

Well-Known Member
I have no problem with an "off the books economy". I remember several years ago reading an article espousing the underground economy for just these reasons and that the authorities were more than happy to turn the other way since they did not have the resources to police it and money from an underground economy still spends in the "on the books" economy.

Journalist/author Robert Neuwirth did an interview with Christiane Amanpour on ABC News about his book "Stealth of Nations, The Rise of the Informal Economy" and one thing he pointed out was not so much a police issue, granted it seems it would be costly, but that to police it would harm this solid revenue stream coming back into the "on the books" companies.

Let's be honest here, if you think out the process especially here in our American economy, all money at some point passes back to be held by gov't. Even the money I make after taxes that I then pay to someone for services or products off book, that dollar may go through several off book transactions but at some point it will re-enter the on book economy of which taxes once again at every transaction point will be extracted. As this dollar circulates around, after each taxing transaction it becomes less and less until it reaches $0. At this point through taxation, gov't will have all the money at which point it picks winners and losers and spends it back out again. But what did it really do to earn that money other than to sit there as a monopoly rent seeker with a gun and tell you to hand it over?

The black market economy or what I call the agorist economy by-passes this rent seeking of the political class and keeps more value of ever dollar in full circulation amongst the general population at large. Also by withholding said dollars from the "on the books" economy, the political class is unable to take extracted rents and then spread back around as political payoffs and favors to various voting blocks that benefit holding power. Black and gray markets therefore are a means of non violent protesting to the established political order that works off exploitation and brute force.

Even those here who think of gov't as a noble means of caring for dis-advantaged people never consider the fact that for every tax dollar extracted from the economy for public welfare purposes, from local tax collection to channeling up through state and then to federal hands and then reverse course coming back from federal down through the state and into local hands for disbursement to the poor, a good portion of those dollars are extracted out for administrative and gov't agency costs (think distant jobs program as in distant from the actual local need). However, what if instead of shipping those dollars out of the local economies to only have each dollar return in the amount of somewhere around $.35 cents of it's original value, we kept all dollars local, allow real free market access with no entry barriers (no license or business fees) and then see what might happen to the poor. Hey, why not end all zoning laws and other laws used to prop up excessive property costs including turning land into a commodity so as to create a real estate and debt/loan market and then see what happens to the poor? Why would you even need such if you begin to abandon the fiat currency/fractional reserve banking system? Funny how the bigger the Federal Reserve got with the total debt and money in circulation, it needed high real estate prices and land values or the economy went into crisis. Is there a relationship there?

How about ending all legal tender laws and tax laws that forbid or limit local creation of currency or other mediums of exchange? Why are we locked into a monopoly monetary unit when a dollar as we know it is nothing more than an expression of labor over time?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
SWEET! Hope Denzel gets the part. Maybe that can get Foster Brooks to play John Boehner! I would love to see all the gay actors in hollywood playing key republicans in the house and senate! What a cast! Thanks for posting the idea!




Well-Known Member
Would part of the reason be it is very difficult to separate personal gain from public service?

Some of that but I think moreso as to what I call the "Lord Acton Principle"

Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely!

Even Jefferson as President was unable to resist this and to his own personal shame I think this is another reason why even on his gravestone, being President is not listed as an accomplishment.


I think Jefferson's observation was as much from personal experience as it was a philosophical expression!


golden ticket member
There is nothing "creepy" about this e-mail. If you click on the link within the article you will find an online questionaire which the potential donor is asked to complete and submit.
"Creepy" was in the writer's title......so tell them it was not creepy......don't tell me about it.

I posted the link, I did not title the article, therefore, I did not call anything creepy....................I've only tried to explain this exact same thing 48 times......is dense your middle name?

Here's the entire thing........so where's the dishonesty???????????

Team Obama’s Latest Creepy Email: “According To Our Records You Haven’t Donated — Tell Us Why Haven’t You Haven’t Given”…


Nice to see the Obama campaign resorting to union-style intimidation tactics.
Drew —
As you may have noticed, we’ve asked you for a donation a few times now.
But according to our records, you haven’t yet made an online donation to this campaign at this email address. (If our records are wrong, I apologize and thank you!)
I’m not writing to ask you for money again. I’m actually writing to ask your opinion about why you haven’t given, and what you think would inspire you or other Obama supporters like you to decide to take the leap and donate.
We have two quick questions for you. Can you take a minute to answer them?
There’s a good reason we’re asking for your feedback: The kind of organization we all decided to be a part of only works if people like you pitch in to build it.
It’s also the reason no other candidate has been able to match our level of grassroots support. This isn’t the easiest way to run a campaign — but we know it’s the right way.
That’s why we want to know what you’re thinking.
Thanks so much,
Rufus Gifford
National Finance Director
Obama for America


golden ticket member
Implying.....and then convicing even one other person that I'm a *gosh darn liar.....(*that's what dishonest means to me) is not right.

You pull up the old bandwagon and the swarm jumps on board.......(804, TOS,you know who they are...........they love dog piling.)

Where does it say in the Terms of Service that I can only post a certain # of things in a day. The amount fluctuates depending on the new's day. Somedays are busier than others. There are some people who might not even know that there's an important event happening......such as the R.I.P's.
The venue is open for others to post their side of things.

Remember, it's hard to get that toothpaste back into the tube once you've squeezed it out. Just saying, "oh, by the way, she's not dishonest" .....people already have the impression from you that I've got some sort of dishonest way of spinning a news article when I'm just posting it.
I have over 1800 'likes', so someone appreciates my posts.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, she is not dishonest--she is simply misinformed.

I really wish she would tone it down a notch or two. 3,500 posts in two months.

DAMN! I knew she posted a lot but had no idea to that level. That has to be a world record for the entire internet. Cheryl should submit this to Guinness!



golden ticket member
DAMN! I knew she posted a lot but had no idea to that level. That has to be a world record for the entire internet. Cheryl should submit this to Guinness!


I think it's really freaky that somebody, other than the site owner, tracks how many posts someone else makes. I never even look at totals 'til he brings it up. Who does that????