I've had a good opportunity to look at and consider everything in this agreement and I agree with the BA at Local 639, who was on the National Committee, and this is a good agreement. This contract addressed every concern and accomplished every goal that we asked of our Committee to work for. The BA told me that the Company was absolutely dead serious that employees pay a portion of their health care premiums right up until the last night of negotiations. The Committee not only beat that down but also secured the monies needed to maintain and possibly improves our current benefits. In addition, we also got more than enough money to make sure our pension stay's secure and healthy. Those were big victories! Now as far as the raises are concerned, I'm very happy that by the end of this Contract that the pay rate for a full time employee (feeder, driver, ft inside) will be about $37.00 per hour and the total package will be almost $60.00 per hour. Has anyone checked what the highest paid fed ex ft employees make lately? I've known the BA at Local 639 for over 30 years and I trust his judgement. He would not endorse a bad deal and this is a good deal. I voted yes and know that many of my co-workers also voted yes.