
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Whether BO gets re-elected or not, historians (not the left wing loons) will paint the true picture of his presidency. He will go down as one of the worst presidents of all time. Every day he is in office makes GW look better and better. He even makes the peanut farmer look good!

Most people I ask about who the leader of the Democratic Party is say it is Bill Clinton! BO can't even use that to his credit.


I realize that you hate OBAMA and thats ok in my book. You are entitled to your opinions as do the rest of us. Where I have trouble understanding your point of view however, is in this statement
"He will go down as one of the worst presidents of all time. Every day he is in office makes GW look better and better."
How in your own mind do you qualify this question?

The BUSH Record is horrendous at best and NOBODY short of Herbert Hoover will ever exceed the damage done to this country. The BUSH record is:

1) destroyed a prosperous nation he inherited in 2000
2) took a budget surplus and turned that into a 10.7 trillion deficit
3) started 2 wars with nations that had nothing to do with 9/11
4) creates the largest housing bubble in history and then blows it up in less than 5 years
5) shipped 11 million jobs overseas
6) a 400% increase in the price of a barrel of oil ($150.00)
7) the collapse of wall street from 14300 to 7000
8) the loss of trillions of dollars in pension wealth
9) the loss of over 750 thousand jobs a month for almost 2 years
10) negative GDP growth for the last 2 years of his administration

And yet, somehow, you say that OBAMA will be worse than that??

Please explain. You cant be serious.




golden ticket member
Can you qualify this somehow? I doubt it, but please, tell us how the two are corrolated.


Mine was an opinion piece and I don't have to explain my opinion...............to you or anyone else.

Your imagined power has been exposed to the kryptonite and you're weak from the experience, but thanks for playing!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Do I hear this right ?
You have a former President and VP that can't even leave the country, due to the danger of being charged and arrested for being war criminals.
They started wars with countries that had nothing to do with 9/11 !
They tried to kill off the Taliban, the same group President Reagan once supported.
Not 1 single terrorist came frm Iraq, but invaded that country, anyways, too.

Now, you're wondering why some are asking for revenge, after their familys, children, parents have been killed for no reason ?

And you're wondering why Obama is trying to opoligize for all the damage done by the former US government ?

And, I haven't even mentioned the trillions he spent, and the big recession he left behind for almost the entire world to fall into.
Or, the endorsement he will not hand out, because nobody wants it !

The USA generally stamps Presidents on our coins... So what is the significance of the loon on the Canadian dollar? I find this very interesting!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Mine was an opinion piece and I don't have to explain my opinion...............to you or anyone else.

Your imagined power has been exposed to the kryptonite and you're weak from the experience, but thanks for playing!

So in other words, it was just another opportunity to include the word "BLACKS" in a manner contrary to President Obama.




Well-Known Member
UPSLIFER, I realize that you hate OBAMA and thats ok in my book. You are entitled to your opinions as do the rest of us. Where I have trouble understanding your point of view however, is in this statement How in your own mind do you qualify this question? If Lifer will allow me to respond... I don't see it being hate for Obama as it's more a hate for his ideology and the Un-American direction he wants to take this country.

The BUSH Record is horrendous at best and NOBODY short of Herbert Hoover will ever exceed the damage done to this country.
Obama already has, he's passing Carter.

The BUSH record is: 1) destroyed a prosperous nation he inherited in 2000
He actually inherited it in 2001. A prosperous nation indeed and the same year of 911. But I'm sure that after the worst attack on American soil everything should, at least while a republican is in office be business as usual.

2) took a budget surplus and turned that into a 10.7 trillion deficit
We've already discussed this.. but you can keep on banging your head against the wall of "I don't understand" because, You don't..

3) started 2 wars with nations that had nothing to do with 9/11
I guess you're talking about Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq was determined by our intelligence that they had WMD. Afghanistan, Well Obama has gone hog wild on that one........

4) creates the largest housing bubble in history and then blows it up in less than 5 years
OMG! GW created this. How about the democratic party saying home ownership should be for everybody and forcing banks to make bad loans in the name of.....fairness..hmmm sounds familiar to today's mantra...Fairness, food stamps and a Country that will be like Europe soon enough...

5) shipped 11 million jobs overseas
Raise taxes, make it tough for business here....daaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

6) a 400% increase in the price of a barrel of oil ($150.00) 7) the collapse of wall street from 14300 to 7000 8) the loss of trillions of dollars in pension wealth 9) the loss of over 750 thousand jobs a month for almost 2 years 10) negative GDP growth for the last 2 years of his administration
That would be when the do nothing dems took over congress!

Interesting how you made this your best of all........So Telling!!!!!!

And yet, somehow, you say that OBAMA will be worse than that?? Please explain. You can’t be serious. Peace TOS
Were you serious when you posted this?
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama already has, he's passing Carter. He actually inherited it in 2001. A prosperous nation indeed and the same year of 911. But I'm sure that after the worst attack on American soil everything should, at least while a republican is in office be business as usual. We've already discussed this.. but you can keep on banging your head against the wall of "I don't understand" because, You don't..
3) started 2 wars with nations that had nothing to do with 9/11 I guess you're talking about Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq was determined by our intelligence that they had WMD. Afghanistan, Well Obama has gone hog wild on that one........ OMG! GW created this. How about the democratic party saying home ownership should be for everybody and forcing banks to make bad loans in the name of.....fairness..hmmm sounds familiar to today's mantra...Fairness, food stamps and a Country that will be like Europe soon enough... Raise taxes, make it tough for business here....daaaaaaaaaaaaaa... That would be when the do nothing dems took over congress! Interesting how you made this your best of all........So Telling!!!!!! Were you serious when you posted this?

YA , refute each line that i posted.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Apparently his house is worth lots more than what he paid for it !!!

So I will assume, buddy is only repeating the right wing talking points again and that somehow George W Bush will go down in history as a great president! HAH! Not even the republicans are claiming ownership of GW BUSH.

Poor guy, wandering around a country he once led ( to oblivion ) alone and unwanted. BUDDY, I asked for you to refute anything I said and I already know you cant, but for humors sake, give it a try!

And moreluck, What does the price of my home have to do with OBAMA?

He didnt create the housing bubble, and that bubble burst in 2007. How do you expect to see home prices from 2005 appear in 2012 when there are tons of millions of homes vacant in this country?

Your hero asked to have 7 million new homes built in 10 years, he got his wish and prices skyrocketed. Then the baloney loans he called for blew up in his face and killed the housing market. In addition, ticking time bombs are scheduled to blow up in OBAMAs face and that is keeping the housing market in trouble.

My home(s) will never be worth what I paid for them in the short term. Do I blame OBAMA? OF course NOT, that would be well, just stupid.




golden ticket member
So I will assume, buddy is only repeating the right wing talking points again and that somehow George W Bush will go down in history as a great president! HAH! Not even the republicans are claiming ownership of GW BUSH.

Poor guy, wandering around a country he once led ( to oblivion ) alone and unwanted. BUDDY, I asked for you to refute anything I said and I already know you cant, but for humors sake, give it a try!

And moreluck, What does the price of my home have to do with OBAMA?

He didnt create the housing bubble, and that bubble burst in 2007. How do you expect to see home prices from 2005 appear in 2012 when there are tons of millions of homes vacant in this country?

Your hero asked to have 7 million new homes built in 10 years, he got his wish and prices skyrocketed. Then the baloney loans he called for blew up in his face and killed the housing market. In addition, ticking time bombs are scheduled to blow up in OBAMAs face and that is keeping the housing market in trouble.

My home(s) will never be worth what I paid for them in the short term. Do I blame OBAMA? OF course NOT, that would be well, just stupid.


You're the one who brought up a healthy & improving housing market!! NOT!!!


golden ticket member
Team Obama is less than stellar. Their advance team should be gutted after exposing the president to the embarrassment of empty seats at his first campaign event. How lazy and over-confident these staffers must be!

And the Obama TV ads are very, very poor quality. So, too, are his pro-Obama Super PAC ads.
Mr. Obama’s kick-off speech was amazingly negative. Instead of extolling the audience with the accomplishments of his first term, the president attacked his rival Mitt Romney and the GOP.

This is highly unusual for an incumbent president. But, of course, other than the Bin Laden take-down, what does he have to talk about?

Read more: When it comes to the 2012 presidential election, does anyone know how to play this game? | Fox News

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Now that BO has "evolved"... the LGBT community will come out in droves to support him. The pot-o-gold will be overflowing at the end of the rainbow... pun intended.

As we all know there is a large contingent of LGBT people that work the entertainment industry or support industries in Hollywood. Hollywood supports LGBT rights, I have no issue with that BUT...There are leading movie stars who fit the criteria above but stay in the closet because they would lose the major rolls that they now get. John Travolta comes to mind. He is in the news once again ...

The hypocrisy is simply baffling.

Battle states now are in big time play, many socially conservative Dems will stay home rather than support the Prez.


golden ticket member
"O" got N. Carolina last time......not so sure about that now.

Since 'O' has no record to run on, his team is really grasping at straws. With big issues like the ecnomy, jobs, etc.....his team brings up a high school prank from 1965.....then there was also the 'dog thing' that came back to bite them in the arse.
At least there is actually a history with Mitt.....with 'O', no one knows what the hell his history is.

Obama, in his book, says that HighSchool was a blur for him with doing drugs and hanging at the beach with Hawaiian kids. That's an ass-biter!!


Well-Known Member
The Other Side,
Do you realize that most of the stuff you wrote, kind of fit for both present and past president right? The middle income has been shrinking(if you count real inflation) since the 70's, tax is higher (hidden tax) because of inflation, you think you make more than 10 years ago, while in nominal wage you make less and pay more tax.
"budget deficits don't matter" that's what everybody says now.
The housing bubble and stock tech bubble can be thanked to the FED and maybe congress because of it's artificially low rate = cheap money to gamble on
And the housing in my opinion still didn't burst, it's just delayed. Backed processing of foreclosed houses, low interest rates and a ton of toxic assets that just sitting on the FED's and banks' sheets as some-kind of made up value that still hasn't been released to the market.
The losing jobs to overseas is because of this bigger idea: globalization or (future)enlightenment and you can count every single president on that in the past 30-50 years.
Terrorist attack, ok that's your own opinion...
Can I recommend you this one? Do you think that pet goat book is upside down by accident? There is war for sure, but I don't really fully understand it. The western politicians all talk about these terrorists, just hoping that they really have our best interest in heart and not screwing us...None of the other major countries are really signaling or telling the truth of what is really going on.
Bush Reads 'My Pet Goat' Upside-Down On 9/11 - YouTube
The 2 wars became a lot more, have you seen the middle east map that which countries are colonized now?


Well-Known Member
So I will assume, buddy is only repeating the right wing talking points again and that somehow George W Bush will go down in history as a great president! HAH! Not even the republicans are claiming ownership of GW BUSH. Poor guy, wandering around a country he once led ( to oblivion ) alone and unwanted. BUDDY, I asked for you to refute anything I said and I already know you cant, but for humors sake, give it a try! TOS
TOS, The Other Side Of What? TOSOW! Google what you posted and refute your own stuff. I refuted some to give you a head start. PEace! I'm feeling so humorous. :)


golden ticket member
Cheeks !!! Who eats this crap? Couldn't George throw on some steaks, a few baked potatoes, ranch style beans and a big salad......then he could've used the big bucks he paid Puck to add to the campaign's take. None of these people are "down to earth"!

"Puck's dinner menu included an artichoke salad followed by roasted duckling "Peking style" with tiny buns, a duo of lamb and beef cheek with potatoes and Brussels sprouts, and sweet corn tortelloni."

Obama jokes with Clooney at star's gala fundraiser - Yahoo! News

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Cheeks !!! Who eats this crap? Couldn't George throw on some steaks, a few baked potatoes, ranch style beans and a big salad......then he could've used the big bucks he paid Puck to add to the campaign's take. None of these people are "down to earth"!

"Puck's dinner menu included an artichoke salad followed by roasted duckling "Peking style" with tiny buns, a duo of lamb and beef cheek with potatoes and Brussels sprouts, and sweet corn tortelloni."

Obama jokes with Clooney at star's gala fundraiser - Yahoo! News

Steaks? Baked potatoes? Ranch style beans? From Wolfgang Puck? Obviously you have never eaten at his restaurant. You cant find those items in his restaurant. While different, his menus are asian based. I take it you have never been to PUCK 24 in downtown los angeles?

My wife works for a stock trading company across the street from PUCK 24 and every year her christmas party is at Pucks. The food is trendy but it aint no backyard BBQ.

Its different and not for everyone. While my wife loves the menu, I have to really pick and chose something to eat. It has nothing to do with being down to earth, its just fancy catering.

As if ROMNEY eats McDonalds on the campaign trail.




Für Meno :)
That is interesting. Why are they led by loons but have an economy humming along? What does that make us?

You got that right ! :

Economy adds 58,200 jobs
The Canadian Press – 1 hour 4 minutes ago

OTTAWA - Canada's economy surprised again in April, turning out another stellar month of employment growth, adding 58,200 jobs as Canadians found work in most regions of the country and in most goods-producing industries.

The big gains last month following the stunning 82,000 increase in March changes the picture for Canada's labour market, which prior to March had been mostly stagnant since the summer.
And if confirmed in subsequent months, it might give Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney one more reason to carry through on his signal last month that the time for modestly raising interest rates was approaching.

Following March's mammoth gains, analysts had expected only modest movement in employment this month. Instead, April turned out to be almost as strong, and even stronger in the details.

I know they seem like small numbers, but with 10X less the population than the US, in equalent, that's 582.000 and 820.000 respectivly !!!
Oh yeah, and the loonie moved up over the greenback on that news, too.
And the Loonie is of course still AAA rated !
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