

golden ticket member


Well-Known Member

The good news is that it's an election year and even if a republican wins in November, the sign will still be relevant. All you do is put the new republican President's name in to replace Obama's and it's just as equally true. And you thought we didn't have bipartisanship in gov't!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The good news is that it's an election year and even if a republican wins in November, the sign will still be relevant. All you do is put the new republican President's name in to replace Obama's and it's just as equally true. And you thought we didn't have bipartisanship in gov't!

I am just not cynical like you. You may call it naive or ignorant, but I disagree that things can not change. Though the establishment of Washington politics is extremely entrenched, I think regular folk like us can make a difference. With current technology the way it is, we can make a difference. We need to be speaking out to our representatives and vote for change.

Look at the Arab Spring. When we come together for a common purpose we can effect change. I have seen great Presidents on both sides of the aisle make a difference for all of America.


Staff member
I am just not cynical like you. You may call it naive or ignorant, but I disagree that things can not change. Though the establishment of Washington politics is extremely entrenched, I think regular folk like us can make a difference. With current technology the way it is, we can make a difference. We need to be speaking out to our representatives and vote for change.

Look at the Arab Spring. When we come together for a common purpose we can effect change. I have seen great Presidents on both sides of the aisle make a difference for all of America.
But we can't "come together". We proved that all last summer on the debt debacle.


Well-Known Member
The sign is clearly photoshopped. There is no way State Farm would allow one of it's agents to post this above one of their signs.

No, it's actually real but it was up in July 2008' and not current. StateFarm Corp. did have agent Gregg take it down however which he complied.


Well-Known Member
I am just not cynical like you. You may call it naive or ignorant, but I disagree that things can not change. Though the establishment of Washington politics is extremely entrenched, I think regular folk like us can make a difference. With current technology the way it is, we can make a difference. We need to be speaking out to our representatives and vote for change.

Look at the Arab Spring. When we come together for a common purpose we can effect change. I have seen great Presidents on both sides of the aisle make a difference for all of America.

The American people have been begging at the feet of the Federal Monolith for decades and the only thing that changes is things just get worse. History shows that such topdown power will not change to the pleas of the people and only begin to move when the people begin to make their own changes locally and ignoring their power. The latest such movements would be legalization or de-criminalization of drug laws in which the Federal gov't knows that federal law is being broken by local action yet they stand by and let it take place out of fear of public backlash. Whether you agree of not about drugs is not important, the fact that gov't is backing down is the heart of the issue. Same is true of the civil rights movement, women's suffrage, etc. All bottom up and in the case of the last 2, less than 1% of the population took active part to make it all happen. Think about that number of 1% and all the action started local until it grew and blew the lid off.

Ignore the bastards at the top and start acting local. You are absolutely correct in that people can work together and make excellent changes but history shows clearly, it's by the means of bottom up and not topdown. And again, you are correct, technology is such now that a single person with a desktop computer can access or create amazing stuff to benefit mankind.

As for being a cynic, I'm a very optimistic person and even believe man is very capable of both good and great things. Especially when monopolies of power and violence get the :censored2: out of the way. It's gov't who are the real brutes (see my Democide thread for proof of that fact). However, when man collectivizes into gangs with guns called gov't, they lie and lie and lie in order to maintain power and allegiance otherwise known as obedience. IMO only the most brainwashed human being would not become a cynic when lied to that much. Then again what some call a cynic others might call a realist!

Think local, act local!

And no, I did not vote today, why waste my time!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
wkmac - I do agree with "think local act local"

bbsam, the reason we can't come together is because there is no leadership at the top like More has said. The President has to get his hands dirty. He tends to get his minions to do the work. (Reid, Pelosi, Biden etc). He has to take the time to sit down with both sides and bring real compromise to the table. Instead, he has not stopped campaigning. He shows nothing but contempt for the Republicans and continues to play the blame game. As President, he has to be above all the BS in Congress but instead he falls prey to it.

If Clinton could do it with a Republican Congress, it can be done. Movement can be made with a real leader. There are a lot of Republicans who dislike Clinton but again I think he was a reasonable man and a fine President. He led from the middle. He realized that his job as President was to lead all of America. To this day, I listen to him talk and I can't find much fault with what he says. I feel he is a leader. My only beef with him was that he disgraced the office of President with his sexual antics.

I am a Romney supporter. He is the best choice to lead from the middle. I have watched him work miracles for the Olympics and know he will work with both Democrats and Republicans. BO has had his chance to show us what he can do and he has failed miserably.

As you know Reagan asked the question "Are you better off than you were four years ago?

I am much worse off now than I was four years ago. I cannot AFFORD four more years of this administration!! I use the term administration loosely.


Well-Known Member
wkmac - I do agree with "think local act local"

bbsam, the reason we can't come together is because there is no leadership at the top like More has said. The President has to get his hands dirty. He tends to get his minions to do the work. (Reid, Pelosi, Biden etc). He has to take the time to sit down with both sides and bring real compromise to the table. Instead, he has not stopped campaigning. He shows nothing but contempt for the Republicans and continues to play the blame game. As President, he has to be above all the BS in Congress but instead he falls prey to it.

If Clinton could do it with a Republican Congress, it can be done. Movement can be made with a real leader. There are a lot of Republicans who dislike Clinton but again I think he was a reasonable man and a fine President. He led from the middle. He realized that his job as President was to lead all of America. To this day, I listen to him talk and I can't find much fault with what he says. I feel he is a leader. My only beef with him was that he disgraced the office of President with his sexual antics.

I am a Romney supporter. He is the best choice to lead from the middle. I have watched him work miracles for the Olympics and know he will work with both Democrats and Republicans. BO has had his chance to show us what he can do and he has failed miserably.

As you know Reagan asked the question "Are you better off than you were four years ago?

I am much worse off now than I was four years ago. I cannot AFFORD four more years of this administration!! I use the term administration loosely.

I disagree. Obama is much like clinton. They are both centrists. However, when you are going up against a group of people who think you are illegitimate or a socialist,etc and will do anything to stop your agenda it is difficult to govern.

You sem to be ok wwith divided government. But if romney wins he will also have a very rt wing congress (both house AND senate) and will be pushed far right by them. The dems will be ignored.

Four years ago bush and co was in charge and the economy was sinking. Four years later, the economy is growing and the stock market has fully recovered. Unless you were layed off you are probably better off today!!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
People seem to forget about September 11, 2001. All air transportation was suspended, the stock market was vulnerable to a huge crash, New York City the financial capital of the world was crippled. We had to prepare for terrorism on all fronts. GW Bush will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents. He brought the country together after our country was brought to our knees. He was a war President. He is a moderate. GW is no conservative! If his administration had not put the policies into place that he did, we would likely have had a major recession that would have set the country back years. Of course this is speculation because there is no way to know for sure but Congress (both sides of the aisle) coalesced around around him.

It is the media that makes him look like an ass. He is not. It is the same media who is making the (R) candidates look like idiots now. They are not.

Congress was controlled by Dems since 2006 but the media doe not mention that. BO controlled 2/3 of our government his first 2 years and did nothing but put us deeper in debt, create tons of bureaucracy and spent the whole time working on Universal Health Care that only has 50% approval of the population. The 50% who want a nanny state to take care of all their needs.

He and the media also completely divided us as a nation. Dems and the media and 2 zealots on this website paint Republicans as backward, hillbilly redneck, bible and gun toting racist lunatics. You can bet that "them thar are fightin words" !!! It is the President's job to make sure we are all play in the sandbox ok. It is not that he can't do it, he won't do it. He is too afraid of alienating the elite leftist base. He does not know how to lead.


golden ticket member
Amen, Lifer!!

A good example of his "leadership" is knowing how hard-up America is for jobs and he delays a decision on the pipeline ('til after the election). He doesn't want to make a decision and it's so very obvious that he doesn't want to upset unions or the tree huggers with a decision that didn't go their ways. I hope his failure to act bites him in the *****.


Well-Known Member
People seem to forget about September 11, 2001. All air transportation was suspended, the stock market was vulnerable to a huge crash, New York City the financial capital of the world was crippled. We had to prepare for terrorism on all fronts. GW Bush will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents. He brought the country together after our country was brought to our knees. He was a war President. He is a moderate. GW is no conservative! If his administration had not put the policies into place that he did, we would likely have had a major recession that would have set the country back years. Of course this is speculation because there is no way to know for sure but Congress (both sides of the aisle) coalesced around around him.

It is the media that makes him look like an ass. He is not. It is the same media who is making the (R) candidates look like idiots now. They are not.

Congress was controlled by Dems since 2006 but the media doe not mention that. BO controlled 2/3 of our government his first 2 years and did nothing but put us deeper in debt, create tons of bureaucracy and spent the whole time working on Universal Health Care that only has 50% approval of the population. The 50% who want a nanny state to take care of all their needs.

He and the media also completely divided us as a nation. Dems and the media and 2 zealots on this website paint Republicans as backward, hillbilly redneck, bible and gun toting racist lunatics. You can bet that "them thar are fightin words" !!! It is the President's job to make sure we are all play in the sandbox ok. It is not that he can't do it, he won't do it. He is too afraid of alienating the elite leftist base. He does not know how to lead.

All of the gains Bush realized during 9/11 evaporated with the remnants of Katrina.