day.


Well-Known Member
I really don't know, but I doubt it. It's probably more like "here's the keys, there's your vehicle, now have at it."

30 years ago courier school was two full weeks and 8 hours a day.
Yeah, it was located in the same city as my station. Everyone else got put up in a hotel with a nice per diem and rides to school. Me and another guy from our station had to get to class on our own dime and pay for our own meals. Had to work our last day while everyone else went home. Sign of things to come.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it was located in the same city as my station. Everyone else got put up in a hotel with a nice per diem and rides to school. Me and another guy from our station had to get to class on our own dime and pay for our own meals. Had to work our last day while everyone else went home. Sign of things to come.
I can understand wanting to have your lunch paid for, but to expect reimbursement for your breakfast and dinner and complaining about not being put in a hotel. Wow. Sign of things to come from you. Your additional mileage to the class should have been reimbursed but that is about all you are due. At least you don't appear to hold a grudge 30 yrs later.


Well-Known Member
You already proved yourself to be unfit for the job and you can't back up your claims. This response just reinforces what's already true. Even the rookies at my station don't complain this much.

So you say. Unfit because of my little mirror occurrence? Fine. People sometimes panic and do the wrong thing. If you’re this unbending and intolerant, God help your wife and kids, assuming anyone would be with you.

I come in on time, do my route, have no lates, deliver or attempt everything, clock out. But I’ve probably just fooled every manager for the past eight years by lacing their Kool Aid.


Well-Known Member
We had a few couriers who only delivered all their businesses three times a day, P1 first, SOS later, 2day and XS even later. First time I ran one of their routes, the bulk customers complained about me delivering all their stuff during P1. Managers caught on eventually, they either looked the other way or were that dumb to not notice the 12 hours days every day, when swings ran it in eight or nine hours a day.
We had a courier back east that had his route cut because he was getting to many hours. He stopped bringing in the tag-a-longs and would go there 2-3 times a day, depending on how busy he was.