Earnings report

falcon back

Well-Known Member
Never said anything about volume. I said the operation is going to shrink over the long game. Ground will get bigger due to e-commerce exploding and Express not wanting to pay its drivers to deliver a jar of peanut butter to a house. We’re drowning in freight. And over time more and more of it will move to ground.
You said peak only last 1 week. Then you said you are drowning in freight. If you are drowning in freight, wouldn't that look a lot like peak? For the last several years, lack of volume has not been an issue. Even with Ground getting some Express freight, volume at Express has risen tremendously. The earnings release last week gave numbers concerning volume. I seem to remember there was big increases at Express. Even if Ground continues to grow, Express will see volume growth until the economy has its next decline. How can Express operation shrink when volume is thru the roof?


Well-Known Member
You said peak only last 1 week. Then you said you are drowning in freight. If you are drowning in freight, wouldn't that look a lot like peak? For the last several years, lack of volume has not been an issue. Even with Ground getting some Express freight, volume at Express has risen tremendously. The earnings release last week gave numbers concerning volume. I seem to remember there was big increases at Express. Even if Ground continues to grow, Express will see volume growth until the economy has its next decline. How can Express operation shrink when volume is thru the roof?
You move volume to ground... that’s how.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Where is this happening maybe last year but even now in TN the max benefit is 275 a week plus the 300. Then you need to pay for your own insurance or have none since over 500 a week would keep you from getting insurance through the state for free. The people being bums on unemployment are over blown. It is the job many easier jobs are paying more that’s why they have trouble finding people. I like the job is why I do it. But I can see why others wouldn’t.
It's happening all over the country in multiple lines of work.

Have you been asleep for the past year?


Well-Known Member
Only an idiot would bet on something they have no interest in or no control over. We all know you are an idiot. You work at a job you hate and yet, you keep scanning that time card every day. What a loser you are.
It's put up or shut up time for you Old falcon fart.


Well-Known Member
That little bit only paid for cobra and retirement medical insurance for a couple of years. 401k is keeping me living the good life until I decide to start my pension. It kills you that you struggle in retirement while I make more in retirement than most on here working. Life is good.
I have yet to touch either my SEP DRIP or my portfolio. Won't need to until 2023 at the earliest.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Bingo. The company clearly thinks this is temporary. Mostly management. It’s not. Morale at this company is dead. And Amazon keeps growing and becoming the better paying, more flexible warehouse work.
Here's an article talking about how that worker's paradise is burning through employees with a turnover rate of around 150%.

Amazon burns through workers so quickly that executives are worried they'll run out of people to employ, according to a new report

Hopefully you heard a rumor about how great it is to work at Amazon and just repeated it without thinking. I'd hate to think you really believe that.


Here's an article talking about how that worker's paradise is burning through employees with a turnover rate of around 150%.

Amazon burns through workers so quickly that executives are worried they'll run out of people to employ, according to a new report

Hopefully you heard a rumor about how great it is to work at Amazon and just repeated it without thinking. I'd hate to think you really believe that.
FedEx is well on their way towards that number. FedEx was a good place to work at one time. That reputation is what kept employees from quitting. That is not the case anymore and will be Amazon 2.0 when it comes to turnover.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
FedEx is well on their way towards that number. FedEx was a good place to work at one time. That reputation is what kept employees from quitting. That is not the case anymore and will be Amazon 2.0 when it comes to turnover.
Why don't you go back to running whores again. I hear you were a natural.


Well-Known Member
Here's an article talking about how that worker's paradise is burning through employees with a turnover rate of around 150%.

Amazon burns through workers so quickly that executives are worried they'll run out of people to employ, according to a new report

Hopefully you heard a rumor about how great it is to work at Amazon and just repeated it without thinking. I'd hate to think you really believe that.
I seriously doubt it’s “great”... but all things being equally horrible, you’re gonna work at the option with better pay that lets you pick your hours.


Just telling it like it is
Most everyone that got in the Portable from day 1 has a 6 figure balance. My Traditional is maxed out and growing by 10% a year until I start drawing. Waiting as long as I can on SS to take advantage of the 8% yearly growth. Being in the 401k since the early 80's, it wasn't hard to have a sizable balance. With the choices that Vanguard offered, it would be extremely hard to not have exceptional returns on your 401k. No matter how much money I have, my golf game continues to suck. If it weren't for being able to drink beer and ride around in a golf cart, I would have quit the game years ago. If there is water or sand on the course, I will find it.
Crap, you’re not even retired yet. Why don’t you come out and tell the truth for a change instead of your unimpressive BS?


Well-Known Member
FedEx is well on their way towards that number. FedEx was a good place to work at one time. That reputation is what kept employees from quitting. That is not the case anymore and will be Amazon 2.0 when it comes to turnover.
In a market that is becoming fiercely competitive the quality of employment is often the first to suffer and suffer the most. Granted, to survive as a blue collar worker in such a tough environment undergoing change at a blurring rate it requires a strong work ethic .Trouble with that is that many employers who enjoy the benefit of having exceptionally productive workers are also among the greediest employers and continue to demand ever more production until the disparity between the value demanded and the value offered becomes too extreme. The result is that the best people up and quit and often with no prior notice.

In the past young, healthy, productive and dependable blue collar workers with intellects strong enough to learn quickly weren't that hard to find. Due in part to the huge WWII boomer population.

That's all changed now, especially with boomers either retired or shoved out and much lower birth rates.

The carriers who survive will be the ones who can most quickly and completely adapt to the changing face of the American workforce. especially in the box and parcel business that at least for the foreseeable future will continue to need mountains of hand labor.


Well-Known Member
Amazon may have gone a step too far when they went to the megacycle a few months ago. Basically a ton of warehouse workers were given the choice of working the graveyard shift or getting let go. Then they got rid of the 6 am start time for the DSP drivers and increased the package count on the routes dramatically. So they lost a bunch of older folks who have families and can't work 2nd shift and they lost a lot of kids who simply don't want to deliver 300-350 packages when they were only delivering 200-250 a few months ago. Maybe they will be ok when the +300 ue insurance ends, but it's no longer the "sexy' job it was a few years ago.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
Crap, you’re not even retired yet. Why don’t you come out and tell the truth for a change instead of your unimpressive BS?
Already put in 18 on the course this morning, Only put 3 balls in the water. That is an improvement for me. Meanwhile your lack of planning has left you struggling in retirement. That is a shame. Must suck watching others flourish during retirement while your plan didn't work out.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Amazon may have gone a step too far when they went to the megacycle a few months ago. Basically a ton of warehouse workers were given the choice of working the graveyard shift or getting let go. Then they got rid of the 6 am start time for the DSP drivers and increased the package count on the routes dramatically. So they lost a bunch of older folks who have families and can't work 2nd shift and they lost a lot of kids who simply don't want to deliver 300-350 packages when they were only delivering 200-250 a few months ago. Maybe they will be ok when the +300 ue insurance ends, but it's no longer the "sexy' job it was a few years ago.
Amazon was a sexy job?


Just telling it like it is
Already put in 18 on the course this morning, Only put 3 balls in the water. That is an improvement for me. Meanwhile your lack of planning has left you struggling in retirement. That is a shame. Must suck watching others flourish during retirement while your plan didn't work out.
You haven’t a clue. And from what I’ve heard you ain’t even retired. Old lady won’t let you?