early results

Re: It's early, but the National TA is losing narrowly right now

Hey Hoffa sux let me know if you want my phone number so I can explain that teamcare to ya.


Gone Fish'n
Re: It's early, but the National TA is losing narrowly right now

Yeah, it will only get better when people start opening the bills form the Doctors since CS does not cover crap !
I've had over 3000 dollars worth of medical care this year for my family, met the 400 dollar family deductible, and have paid maybe another 100 bucks out of pocket. Did I mention we didnt pay a dime out if pocket in premiums? To grossly overstate that CS doesn't cover crap is itself crap.


Well-Known Member
Re: It's early, but the National TA is losing narrowly right now

You know nothing about it. Uneducated and posting on an Internet forum. You should be drunk too.
I like you a lot 407, but I am concerned. Do you really believe that Mr. Hoffa has your best interest in his heart? I say no. Do you think that he really looks out for the rank and file? I don't. We are all free to have our opinions. My opinion is that we need some change. I doubt that will happen any time soon..

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: It's early, but the National TA is losing narrowly right now

You know nothing about it. Uneducated and posting on an Internet forum. You should be drunk too.


In order for ratification, the EAST needed to build a giant buffer to protect themselves from 89, 177 and the entire WEST. The gap is roughly 2000 and that ISNT NEARLY ENOUGH to pass it.

It will all come down to the WEST. One local in the west voting NO will surely close that 2000 vote gap and put it in jeopardy.

89 will thunder down on those numbers in the morning.

I GUARANTEE YOU, that RIGHT NOW, as I TYPE THIS ( 915pm pst) HOFFA/HALL are gathered in a room chitting themselves. The TA is slightly winning with a 56% approval margin. I predicted 52%.

When the voting is tallied tomorrow, look for that number to drop to 52% then when the WEST is counted, YOU YES voters better find someplace to hide your faces.

You needed a giant GAP by tonight, and it didnt happen.

In each sector counted so far, there have been plenty of NON EXPECTED NO VOTES, and for that, I PERSONALLY THANK YOU MEMBERS for understanding what is at stake! While your districts barely passed the TA, all your supplements are being shot down. Your NO votes will not be forgotten!

56% isnt a happy number for you YES voters. This spells trouble!

UPSTATE results were BETTER for the NO voters. The entire region shows that they are highly divided on this TA.

Pennsylvania helped out the WEST by overwhelmingly rejecting the TA. THANK YOU PENN!!

804 helped out the WEST by rejecting the TA... THANK YOU 804!!
623 helped out the WEST by rejecting the TA... THANK YOU 623!!

Stay tuned.



Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
Friday's Vote Count

As of Friday nigh:

9270 YES

7223 NO

The east coast isn't finished yet as the NO camp is expected to narrow that gap with the last few locals there. East coast is the strongest YES vote region, so if the vote is this close this far in then the NO vote looks like their in pretty good shape. In 2007 the YES vote was over 80% with the same locals counted. Looking forward to tomorrow and the Local 89 votes. As of Thursday morning over 3500 ballots had arrived from Local 89 members, lets hope another 1500 arrive(d) from Thursday to Tomorrow at 10:00am.

New Jersey's big Local 177 has not yet been tallied either.

Hundreds of Local 89 members received their ballots yesterday and today--Fred Z has informed his members that charges will be filed against the IBT on their behalf.

Ladies and gentleman do not celebrate until the fat lady sings!

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
Re: Friday's Vote Count

Its very close. My inside sources (present at the vote count) informed me that for the first time he's seen IBT personnel not be their usual bullies. It was also informed that when the election supervisor requested to the hall camp an extension for those who received late ballots he said "no way." Even though some of the Hoffa/Hall people said he didn't mind if everyone got the right to voice their vote.

A few of the Hoffa/Hall camp and NO vote camp observers shared cigarettes and joked around about the NBA Finals and their baseball teams. They got comfortable with each other and the Hoffa/Hall observers admitted to the NO camp observers that the NO vote was doing a lot better than the Hoffa/Hall camp had estimated. They admitted that hall was very worried and didn't want to see "the thousands of NO votes coming out of 177, 89 and the Southwest."

hall went as far as informing his camp that Andy M didn't do a very good job of convincing the Southwest of accepting this TA.


Well-Known Member
Re: It's early, but the National TA is losing narrowly right now

Yea, I am not sure what you Yes guys are so happy about, this is devastating. You needed a hell of a lot more yes votes coming out of the east. This thing is going down.


Man of Great Wisdom
Re: It's early, but the National TA is losing narrowly right now

Yea, I am not sure what you Yes guys are so happy about, this is devastating. You needed a hell of a lot more yes votes coming out of the east. This thing is going down.

Either way I'm not sure I will be devastated.


The Nim
Re: It's early, but the National TA is losing narrowly right now

Anything passed in the 50-55% margin is not really a good thing. If close to half of a vote block isn't happy then it's never in the best interest of most.