
Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real


Staff member
Saw another poll this morning where Romney is favored over all the other potential GOP nominees which is pretty consistent with every poll that includes him. I know he's saying that he won't run but he's gotta be thinking about it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Saw another poll this morning where Romney is favored over all the other potential GOP nominees which is pretty consistent with every poll that includes him. I know he's saying that he won't run but he's gotta be thinking about it.

The reality of those polls is that Romney is still polling in the high 20's%... Just like in 2008 and 2012, not one republican candidate can pull a majority % above 30%.

Its the same 28, 24, 21,8,7,5,4,3% for all republican candidates.

The GOP cant find a single voice that speaks for them. Despite Romney taking the lead in all polls, which he has since late last year, He knows that he would be CRUSHED in an another election.

The GOP faithful may want him, but the country as a whole still rejects him and his ideals.

Until the GOP can find one candidate who can pull near 50%, they will continue to lose the white house.



Well-Known Member
Historically, that the party in the White House loses seats in Congress, which is good. Can't trust either, they are all too political.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
All of you Teamsters as well as other working men and women make sure you vote for the candadites that support labor. We do not need anyone in office that is not supporting and voting for things that help us. Do your research on your candadites carefully before voting!
Sorry, but don't tell me how to vote.
Most of these PRO-LABOR canidates you are referring to are job killing Democrats.
What good is it to have labor friendly laws if there are no good jobs out there?
The Democrats have the White House for six years and I bet you can't name one thing Obama has done to get any good paying jobs developed in the U.S.
So this election I think I'll be giving my vote to people a little more PRO-BUSINESS and PRO-OIL DEVELOPMENT.
Our country needs more good paying jobs than they do labor friendly laws right now.
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golden ticket member
The Wall Street Journal predicted the GOP could rack up historic gains due to President Obama's unpopularity. He departed the White House Thursday to campaign for Democratic Congress candidates who'd asked for his help. He was back at the White House in about an hour.
Argus Hamilton


Well-Known Member
I am spammed unmercifully by the killer-spender-spies of DC, GOP division. I never look at Marco Rubio’s or the others. But today, for some reason, I opened Mike Lee’s. He was urging me to regimethink, that is, to vote. Why?

"National Security is on the ballot. Amnesty is on the ballot. Obamacare is on the ballot. Obama’s lawlessness is on the ballot. Fiscal responsibility, the national debt, and out-of-control spending are on the ballot. Respect for life is on the ballot."

Thanks, Mike, for a list of things you crony, warmongerers will do nothing about (except spend more of my money on the merchants of death). As to why I belong to the largest party in America, the Non-Voters, here are a few reasons:

1) It is important to our rulers that I vote for Creep R over Creep D, or Creep D over Creep R, to show my allegiance to the biggest, richest, most destructive State on the planet.

2) Voting is the sacrament of the State religion. I’m a non-communicant.

3) Voting is a pain in the neck. I’d have to park at some ugly government facility, wait in line, and be ordered around by functionaries.

4) Voting means I believe in political democracy, that is, that the majority has the right to rule the minority.

5) My vote would not count, unless the election were decided by one vote.

Folks, not voting is your right. Exercise it while you still can.

Lew Rockwell

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The Democrats will win the key races and take control of both chambers with the help of foreign voters (legal and illegal) and repeat voters. Both of which will include dead voters.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The Democrats will win the key races and take control of both chambers with the help of foreign voters (legal and illegal) and repeat voters. Both of which will include dead voters.
If that happens, we as a country of the free and the brave, are finished.
I am predicting the Republicans pick up 5 seats in the house and 7 seats in the senate.
We shall see.