

golden ticket member
All of the gains Bush realized during 9/11 evaporated with the remnants of Katrina.
Granted, Katrina was a natural disaster of epic proportions....people were warned well ahead of time......it's not like a tornado or earthquake that happens in an instant.

Many irresponsioble people saw an opportunity to have a hurricane party instead of leaving.....ride it out!! They are all dead.

After the fact, I remember Gov't help wasn't allowed in 'til either the gov. or mayor asked for them to come and nobody asked. I don't remember the exact details.

I do remember people just sitting and waiting for help......not old disabled people, just regular people.

Awhile later there was a huge tornado in Iowa (I think) somewhere and right after, everyone was pitching in to clear debris and fix their town. They didn't wait around for the gov't to come. . . .and they had just a few minutes warning.

This was a big difference that I noticed and remarked to my hubby. He thought the same thing too.


Für Meno :)
Well, Canadian rescue helicopters came in after 5 days.
They couldn't believe it, people were still stranded on roof tops that they had to rescue !

Like, holy crap, isn't America capable of rescue missions ?

Btw, Moreluck, a tornedo storms thru, and that's the end of it - you can walk the ground the next hour.
Hurricane not so - it floods the whole city !

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
All of the gains Bush realized during 9/11 evaporated with the remnants of Katrina.

Again - How about the mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisiana? I remember them not taking any responsibility for either the city or the state. But all the Dems and the media made sure that Bush was blamed for not reacting fast enough or with enough help. Some areas of New Orleans still look like a battle zone. Again, what is the government going to do for me? This is what happens when you don't take responsibility at the local and state level and expect that the Fed is going to do everything for you. N-a-n-n-y S-t-a-t-e.


golden ticket member
Well, Canadian rescue helicopters came in after 5 days.
They couldn't believe it, people were still stranded on roof tops that they had to rescue !

Like, holy crap, isn't America capable of rescue missions ?

Btw, Moreluck, a tornedo storms thru, and that's the end of it - you can walk the ground the next hour.
Hurricane not so - it floods the whole city !
I grew up in tornado world......they storm through, you have a few minutes warning maybe. Whole towns can be flattened and their citizens killed..........think Joplin MO. Yep it's all over all right! No people, no town. So, tell me how you walk the ground when you're dead ???????????? I find your attitude about disaster very flippant.....just like your attitude about babies.

morrisdailyherald.com | 'And it was gone' in Morris, Illinois

Our country's rules may be different than yours.......for federal help, the area has to ask for help and they didn't for a long time. That's why governors declare state of emergency.....for federal help. I'd say the lady gov (can't remember her name) was at fault for not getting help to her state.


golden ticket member
When it comes to hurricanes....you get days & days of heads up.....time to board things up. Time to leave if you are going. Earthquakes just happen and tornados form in minutes.

I remember when they told the people who were going to ride out Katrina......"don't be calling for help in the middle of the storm because there will be no help".

Everybody is allowed to decide for themselves.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Elections ~ You gotta go baby!

After All I got 5 more years !! (President B.H. Obama)

Barry's Quote of the Decade: “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America 's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.” ~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006


Well-Known Member
Re: Elections ~ You gotta go baby!

If you read the quote closely you would have understood that he was saying that it is silly to be debating on whether to raise the debt BECAUSE IT IS MONEY WE HAVE ALREADY SPENT. He was saying it is irresponsible to even consider not upping the debt level and paying our bills!!

He also spoke of our govt's "reckless fiscal policies" such as bush's huge tax cuts as well as unfunded govt programs like the expansion of medicare, etc and unfunded wars.


Well-Known Member


Strength through joy
Voter id is not some new idea.
And would you kindly show me where in the USA you don't need to show some form of id.
Even at the Customer Counter all persons are required to show Gov't issued ID to pick up every parcel .


golden ticket member
This is just the beginning. The rt wing after taking power in 2011 in many states have gone on a spree of voter surpression reminiscent of what the southern dixie dems did when recosntruction ended in 1876: they worked to make it as hard as possible if not impossible for CERTAIN people to vote. Back then it was poll taxes, etc now it is "voter ID" . Shame!!
I hope you are not flying on your vacation getaway. You have to show ID to get on a plane!!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
With all due respect, I do see that his first sentence reads the way you say. Thanks for pointing it out. But the rest of his quote is aimed at Bush and now can be used against him. I do realize that there is nobody better than this current administration to take dog poo and make you think it is essence of "Chanel Nº5"! But he does have a record and reasonable people will say that you cannot keep up with blaming the previous administration for the last 3 + years.

What ever you do - don't go into the suppression argument! The right can shoot a cannon through that argument! Eg. Black Panthers on tape - Forcing people to buy healthcare - forcing companies, and religious affiliations to provide services that are against their beliefs. You want to talk about suppression. A reasonable person will never buy the argument that any type of ID is suppression of any kind. I won't take the time to show how many rules & regulations (suppression) have been enacted on business in the past 3 years. We have more federal departments and czars telling us what to do from every direction then any other time in history!

The gas crisis is the latest failure. As President, I would have summoned every oil CEO into the White House. BO HAS THE BULLY PULPIT! I would have told Congress to have hearings to justify the price increases. I would have threatened legislative action to make the speculators take delivery of the oil immediately. If no response... create the legislation. I would make permits for oil drilling as well as pipeline delivery (Keystone) a priority ... this is a long term solution but this shows the world we will not be dependent on other countries and prices will be affected downward based on future outcomes.

Bottom Line
It is the responsibility of the President to lead. You have a certain POV, I have a certain POV (more importantly) the parties and the party leadership Dem & Rep have certain POVs, and BO has the obligation to bring both of the parties together to move us forward. He has failed miserably in that obligation. If you can't use your bully pulpit to get people to work together than move out of the way and let someone else have a go at it. You can't keep pointing fingers at one party (both sides do it!). Congress approval is partly because the President has allowed it to get that way.


Well-Known Member
Voter id is not some new idea.
And would you kindly show me where in the USA you don't need to show some form of id.
Even at the Customer Counter all persons are required to show Gov't issued ID to pick up every parcel .

So democracy is just another commodity to people like you.

Anyway i have never had to show any ID when i voted.


Well-Known Member
With all due respect, I do see that his first sentence reads the way you say. Thanks for pointing it out. But the rest of his quote is aimed at Bush and now can be used against him. I do realize that there is nobody better than this current administration to take dog poo and make you think it is essence of "Chanel Nº5"! But he does have a record and reasonable people will say that you cannot keep up with blaming the previous administration for the last 3 + years.

What ever you do - don't go into the suppression argument! The right can shoot a cannon through that argument! Eg. Black Panthers on tape - Forcing people to buy healthcare - forcing companies, and religious affiliations to provide services that are against their beliefs. You want to talk about suppression. A reasonable person will never buy the argument that any type of ID is suppression of any kind. I won't take the time to show how many rules & regulations (suppression) have been enacted on business in the past 3 years. We have more federal departments and czars telling us what to do from every direction then any other time in history!

The gas crisis is the latest failure. As President, I would have summoned every oil CEO into the White House. BO HAS THE BULLY PULPIT! I would have told Congress to have hearings to justify the price increases. I would have threatened legislative action to make the speculators take delivery of the oil immediately. If no response... create the legislation. I would make permits for oil drilling as well as pipeline delivery (Keystone) a priority ... this is a long term solution but this shows the world we will not be dependent on other countries and prices will be affected downward based on future outcomes.

Bottom Line
It is the responsibility of the President to lead. You have a certain POV, I have a certain POV (more importantly) the parties and the party leadership Dem & Rep have certain POVs, and BO has the obligation to bring both of the parties together to move us forward. He has failed miserably in that obligation. If you can't use your bully pulpit to get people to work together than move out of the way and let someone else have a go at it. You can't keep pointing fingers at one party (both sides do it!). Congress approval is partly because the President has allowed it to get that way.

First, you can still blame the former administration when his huge treasury depleting tax cuts are still in place, when his 2 treasury depleting wars are still going on, and when his deregulation induced policies crashed the economy is still recovering. Over the last 3 yrs obama has focussed on fixing those problems: passed a modest stimulus which did help us recover, passed a romney like health care reform plan which will be in full force by 2014, he passed financial reforms to attempt to re regulate wall st.

As for suppression, again it is about contraception not religious freedom. Reasonable people have seen through the right's bogus attempt to attack obama as anti religion. As for forcing people to get health care, romney forced all his citizens to get health care too. Im "forced" to have medicare and social security taxes taken out . How totalitarian !! How tyrannical!! I think it is all about how this supreme ct interprets the commerce clause.

As for czars, well that car czar helped save our auto industry. But i guess to you ideolgues, getting the job done doesnt count. Because it is all about the ideology with the wing nuts. Ideological purity over fixing the problem.

On the gas "crisis" (you do know we are now a net oil EXPORTER for the time in 50 yrs!!),if obama threatened action against the wall st speculators, i will bet you the right would have called that TYRANNICAL!! As for keystone, that oil can still be trucked into this country. Those construction jobs would have been temporary and not as many as the industry claimed either.

As for pointing fingers, obama has bent over backwards to try to be bi partisan but was stopped at every point by a very ideological opposition who thought (and still thinks) he is illegitimate and will stop at nothing to make him fail or be perceived as a failure. That is why he is supported by 50% of the population and the repub led congress is supported by about 11%. The right can NEVER be satiated: when obama leads he is taken to be a tyrant; when he cooperates, they move the goal posts on him. It helps the repub base but it alienates independents and that is what decides elections.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

Talking about being an ideologue

You can take 100% of our money in taxes and we will still be in the hole.

czars are like having 15 different supervisors when all you need is one. A safety supv - a claims supv - a quality supv - a dispatch supv - preload supv - on road supv - ALL of them telling little ol you what to do!
You are right. UPS needs all those czars to fix you! It is all about fixing you not the problem!

Obama - your absolutely right - He is so bi-partisan. I have soooo much luv for him because of his policies.:youreright:

I can find common ground with you in one area... You don't like the right wing nuts - I agree that you don't like them! Have a great weekend!


golden ticket member
You bring up 'czars'. Remember, Obama appointed a Czar over fraud in welfare. He appointed him right after getting in office.

I have never heard from this guy, never seen him and I'm beginning to think I dreamed him up.

Has anyone searched the big house for him? Did Mooch eat him? Are his bones in a closet somewhere?

I remember because Obama claimed that a lot of Obamacare would be paid for by stopping the fraud in medicaid. Of course, the fraud has been allowed to continue all of Obama's term. It's all a big blur!!


golden ticket member
"We hid this throughout the 2008 campaign. I don’t care if they find it now." (Professor Charles Ogletree re: Dr. Bell tape)

Why would they hide this? Seems very suspicious. What else was hidden? is my first question


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;Qq9Fz8EYtgM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq9Fz8EYtgM&feature=plcp&context=C49b44fbV DvjVQa1PpcFOkDXq0jxdD2dB0xdRRWmd6eVVUMLmBMgk%3D[/video]