

golden ticket member
You know it’s bad when Joltin’ Joe is more appealing.

— A year from Election Day, Democrats are crafting a campaign strategy for Vice President Joe Biden that targets the big three political battlegrounds: Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida, states where Biden might be more of an asset toPresident Barack Obama’s re-election campaign than the president himself.

The Biden plan underscores an uncomfortable reality for the Obama team. A shaky economy and sagging enthusiasm among Democrats could shrink the electoral map for Obama in 2012, forcing his campaign to depend on carrying the 67 electoral votes up for grabs in the three swing states.

Obama won all three states in 2008. But this time he faces challenges in each, particularly in Ohio and Florida, where voters elected Republican governors in the 2010 midterm elections.

The president sometimes struggles to connect with Ohio andPennsylvania’s white working-class voters, and Jewish voters who make up a core constituency for Florida Democrats and view him with skepticism.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Via WSJ:
When President Barack Obama jets to Scranton, Pa., Wednesday to promote his jobs package, he’ll log his 56th event in a presidential battleground state this year, putting him well ahead of President George W. Bush’s record-breaking swing-state travel in 2003.

Mr. Obama’s extensive travels this year have opened the president to criticism from Republicans that he is intertwining campaigning and governing at a time when he has called for bipartisanship on intractable national problems. Most of the cost is typically born by taxpayers.
Between Jan. 1 and Nov. 17 of his third year in office, Bill Clinton held 40 events over 24 days in the battlegrounds of his time, according to data compiled by Brendan Doherty, a US Naval Academy assistant professor who is widely viewed among political scientists as an expert on presidential travel. Over that same stretch, George W. Bush held 49 events in 34 days, drawing complaints from Democrats. [...]

Obama also has granted about 50 interviews this year with local news outlets, the majority from swing states.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You know what really gets to me about Buck oFama... win or lose, he will be around for a long time. He is still very young and we will be listening to his crap for decades just like the peanut farmer. YIKES!


golden ticket member
So Obama is presenting himself as a champion of the middle class. So, when he's in Hawaii in a week or so will he be channeling Kamehmeha. I hope he describes Hawaii to all these people of Osawatomie, Kansas, who can't afford to ever go there and are just scraping together Christmas for their family. Now, when he wants money for his campaign.....where does he go?

White House: Obama Will Try And Emulate Teddy Roosevelt or Something…
But he’s doing such a good job emulating Jimmy Carter.
Via The Hill:
President Obama will travel to Osawatomie, Kansas, to talk about his plans to revive the struggling economy.

President Obama will look to channel President Theodore Roosevelt on Tuesday as he continues to try to present himself as a champion of the middle class and Republicans as defenders of the rich and entrenched special interests.

Obama will travel to Osawatomie, Kansas and a White House press release indicates the site was chosen in part because Roosevelt once spoke there.

“Just over one hundred years ago, President Teddy Roosevelt came to Osawatomie, Kansas and called for a New Nationalism, where everyone gets a fair chance, a square deal, and an equal opportunity to succeed,” the White House release states.

“The President will talk about how he sees this as a make-or-break moment for the middle class and all those working to join it. He’ll lay out the choice we face between a country in which too few do well while too many struggle to get by, and one where we’re all in it together — where everyone engages in fair play, everyone does their fair share, and everyone gets a fair shot,” it states


golden ticket member
Monday, December 12, 2011 @ 2:16 American Traitor Jane Fonda: Republican Candidates “Scare Me,” Hopes Obama Will Be Reelected…

There’s a special place in hell for traitors like Jane Fonda.
(Daily Mail) — She is a staunch Democrat known for her political activism, if not her amazing figure and acting career.
But Jane Fonda didn’t hold back during a CNN interview on Friday after she asked about her opinion of the Republican presidential candidates.

The 73-year-old, who starred in Barbarella and Coming Home, was asked by Piers Morgan to comment on the intellectual capacity of the GOP candidates.

She replied: ‘They all scare me frankly. I get depressed and scared when I look at the Republican debates.

‘I’m worried about anybody getting elected to office who says we have to do away with or privatise social security, we have to reduce medical health insurance, we have to not raise taxes.

‘And, oh, there’s no problem with the environment, this is all made up by the left, the scientists don’t really know what they’re talking about — this worries me.’

The Hollywood star also spoke of her hopes that President Barack Obama would be reelected for a second term.

She told CNN: ‘I wish that he would be stronger. I think he will be in his second term.

‘I think he’s going to be reelected. I think he’s a good man, but I wish that he was tougher on the issues that I care about and that a lot of people care about


golden ticket member
Tuesday, December 13, 2011 @ 12:00 pm | OWS Supporter Barack Obama Leads All GOP Candidates In Donations From Big Business Executives…

More assploding hypocrisy.
Dec. 12 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama, who has been characterized as anti-business by his political opponents, has received more in campaign contributions from business executives this year than any Republican presidential candidate.

Obama raised $5.6 million from executives, or about a third of all their donations through Sept. 30, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Republican candidate Mitt Romney raised $5.2 million, far outpacing his primary challengers.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the front-runner in the latest national polls, raised about $272,000, or 5 percent of Romney’s total.

The Bloomberg analysis examined contributions from about 9,000 donors through the end of September. The review counted individuals who identified themselves on federal campaign documents by titles such as chief executive officer, president, vice president, chairman and director.


golden ticket member
Connecticut: New Haven’s Mayor Asks State To Grant Illegal Immigrants In His City The Right To Vote…

(NBC News) — New Haven Mayor John DeStefano plans to ask the state Legislature to allow illegal immigrants who live in the city to be able vote in municipal elections.

DeStefano said on Tuesday that the proposal would build a more engaged community and follows the lead of other cities, the New Haven Independent reports.

The Independent reports that New Haven has about 10,000 non-citizen immigrants.

Immigrants who are in the U.S. legally or illegally and cannot vote now would still be unable to vote in state or federal elections.
DeStefano, a Democrat, said illegal immigrants pay taxes indirectly through rent and send their kids to New Haven schools and should be able to vote.


golden ticket member
Thursday, December 15, 2011 @ 12:50 pm Poll: Majority of Young Voters Say Obama Will Lose Reelection…

The hope is gone.
(US News) — More bad news for President Obama, this time from his alma mater, Harvard University. In a new poll, more younger voters, many of whom voted for him in 2008, think he will lose next year.

“This survey may well serve as an ominous sign for Barack Obama’s 2012 chances and the political engagement of America’s largest generation,” said John Della Volpe, polling director at Harvard’s Institute of Politics.

The details: 36 percent of so-called millennial voters, age 18-29, think Obama will lose; 30 percent say he will win.

But it’s not all bad. The same voters like Mitt Romney the best of the GOP candidates, and in a head-to-head vote would choose Obama over Romney 37 percent to 26 percent.


golden ticket member
Thursday, December 15, 2011 @ 8:50 pm | Iowa Radio Host Nails Tingles: “You’re Clearly Working for the Re-Election of Barack Obama”…
(see video) on site
Shockingly, Tingles doesn’t like being confronted with the truth.

Via Newsbusters:
SIMON CONWAY (Iowa talk radio host): Well, first of all, it’s always a pleasure to welcome a Democrat to the Simon Conway Show, Chris. So, you’re very welcome.

MATTHEWS: Well, what is that? Are we all giving our party labels out here? Are you giving me yours or what? Or you don’t want to give one? No, you want to give me one but don’t give yourself one. That’s fair enough.
CONWAY: No — Chris, I’m not a Republican, never have been and never will be. I’
m keeping my independence.

MATTHEWS: So you give out labels, but you don’t assign one to yourself. That’s very clever.
CONWAY: Well, there isn’t one. There isn’t one. I just want to make sure we’re starting with some honesty. You’re clearly working for the re-election of Barack Obama.