
Lue C Fur

Evil member
I would think that the folks who want to vote would have an ID...they would need an ID to cash a check, right? You need an ID for so many things. Who does not have an ID of some kind here in America...Oh wait...Illegals?
I would think that the folks who want to vote would have an ID...they would need an ID to cash a check, right? You need an ID for so many things. Who does not have an ID of some kind here in America...Oh wait...Illegals?
Not only that but with voter ID require the dem base would shrink because some of them would have to possess more than one ID.


golden ticket member
Not only that but with voter ID require the dem base would shrink because some of them would have to possess more than one ID.
There should be no sob stories because free picture I.D's will be made available for those who don't have one. The only ones who need to worry are the ones who shouldn't be voting in the first place.


Strength through joy
I wonder how many will be using their gov't issued welfare cards as ID?

I have to ask everyone for an ID when they come the the Customer Counter or at SDWC, the things everyone produces would shock you.
I wonder how many will be using their gov't issued welfare cards as ID?

I have to ask everyone for an ID when they come the the Customer Counter or at SDWC, the things everyone produces would shock you.
If the government issued welfare card has a photo of the person, I see no reason not to accept it as an ID. Poor people get to vote too.


Strength through joy
but not everyone who gets a welfare card is a citizen.

And no one shows me a welfare card to ID themselves, sometimes they bring a cousin along as ID.


golden ticket member
Here's the e-mail the Obama site is sending out and according to the opening, he and Michelle are just like us............

Robert --

Beyond the titles, it's easy to forget sometimes that our President and First Lady are, when it comes down to it, regular people like us.

So I'd encourage you right now to enter our contest to do what few people will ever get to do -- not just have dinner with the President and First Lady of the United States, but have dinner with Barack and Michelle Obama.

Here's the link to throw your name in the hat for dinner with Barack and Michelle:


This dinner isn't just some sweepstakes -- it's also a way to help build this campaign just days before our Republican opponents start competing in primaries and caucuses, and inevitably step up their attacks on the President and our campaign.

So make sure to enter before the deadline, and to spread the word to a friend or two -- if someone you tell about this opportunity ends up winning, I'd guess you'd be at the top of their guest list.



Julianna Smoot
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Report: Obama Campaign Shifting To Class Warfare Rhetoric To Move Debate Away From His Handling of Economy…

WASHINGTON — With Republicans distracted by an increasingly divisive primary battle, President Barack Obama and his aides have begun a high-stakes effort to change how voters look at the main issue in the 2012 election – the nation’s continued economic troubles.

Republicans would like to make the November election a referendum on Obama’s economic record. For much of his presidency, they have pounded away at monthly statistics showing high unemployment and anemic growth.

“We’re seeing continuing high levels of unemployment. We see home values declining; foreclosures remain at record levels,” former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney points out often. Obama, he says, “has failed in the job he was elected to do.”

Until recently, the main Democratic response was that although Obama’s stimulus plan and other measures had not cured the economy, they had averted another Great Depression. But party strategists concede that as a slogan, “could have been worse” is more likely to win support among economists than average voters.

So increasingly, Obama and his aides have switched to a longer view, trying to focus attention on what they portray as the president’s defense of the middle class. That positioning, they hope, will set up a helpful contrast with his November opponent.

“This isn’t just about recovering from this recession,” said a senior adviser to Obama, one of several who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about internal White House discussions.”This is about saving the middle class from a decline that’s been going on for three decades


golden ticket member
I have 2 ways of looking at the VA. primary fiasco.......

1.) Virginia's way of doing their primary is so complicated that 80% of the candidates can't get on the ballot.

2.) Then I see that Paul & Romney were able to do it and think.....if you can't plan better enough to even get your name on a state's ballot, then you are not equipped to run the country.



Nine Lives
Interesting commentary on Romney. I read the NYT piece that the author references and that's worth a look as well.

Paints him pretty well.

I like the following analysis:
Above all, Romney is a problem solver. Though conservative in his personal life and perhaps in his instincts about the world, his guiding philosophy is pure pragmatism: analyze the data and the individual case and come up with a solution.

But as a standard bearer for a movement or as someone who can exercise the vital task of articulating moral leadership, Romney seems out of place.

Perhaps the country does not a good cheerleader but rather a person that understands how to move the country out of the quagmire we are currently in.


Strength through joy
Newt has no ground troops, in fact I don't think he thought he would get this far in any polls.
He thought about building up his name just enough to sell some books and be able to charge more for his speeches.

Romney has been planning this for years , he has his ground forces out here and they are working quite well.
Don't knock him about Romney Care, it's a mess here and it's not his fault.
Yes he did sign the bill, if he didn't the House was able to over ride him in a flash, but also note that most of the people standing behind him ( all D's ) when he signed it are either dead or currently in jail for corruption charges.