I wonder how the wicked witch of the west Nancy views this
How about a perspective from a catholic?
I found the ad ridiculous for todays america. In an era of homelessness and single parent households, the last thing this country needs is to support the birthing of MORE children into poverty. I find that white americans complain about minorities having children in record numbers into single parent homes, but will NOT support the very thing that would CURB this practice.
Rush Limbaugh just yesterday was sounding the alarm about children being born to minorities in higher numbers than white children, and that in a matter of time the " white american" majority would be threatened.
It is a fact, that in less than 20 years, many states populations will be a majority race other than white, and in 100 years, whites will be the minority nationwide.
Birth control would prevent this from happening, so you better rethink your positions on birth control if you dont want to become a MINORITY.