

golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

JUMP SHIP??? do you seriously fail to fact check anything you post??

DAVIS, ran as a democrat for the governors office and lost in a primary runoff to a legitimate democrat. Afterwards, he changed his party status to independent in an attempt to run for another house seat.

Since, he has lost traction with the democratic party and moreover, with the black community itself. This time around, he feels "politically" that he has a chance to win office by running as a republican and against OBAMA.

Davis left the ship along time ago.

He has ZERO chance of winning any elected office. He knows that full well. He can speak ill of OBAMA in order to see if he can gain any traction with GOP voters, but this is pure politics 101.

Of course FOX SPEWS will give him airtime, because thats what they are looking for.

Next time, why not find an actual seated democrat coming out and switching party between now and november.

FOX SPEWS... a source for the gulible.




golden ticket member
Well, just wait 'til live debates when Obama is going to have to try to prove those statistics and without a prompter (umina, umina, humina, humina er ah ).........I happen to think a 4.6% unemployment rate is real good!! They never metioned that, did they.

Also out there is the ad with all those lies being told by obama....like reducing the deficit by half in his first term or he'd be a one term president. He should just keep his word and drop out!!

You can donate $3 to Obama and have a chance to win dinner at horseface's , oops, I mean Sarah Jessica Parker's house with the pres. & Mooch. You're the raffle king, send in your loonies now !!