

Strength through joy
I hope bhos bleeds Hollywood dry.
So come Nov. and he's thrown out of DC, maybe all of his new friends will let him move in with them.


golden ticket member
Speaking of Hollywood and George Clooney's little party. The spin machine is going crazy saying $15 million was raised at his get together!!!

HELLO !! 140 guests X $40,000 (which is all they can give) does not equal $15 million. They lopped together all those $3 donations and all the other crap collected for the past month or so.

So they estimate collections like they estimate crowds at events and unemployment numbers and many other things we are being lied to about!!


Well-Known Member
The couple had been chosen as they had benefitted from Obama's mortgage reduction plan, saving $240/month. The husband voted for Obama in 2008 and plans on doing so in 2012. The wife is not so sure, preferring to see how the economy is before casting her vote, which I think mirrors the mindset of a majority of voters, including me.


Well-Known Member
Kind of nice having a speech in a venue not 100% friendly. Shows an affirmation that not all is perfect.

...unlike Romney giving the commencement address at Liberty University and taking a not-so-subtle swipe at Obama with his "marriage is intended to be between a man and a woman" remark.


golden ticket member
Have you seen the new ad from Obama's campaign about Bain Capital and a steel mill closing? I think "o"'s people get up each morning and search for new lies to spread about their opponent.

Romney was gone for 10 years from Bain when this steel mill closed!! He wasn't even there!!

All this stuff makes Obama look petty and when he's caught in a lie, it makes you wonder what else he lies about?
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Für Meno :)
I don't think it beats Mitt claiming he saved the auto industry !
No way does he have a chance to win over Ohio or even Michigan.
Too many people are employed by the auto sector there and won't easliy forget.


golden ticket member
I don't think it beats Mitt claiming he saved the auto industry !
No way does he have a chance to win over Ohio or even Michigan.
Too many people are employed by the auto sector there and won't easliy forget.

People in Ohio generally don't accept gay marriage, so they are re-thinking Obama now!!! I would imagine Michigan is about the same!! Romney has a good chance of winning Ohio.


Für Meno :)
People in Ohio generally don't accept gay marriage, so they are re-thinking Obama now!!! I would imagine Michigan is about the same!! Romney has a good chance of winning Ohio.

Do you even know the US Supreme Court will decide in a year or 2 if gay marriages are acceptable ?
And no matter who the next President is, will have to obey the rules of the Supreme Court and must allow those marriages !
Every single State as well !

It's comming, no matter how hard you may want to fight against it !