Election is over.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
when did it become respectful to publicly single out one member of the audience and make a speech in front of a packed crowd that his administration is making them fearful.
At the same time it became acceptable to single out an entire segment of society for legalized discrimination.
If he cant take the heat then he should get the friend out of the kitchen.


Well-Known Member
His policies directly target members of the cast and/or their families and friends.
If he used his political connections to get seats to a show that is normally only available by lottery, then he doesnt have a right to get all butthurt when he gets called out on those policies at the show by the same people he is targeting.
If he is going to be Vice President and target an entire segment of our population for discrimination, he had better get used to it because its going to keep happening. He needs to grow a thicker skin if he wants to play with the grownups.

typical liberal response freedom of speech only applies when its against the conservative. Otherwise you would call this bullying.


Well-Known Member
At the same time it became acceptable to single out an entire segment of society for legalized discrimination.
If he cant take the heat then he should get the friend out of the kitchen.

yea a single segment of society that wants to come over and kill us. nice argument
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Well-Known Member
His policies directly target members of the cast and/or their families and friends.
If he used his political connections to get seats to a show that is normally only available by lottery, then he doesnt have a right to get all butthurt when he gets called out on those policies at the show by the same people he is targeting.
If he is going to be Vice President and target an entire segment of our population for discrimination, he had better get used to it because its going to keep happening. He needs to grow a thicker skin if he wants to play with the grownups.

I have yet to hear him say anything about what happened.


Strength through joy
Not until the Electoral College votes .
And then that outcome becomes the official tally .

Nothing is set in stone .
The protestors have released the list of delegates to the EC , to hopefully see if a few votes can be changed away from Trump .


Pees in the brown Koolaid
yea a single segment of society that wants to come over and kill us. nice argument
I was referring to gay people. The ones Pence fought so hard to deny marriage rights to in Indiana. Last time I checked there were no gay people that wanted to come over and kill us.


Well-Known Member
I was referring to gay people. The ones Pence fought so hard to deny marriage rights to in Indiana. Last time I checked there were no gay people that wanted to come over and kill us.

you libs want your cake and eat it to. if they want protection from discrimination then they are entitled to it. If they want to be allowed to engage in and own the process of marriage rooted in our religious foundation then he should have the right to object without being accused of being discriminatory


golden ticket member