

golden ticket member
Its another right wing rag with Rupert Murdoch support.

Please. Give us a viable source, not another outlet for that criminal rupert murdoch and son.


I don't question your stupid arse sources........................I don't need to protect mine!! Deal with it or ignore my posts.


golden ticket member
You don't question the MSM? NPR? Really?

I don't like them, but I don't confront anyone on it...............................NPR receives money from the gov't.......tends to make them grateful and side with the gov't. too much......too liberal for me.


Well-Known Member
How Mitt Romney’s Campaign Put A Damper On Obama’s Big Day !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLUMBUS, Ohio — Saturday was supposed to be President Barack Obama’s day, dominated by headlines of successful campaign holding its first rally. Instead, reports prominently included references to thousands of empty seats at the president’s first rally here — just as the Romney campaign wanted it. At The Ohio State University, over 5,000 seats in the 20,000-person venue went unfilled on the upper seating deck and behind the press cameras —a sharp contrast to Obama’s events in 2008, and even a 2010 event with then-Gov. Ted Strickland which drew 35,000.----http://www.buzzfeed.com/zekejmiller/how-mitt-romneys-campaign-put-a-damper-on-obama ABC News had reported Saturday morning that the campaign expected “overflow” crowds at each event, crowds which never did materialize.-------- -------------LMAO!! FAIL!


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Three and a half years in, President Obama has held more fundraisers than the previous 5 presidents combined. He needed to, because he's added more debt than the previous 43.


golden ticket member
On Fox, on M. Kelly's program, she just showed both pictures from Obama's kick off rally. One with the empty upper and one with the full upper behind the podium.

Both pictures were correct. Different sides of the auditorium.. Fair & Balanced.
Maybe Obama should hire 'seat fillers' like they do at the Academy Awards. Those OWS people have nothing else to do.


golden ticket member
It's ALL about the election and it has been since the day he was sworn in. Delaying decisions until after November? How decisive of you....NOT!

He's on the fence about same sex marriage and "is evolving". I don't know about you, but everybody I know has a definite opinion about this issue......they are either for it or aganst it. No fence post turtles here!

Just like the pipeline thing......he wanted to postpone a decision 'til afer Nov. There are 2 groups (voters) that could be offended should he go one way or the other. So he just puts it off until he can get all the votes and then to hell with one side.

Thats not a leader. That's a manipulator-in-chief.
He lack sthe courage to make a decision........and don't throw Bin Ladin in the picture......it took months for him to make that decision.

He's afraid to lose the black vote if he's for gay marriage......he'll definitely lose the muslim vote!! Maybe that's what most scares him.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
He's afraid to lose the black vote if he's for gay marriage......he'll definitely lose the muslim vote!! Maybe that's what most scares him.

Can you qualify this somehow? I doubt it, but please, tell us how the two are corrolated.




Strength through joy
[h=1]How unpopular can Obama get? Texas INMATE gets 40 per cent of votes against President in West Virginia primary[/h]
  • Prisoner Keith Judd got 40% of vote in West Virginia to Obama's 60%
  • Inmate 11593-051 got on ballot by paying $2,500 fee and filing forms
  • Attracting 15% of vote normally qualifies candidate for a delegate to the Democratic National Convention
Just how unpopular is President Obama in some parts of the country? Enough that a man in a Texas prison received four out of 10 votes in West Virginia's Democratic presidential primary.
Inmate Keith Judd, 53, is serving 17 years for extortion at the Beaumont Federal Correctional Institution. He was sentenced in 1999 for making threats against the University of New Mexico and is due to be released on June 24 next year.

Read more: Texas INMATE gets 40 per cent of votes against Obama in West Virginia primary | Mail Online


Für Meno :)
The "United" States? A house divided

  • 20125513330189734_20.jpg
    The "United" States? A house divided

Columbus, OH - In the wake of the 2004 presidential election, a satirical map of "red" and "blue" states became an instant online hit. On it you could find " Jesusland ", or the states where George W Bush somehow convinced the populace that his part Calvin Coolidge, part Kardashian-marriage presidency deserved four more years (Mission Accomplished).
Meanwhile, mostly to the north of these states, "The United States of Canada", was born, where Senator John Kerry windsurfed his way to victory. For those well versed in US history, the state-by-state breakdown possessed an eerie resemblance to another, more sombre, map: that of the free states, slave states and territories permitting slavery just before the Civil War.

Reader comment:
• Toronto, Ontario • 1 day 12 hours ago
I always wondered why the Northern states fought to keep the South in the Union. What a missed opportunity that was!​

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Whether BO gets re-elected or not, historians (not the left wing loons) will paint the true picture of his presidency. He will go down as one of the worst presidents of all time. Every day he is in office makes GW look better and better. He even makes the peanut farmer look good!

Most people I ask about who the leader of the Democratic Party is say it is Bill Clinton! BO can't even use that to his credit.


Für Meno :)
Whether BO gets re-elected or not, historians (not the left wing loons) will paint the true picture of his presidency. He will go down as one of the worst presidents of all time. Every day he is in office makes GW look better and better. He even makes the peanut farmer look good!

Most people I ask about who the leader of the Democratic Party is say it is Bill Clinton! BO can't even use that to his credit.

Do I hear this right ?
You have a former President and VP that can't even leave the country, due to the danger of being charged and arrested for being war criminals.
They started wars with countries that had nothing to do with 9/11 !
They tried to kill off the Taliban, the same group President Reagan once supported.
Not 1 single terrorist came frm Iraq, but invaded that country, anyways, too.

Now, you're wondering why some are asking for revenge, after their familys, children, parents have been killed for no reason ?

And you're wondering why Obama is trying to opoligize for all the damage done by the former US government ?

And, I haven't even mentioned the trillions he spent, and the big recession he left behind for almost the entire world to fall into.
Or, the endorsement he will not hand out, because nobody wants it !