
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama spoke to the AIPAC group today to a standing ovation crowd. Over and over his ideas were embraced and welcomed with applause.

He clarifies that he was "misrepresented" by fox and the right wing and he punked both of them out.

I wish he would do more of that. Slap fox news everytime it misrepresents something, or blast right wing radio for flat out distortions.

Its no wonder the republicans dont like the "fairness doctrine" in broadcasting. It would make them out to be nothing more than anal portholes.

The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, that required the holders of broadcast licenses to both present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was, in the Commission's view, honest, equitable and balanced. The 1949 Commission Report served as the foundation for the Fairness Doctrine since it had previously established two more forms of regulation onto broadcasters. These two duties were to provide adequate coverage to public issues and that coverage must be fair in reflecting opposing views.[1] The Fairness Doctrine should not be confused with the Equal Time rule. The Fairness Doctrine deals with discussion of controversial issues, while the Equal Time rule deals only with political candidates. The Fairness Doctrine imposed two rules for broadcasters: First it required broadcasters to provide controversial news and public affairs, and it required broadcasters to provide reasonable opportunities for the presentation of contrasting view points. The second rule required contingent access obligations on broadcasters to provide reply time to issue oriented citizens and editorialized on public issues. Broadcasters could trigger fairness Doctrine complaints without editorializing. Spectrum scarcity was the doctrines reason for being made. Because more people wanted to broadcast than available frequencies could accommodate, broadcasters’ public trustee obligations required regulatory clarification, the FCC reasoned. The commission required neither of the Fairness Doctrine’s obligations before 1949. Until then broadcasters had to satisfy only general “public interest” standards of the Communications Act.[2]
In 1969, the United States Supreme Court upheld the Commission's general right to enforce the Fairness Doctrine where channels were limited, but the courts have not, in general, ruled that the FCC is obliged to do so.[3] In 1987, the FCC abolished the Fairness Doctrine, prompting some to urge its reintroduction through either Commission policy or Congressional legislation.[4] Following the 1969 Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. Federal Communications Commission decision, which provided the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with more regulatory power, the main agenda for this doctrine was to ensure that the viewers were exposed to a diversity of viewpoints.



golden ticket member
Obama spoke to the AIPAC group today to a standing ovation crowd. Over and over his ideas were embraced and welcomed with applause.

He clarifies that he was "misrepresented" by fox and the right wing and he punked both of them out.

I wish he would do more of that. Slap fox news everytime it misrepresents something, or blast right wing radio for flat out distortions.

Its no wonder the republicans dont like the "fairness doctrine" in broadcasting. It would make them out to be nothing more than anal portholes.

The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, that required the holders of broadcast licenses to both present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was, in the Commission's view, honest, equitable and balanced. The 1949 Commission Report served as the foundation for the Fairness Doctrine since it had previously established two more forms of regulation onto broadcasters. These two duties were to provide adequate coverage to public issues and that coverage must be fair in reflecting opposing views.[1] The Fairness Doctrine should not be confused with the Equal Time rule. The Fairness Doctrine deals with discussion of controversial issues, while the Equal Time rule deals only with political candidates. The Fairness Doctrine imposed two rules for broadcasters: First it required broadcasters to provide controversial news and public affairs, and it required broadcasters to provide reasonable opportunities for the presentation of contrasting view points. The second rule required contingent access obligations on broadcasters to provide reply time to issue oriented citizens and editorialized on public issues. Broadcasters could trigger fairness Doctrine complaints without editorializing. Spectrum scarcity was the doctrines reason for being made. Because more people wanted to broadcast than available frequencies could accommodate, broadcasters’ public trustee obligations required regulatory clarification, the FCC reasoned. The commission required neither of the Fairness Doctrine’s obligations before 1949. Until then broadcasters had to satisfy only general “public interest” standards of the Communications Act.[2]
In 1969, the United States Supreme Court upheld the Commission's general right to enforce the Fairness Doctrine where channels were limited, but the courts have not, in general, ruled that the FCC is obliged to do so.[3] In 1987, the FCC abolished the Fairness Doctrine, prompting some to urge its reintroduction through either Commission policy or Congressional legislation.[4] Following the 1969 Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. Federal Communications Commission decision, which provided the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with more regulatory power, the main agenda for this doctrine was to ensure that the viewers were exposed to a diversity of viewpoints.

Fox didn't misrepresent.....I had my own take on it as I listened to that speech before and I heard what he said and I immediately thought about the Jewish backwash too. This morning he only claims to have been misunderstood............because he knew he was in deep doo doo!! So he did one of his...."let me be clear" remarks and tried to smooth things over. The Jews fell for it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Fox didn't misrepresent.....I had my own take on it as I listened to that speech before and I heard what he said and I immediately thought about the Jewish backwash too. This morning he only claims to have been misunderstood............because he knew he was in deep doo doo!! So he did one of his...."let me be clear" remarks and tried to smooth things over. The Jews fell for it.

Yeah, "those dumb jews, they aint like us republicans", "we is the smartest peoples in the usa"... "even though we supported the 1967 border deal with the UN, we now are against it cause its dumb and silly and throws israel under the bus".

Sounds great moreluck..... great logic.

LMAO...from the article :
An Obama 2008 insider told Fox News that such efforts shouldn't be considered news.
"Any responsible campaign would at the very least start asking around about potential challengers. In fact, this is exactly the kind of thing that the media should be doing right now," the insider said. "Never has a field of presidential contenders gotten so little real scrutiny from the press corps."

This person has serious memory problems.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

NOt nervous moreluck, PREPARED.

This is the way the game is changed. You guys wanted to play the birth certificate game, the dems will play whatever turns up, like old arrests, affairs, bad credit, etc etc etc....

Moreover, old positions can come back to haunt many politicians, who knows what can be found.

Youll know when the dems are getting close when Guys like Christie bail out and officially "count themselves" out. M. Daniels was really thinking about a run until his marital nightmare was surfaced, then, poof, out of the race.

Its how we do business nowadays moreluck, digging for dirt, then "planting seeds of doubt" in gossip circles.



Strength through joy
(FishbowlNY) – The White House has named Jesse Lee to a new position within its communications department titled Director of Progressive Media & Online Response. According to The Huffington Post, Lee will essentially be responsible for building up Obama’s online presence as he prepares for his reelection bid, and squashing any negative stories.
…If you’re going to post something online about Obama that isn’t true, Lee is going to be the one to handle you. Considering that Lee’s first tweet about his new position included a picture of The Terminator, we suggest you watch what you say OR BE DESTROYED.
(FishbowlNY) – The White House has named Jesse Lee to a new position within its communications department titled Director of Progressive Media & Online Response. According to The Huffington Post, Lee will essentially be responsible for building up Obama’s online presence as he prepares for his reelection bid, and squashing any negative stories.
…If you’re going to post something online about Obama that isn’t true, Lee is going to be the one to handle you. Considering that Lee’s first tweet about his new position included a picture of The Terminator, we suggest you watch what you say OR BE DESTROYED.
And just take a wild guess who pays for this. That's right, WE tax payers. IMO, because of his stated mission 0 should pay for this out of his own pocket.
NOt nervous moreluck, PREPARED.

This is the way the game is changed. You guys wanted to play the birth certificate game, the dems will play whatever turns up, like old arrests, affairs, bad credit, etc etc etc....

Moreover, old positions can come back to haunt many politicians, who knows what can be found.

Youll know when the dems are getting close when Guys like Christie bail out and officially "count themselves" out. M. Daniels was really thinking about a run until his marital nightmare was surfaced, then, poof, out of the race.

Its how we do business nowadays moreluck, digging for dirt, then "planting seeds of doubt" in gossip circles.

Nice try at pinning this type of campaigning on the "birthers", it started long before 0 was created.


golden ticket member
Just comparing 2 leaders........

Bibi & O



Für Meno :)

Democrat Kathy Hochul Wins House Seat in New York Special Election

By Steve Brusk, CNN | May 25, 2011 10:11 a.m. EDT

(CNN) – “Democrat Kathy Hochul swept to victory Tuesday night in a closely watched congressional election in New York state that turned into a proxy battle on a House Republican proposal on Medicare.

The race in New York's 26th Congressional District was to fill the seat of former Republican Rep. Chris Lee, who resigned over pictures and e-mails of him trying to find a date on Craigslist.

The seat had been considered safe for Republicans, who had held the district for more than four decades.

Democrats claimed the victory "had far-reaching consequences around the country" over Medicare, while a top Republican warned trying to "predict the future based on the results of this unusual race is naive and risky."

The crowd chanted "Medicare, Medicare" during Hochul's victory speech in Buffalo, after the issue became the center of the once-little talked about race.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Democrat Kathy Hochul Wins House Seat in New York Special Election

By Steve Brusk, CNN | May 25, 2011 10:11 a.m. EDT

(CNN) – “Democrat Kathy Hochul swept to victory Tuesday night in a closely watched congressional election in New York state that turned into a proxy battle on a House Republican proposal on Medicare.

The race in New York's 26th Congressional District was to fill the seat of former Republican Rep. Chris Lee, who resigned over pictures and e-mails of him trying to find a date on Craigslist.

The seat had been considered safe for Republicans, who had held the district for more than four decades.

Democrats claimed the victory "had far-reaching consequences around the country" over Medicare, while a top Republican warned trying to "predict the future based on the results of this unusual race is naive and risky."

The crowd chanted "Medicare, Medicare" during Hochul's victory speech in Buffalo, after the issue became the center of the once-little talked about race.


THis highly conservative area voted in a democrat as the begining of the backlash towards the tea party begins.

COngrats to Kathy Hochul!



Für Meno :)
THis highly conservative area voted in a democrat as the begining of the backlash towards the tea party begins.

COngrats to Kathy Hochul!


And who would have thought , all over Medicare ?
Ooppps, I did ! LOL

The crazy eights, don't mind having medicare scrapped, bring on 2012 !!! And keep up the talk Paul !
Now who will win Florida, again ? LOL
Nevermind Florida, will be a sweep if it continues.


golden ticket member
THis highly conservative area voted in a democrat as the begining of the backlash towards the tea party begins.

COngrats to Kathy Hochul!

Everyone under the sun including Bill Clinton himself said Dems shouldn't try to read anything into this win and that the area of N.Y. where this election was held is a very unusual place and does not mean a trend.
I believe the Tea Party candidate was a fraud as do others.
People need to understand that under Ryan's bill, no one over 55 will be at all affected....so showing a granny falling off a cliff is absurd and people will see the stipidity of the ads.
Medicare WILL have to be touched someway!! You can fight and scream Medicare all you want, but people are going to have to help pay a bit, just like free bennies at work aren't guaranteed to anyone....you gotta chip in now or you will soon.