

golden ticket member


Strength through joy
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) was fined the maximum of $5,000 in Las Vegas today for its role in a massive voter fraud conspiracy.
Judge Donald Mosley said if an individual, as opposed to a corporation, had been before him, he would have handed down a 10-year prison sentence. “And I wouldn’t have thought twice about it,” he said, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Mosley criticized ACORN, which used to employ President Obama, for making a “mockery” of America’s electoral process. “This isn’t a banana republic,” he said.

The organized crime syndicate probably won’t pay a cent of the fine. That’s because ACORN, the shell corporation that ran the corrupt ACORN network, is in bankruptcy.
Senior ACORN executives Amy Adele Busefink and Christopher Howell Edwards were also convicted for their roles in the scheme. ACORN cared so little about the conspiracy that its voter mobilization division, Project Vote, put Busefink in charge of the group’s national get-out-the-vote drive in 2010 while she was under indictment in Nevada.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The timing of all this is so obvious........if it's such a great movie, release it after the elections instead. Campaign brain!!


You know, you seem to have a short memory moreluck. Back when president Bush attacked Iraq, a convoy was attacked, personnel killed and one female soldier allegedly captured by "terrorists". A rescue mission was ordered and a hospital raided and the soldier rescued.

Shortly thereafter, the Bush administration sanctioned a movie about the rescue, even though it was later discovered the mission was all fake.

If I recall correctly, you supported that movie, the action and questioned anyone who tried to dispute the accuracy of the rescue mission.

Jessica Lynch.
(Initial media reports on Lynch's recovery in Iraq were incorrect. Lynch, along with major media outlets, fault the U.S. government for creating the story as part of the Pentagon's propaganda effort.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP] Jim Wilkinson is credited for fabricating the government narrative.[SUP][5][/SUP]
On April 24, 2007 she testified in front of Congress that she had never fired her weapon; her M16 rifle jammed, as did all weapons systems assigned to her unit, and she had been knocked unconscious when her vehicle crashed.[SUP][2])[/SUP]

The Bush administration staged the rescue mission, falsified claims of battles and wounds to Lynch, falsified the circumstances of her capture and tried to use it as propaganda to keep the American Public support for the Iraq war going.

A new movie about the Usama Raid is ALOT different than the Jessica Lynch story or the Pat Tillman story, both of those were fabrications of the Bush administration. Americans want to know what happened in the Usama raid, and support for wars has grown thin, so this movie couldnt possibly be used for war propaganda.

Nice try though moreluck.

Give us a break.

this movie couldnt possibly be used for war propaganda.

Give us a break.

Give US a break Mr. Disingenuous. Moreluck didn't indicate that the UBL/OBL movie could be used as war propaganda. She did imply that it would be used as CAMPAIGN propaganda and if the movie comes out before the elections you better believe it WILL be used in that manner.

disclaimer: I am in no way saying what was done in the Jessica Lynch story was ok.


Strength through joy
the release date is Oct 2012, one month prior to the election.
You can bet that the scene about the live feed will not show anything about a blackout.
Nor will it show him coming back from a golf game to watch it.


Strength through joy

Pentagon officials had said that because 19 of 30 of the American families of the dead had objected to media coverage of the remains coming off a plane at Dover Air Force Base, no images could be taken. In addition, the Pentagon rejected media requests to take photos that showed officials at the ceremony but did not depict caskets.
A White House photographer was allowed to take and widely distribute a photo from the ceremony Tuesday for the return of the remains of 30 American troops killed in a weekend helicopter crash in Afghanistan despite the Pentagon’s claim that any public depiction of the scene would violate the wishes of bereaved families.


golden ticket member
the release date is Oct 2012, one month prior to the election.
You can bet that the scene about the live feed will not show anything about a blackout.
Nor will it show him coming back from a golf game to watch it.

If it actually gets released........maybe it'll tank at the box office. That would be justice!!


golden ticket member
I was not a fan of this director's previous film....Hurt Locker"....... even though it won best picture (over Avatar, I believe).

Pentagon officials had said that because 19 of 30 of the American families of the dead had objected to media coverage of the remains coming off a plane at Dover Air Force Base, no images could be taken. In addition, the Pentagon rejected media requests to take photos that showed officials at the ceremony but did not depict caskets.
A White House photographer was allowed to take and widely distribute a photo from the ceremony Tuesday for the return of the remains of 30 American troops killed in a weekend helicopter crash in Afghanistan despite the Pentagon’s claim that any public depiction of the scene would violate the wishes of bereaved families.

LINK to the story....never let crisis go to waste?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Give US a break Mr. Disingenuous. Moreluck didn't indicate that the UBL/OBL movie could be used as war propaganda. She did imply that it would be used as CAMPAIGN propaganda and if the movie comes out before the elections you better believe it WILL be used in that manner.

disclaimer: I am in no way saying what was done in the Jessica Lynch story was ok.

THe point Trip was simple. Moreluck highlights the use of an event for propaganda as if its something new for an administration, when in fact, BUSH used propaganda with phoney stories to promote his agenda.

Its been done over and over.

A movie about Usama is something that the american public is very curious about. Whether or not its released before or after an election is irrelevant. People want to know. After 911 the BUSH administration helped push out movies about the hijacked plane over PENN.. and the whole "lets roll" comment.

C'mon, the capture and killing of Usama Bin Laden was a victory for all americans, trying to make it a partisan issue is childish.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If it actually gets released........maybe it'll tank at the box office. That would be justice!!

Only you would hope a movie about americas greatest military achievement in the last 25 years would tank with the american public, and you call yourself a patriot.

Speaking of tanking, the SARAH PALIN movie has been YANKED from all theatres!!




golden ticket member
Only you would hope a movie about americas greatest military achievement in the last 25 years would tank with the american public, and you call yourself a patriot.

Speaking of tanking, the SARAH PALIN movie has been YANKED from all theatres!!



Hoping a movie tanks is not unpatriotic. The movie will probably be made.........it's the release date I have a problem with. If it's such a fabulous film, release it a week after the elections. I also like box office tanking when it involves :censored2: movies like Camp Hell, Gigli, Battlefield Earth, Glen or Glenda, and the like.
THe point Trip was simple. Moreluck highlights the use of an event for propaganda as if its something new for an administration, when in fact, BUSH used propaganda with phoney stories to promote his agenda.

Its been done over and over.

A movie about Usama is something that the american public is very curious about. Whether or not its released before or after an election is irrelevant. People want to know. After 911 the BUSH administration helped push out movies about the hijacked plane over PENN.. and the whole "lets roll" comment.

C'mon, the capture and killing of Usama Bin Laden was a victory for all americans, trying to make it a partisan issue is childish.


Oh come on, I know you are not that naive, and neither am I. We both know that the "timely release of info for the purpose of making this movie is about getting another push for 0bama. To think otherwise is childish or down right dishonest. Yes, the killing of OBL was a victory for the American people, using it as a campaign tool degrades the whole episode in American history. If there was such a desire to show the public the details it can be done tomorrow on the internet by just releasing all the unclassified info. I know the loony left is having chills up and down their legs just at the prospect of a movie glorifying their savior directing the hunt, capture and killing of OBL. EVERYTHING 0 has done in the last year was in preparation for his re-election campaign, geeezzz it is so obvious even you should see it.

So what if the Bush Administration did what you said? Do two wrongs make a right?


Für Meno :)
I'm sure the Movie will go all the way back to the Clinton years, when Clinton warned Bush that he needed to get him (osama). I watched the documentary already.


Für Meno :)
And show Clinton's failure to even try to get him? nawww, don't think so.

His missed him, yup that's right - told Bush to put him on his priorty list and so did the CIA, but Bush did nothing !
If it's anything like the documentary, Bush will look like a maroon. But, it would be difficult not to display any way else !