

Für Meno :)
By the way, it's "Herman's Hermits", a band from England fronted by the actor, singer Peter Noone. Don't think they are still preforming as a group anymore though.

They actuallt still do perfom.
I had tiks to their concert here 3 years ago.
They were playing in a casino here.

Moreluck you forgot the song : "There's a kind of hush, ( all over the world)".
Is still 1 of my all time favorite songs.


Well-Known Member


Your suggestion fails by leaving out the other half of the problem which led to the results this family faced in their bunny business. They were cited as having violated 9 CFR Sec. 2.1 (a) (1) but if you look down at the bottom of this section in the Code of Federal Regulations, you see the following:

1989' was Bush 1, 1998' was Clinton and 2004' was Bush 2. When it comes to this and other type regulation, both parties have dirty hands and to suggest overtly or covertly that voting elsewhere will solve the problem actually ignores the root of the problem to begin with.

If you want to be closer to fact and reality then you should have said something like this:

Originally Posted by brett636
When you go to vote republican or democrat for president just remember this is the kind of government you are voting for.

That would be pre- tea party. With the direction the tea party is taking the republicans they would not dare try something this stupid as long as the smaller government push continues. Besides, putting our faith into libertarians will only get us democrats and we already know that isn't working.

OH YES THEY WOULD! Seems the Tea Party forgot to forward you the memo.

BTW Brett: Never said or even suggested putting any faith in libertarians. Fact is I only stated who "not" to put faith and trust in because they have a long proven record of regardless of party of always breaking that faith and trust. The article Moreluck posted is just more conclusive proof that what the demonrats have been saying about the Tea Party is true, "a republiCON front" and that what started as a good and worthwhile cause has been highjacked by a bunch of worthless Mother Truckers wearing red, white and blue elephant suits!


Strength through joy
Twenty percent of Americans suffer from mental illness, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. By a less than remarkable coincidence, those calling themselves liberal also account for 20% of the population. So how is it that an alarming 24% actually agree with Barack Hussein Obama's political views?
According to Rasmussen,
Twenty-four percent (24%) say their political views are about the same as the president's.​
Time to check the numbers again on the percentage with mental problems; they could be creeping upward. However, the familiar 20% holds among unaffiliated voters sharing Comrade Obama's political outlook — despite a media establishment devoted to portraying his views as reasonable.
No wonder our liberal rulers are so keen on advancing the interests of minorities at the expense of the majority. They are decidedly a minority themselves.


golden ticket member
According to Krauthammer....... "the election theme has changed. The Republican line in 2010 was, he's a leftist. Now it is......he's a failure. The issue is shifting from ideology to stewardship. The economic numbers explain why Obama's job approval has fallen, why the Bin Ladin bump disappeared so quickly and why Romney is running even with the president.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
According to Krauthammer....... "the election theme has changed. The Republican line in 2010 was, he's a leftist. Now it is......he's a failure. The issue is shifting from ideology to stewardship. The economic numbers explain why Obama's job approval has fallen, why the Bin Ladin bump disappeared so quickly and why Romney is running even with the president.

OOOOH CHarles Krauthammer speaks... Show us a state where romney is running even with the president.
(without using a fox news poll)


Staff member
Actually the latest FOX poll has Obama +7 over Romney. It was an ABC/Washington Post poll that had Romney ahead (+3), but so far that's an outlier. However I would not be surprised to see Romney start closing the gap as long as the economy continues to sputter. I thought he was the GOP's strongest candidate last time around and I don't think anything has changed.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Already posted that poll from ABC.....Romney was 49% and O was 46%

@JONES, thanks for the link.

@ moreluck,

umm, you see one line of red and you run with it??

OMG, One line of red from a "snap poll" and you get all excited? Did you miss the fact that the one line of red was drowning in a SEA OF BLUE???

Geez moreluck, i know were bestest buddies and all, but I have to call B.S. on ya on that claim.

Take another look http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/president_obama_vs_republican_candidates.html



golden ticket member
@JONES, thanks for the link.

@ moreluck,

umm, you see one line of red and you run with it??

OMG, One line of red from a "snap poll" and you get all excited? Did you miss the fact that the one line of red was drowning in a SEA OF BLUE???

Geez moreluck, i know were bestest buddies and all, but I have to call B.S. on ya on that claim.

Take another look http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/president_obama_vs_republican_candidates.html

In my post (221) I specifically indicated it was the ABC poll on those June dates.......what, I don't get a thanks !! (and I was first)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
MOreluck, I found something inspirational for you!




Well-Known Member
FINALLY, You too can vote for a candidate who will meet all that you expect from an elected official. Vote for that candidate who at the end of the day you can proudly say for once finally met all the expectations you knew in your heart you would get.

And now a brief video to introduce one and all to the perfect and most honest political candidate in which we all should cast our vote for!


And here's where this all came from


golden ticket member
While a voter ID makes sense to most normal people (apparently 75% of Americans agree with a voter ID) but according to the DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, those that want to implement a voter ID want to “drag us all the way back to the Jim Crow” era. She provides no logical explanation except that she did finally backtrack on her words to the more “reasonable” argument that
…she still claims that requirements to show ID at the polls – which are designed to cut down on election fraud – are racially discriminatory.
Somehow cutting down on fraud is racist and discriminating. Oh sure it’s discriminatory…discriminatory to criminals which is exactly what we want.
People of all races would have to get a voter ID card which leads me to believe that DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz is actually a racist. According to the actual definition of a racist, Debbie believes that minority races are apparently not on the same level as the majority…or Caucasians. Conservative Republicans believe that all Americans are equally competent and intelligent to obtain a voter ID card. Debbie Wasserman Schultz does not.


Für Meno :)
my brother, currently residing with me, on and off, was totally pi.ssed off, he couldn't vote here in the last election just over a month ago.
We both went there (to my poll station), and he was denied.
He needs to vote in his own jurisdiction, and ofcourse ID was needed.

Oh well, next time he knows better, and he'll need to do advance polling if he happens to be out of his district next time around.

I on the other hand was pre-registered by filing income taxes and only needed to show my Driver's licence, and my voters card (sent by mail).

Done deal.
1 more progressive conservative vote ! :) (PC Party / Harper).