

Well-Known Member

So if I was a racists or for the moment thought as one, what is he and what is the media outlet who broadcast this in the first place?

I told you I was serious!

Dave, I agree, the words without the image could still be as, if not more effective but as for the broader subject of slavery, oh yes, everyone should google Irish Slavery and internal European Slavery that was around until the Middle Ages. Africans were just the last victims to the party and that's one party I'm glad is over but there is still truth to those words in the picture. In many respects, we are slaves but moreso prisoners in a prison and election is just our chance to vote on the guards and the warden.

And yes bbsam, that man in the picture could still be any one of us regardless of race and if we can see it that way, charlatans like Allen West can't get away with the conjob he's trying to pull when in effect he wants desperately to be a prison guard if not the warden some day!

Lifer, you wanted the source, well maybe not the exact source but I'd bet good money a huge influence.


Staff member

You know what's so damn offensive about this? I had to think about it for a while. It seems almost to harken back to "the good old days" when black slaves were taken care of for toiling in the fields. That's the "work" they did to "earn" their master's "favor". But the second picture seems to say what? Blacks don't work. They don't sweat in the fields. That's not how they earn their keep. They just show up and vote (for democrats) and then live on the dole.

And while I can understand the point wk is making and do not believe wk to be racist in the least, this poster is incredibly racist.


Well-Known Member
You know what's so damn offensive about this? I had to think about it for a while. It seems almost to harken back to "the good old days" when black slaves were taken care of for toiling in the fields. That's the "work" they did to "earn" their master's "favor". But the second picture seems to say what? Blacks don't work. They don't sweat in the fields. That's not how they earn their keep. They just show up and vote (for democrats) and then live on the dole.

And while I can understand the point wk is making and do not believe wk to be racist in the least, this poster is incredibly racist.


Some background on how this came up beyond my usual baited field and trickery. This past Sunday I was invited to attend a lecture by a behavioral scientist and a Oxford biologist who studied under Professor Dawkins. Yes, it was a group of freethinkers/atheists and no we didn't make fun of you christians either. And for BCer Just_another_day, 200 years ago it might have been called an illuminati meeting. LOL!

The image I posted and the video were examples among many that were shown and discussed, not from it's exclusive political angle but rather how people behave, react and how we as a species abandon logic and rational thought to such events. We may later individually think it out further but quite often a groupthink psychology takes over and the initial reactions hold sway and become the norm rather than a later consideration becoming so. For the record, this was the only image that had a political connection as there were many religious and other day to day stuff, much I was surprised to have seen but never thought it all the way out.

But too your point that the poster is racist or did this for racist reasons, and let me say, your point was also raised in the lecture as a point of objection but then we were shown the Allen West video and were asked did we consider West racist? The words and suggestion were the same and yet as a group we didn't consider West racist. Why? As it was the image of West as being a victim of racism because of slavery that we didn't consider West a racist, yet the truth of slavery, all races have been victims of slavery. Once you understood the fuller impact of slavery in it's broader context, the image does loose a lot of it's implied intent to manipulate assuming a racist manipulation was the point. West's comments on Fox spurred a rash of these types of PR images so this again would beg, if West's comments were the inspiration of the image, a judgement that the image is racist would mean that West himself is racist.

When I said I see a human in the image I was being truthful but then having thought it out to some extent allowed me not to be manipulated by the intended purpose nor was West able to convince me that as you put it, he is Harriet Tubman or Rosa Parks for that matter. I guess for West's next illusion, he'll convince us he's MLK?

My intent was not to offend anyone but rather to provoke thinking, reasoning and logic. I view racism as nothing more than thought manipulation for the purpose of ceding power to those who manipulate. To obtain power, one needs a mass of people behind them to look legit and to some degree having a knowledge. We've long accepted that a majority means or can equal truth. I know the implications of that statement in regards to other areas and leave that be as I will but in the case of broader society, how we see each other and how easy it is for wedges to be used between us for the purpose of pitting us against, that is the point.

And for the record, I'm not trying to say or suggest racism isn't real, it is real. However, over the years I've come to believe that most racism is not about skin color itself but rather cultural fear and the irrational fear that one's culture will be replaced by the other culture. America's culture is and has been almost from day one a multicultural society molded towards one. Each race that makes up America has taken bits and pieces of other cultures and so embedded them into their own, they may not even see it anymore. I love rock music so I must love black music but then rock means I love european music too. I love jazz and jazz is uniquely American and considered of black cultural origins. But then the likes of Monk and Mingus would point to Bach, Mozart and Beethoven as big influences meaning European. If you ever hear of a New Orleans drummer with the band Galactic whose name is Stanton Moore is giving a drum clinic in your area, go at least for the first 30 minutes even if you are not a drummer. Stanton gives a history lesson of American music beginning in 1850's New Orleans and how the merging of African rhythms and European march beats blended together to give us so much of the music we have today. We are vastly more culturally connected than we really know.

Our culture is almost so Heinz 57 that being called American on a cultural scale is almost it's own race, just no longer measured by skin color. Maybe on some level, MLK's dream really has been achieved but we're all to bullheaded to see it. Loose the bullheadedness and the man in the picture becomes human instead of a black man making the use of such emotional trickery meaningless but more important, it strips away the political charlatans like West from the power they seek!


Here's another image and since it only shows white people, is this racist because it doesn't show black folk?

21st century slaves.jpg

Fact: These are actual prisoners (note the orange jumpsuits) who as their assigned jobs man call centers for a variety of reasons. Next time you get a sales call or an opinion survey, the person of the other end may well be a state of federal prisoner.
21st century slaves.jpg


golden ticket member
[h=2]Yesterday: Obama Campaign Complains About Too Much Money In Politics After Walker Victory. Today: Heads To California To Hit Five Campaign Fundraisers…[/h]Assploding hypocrisy.

Via The Hill:
President Obama’s campaign is increasingly focusing its fundraising efforts on California, where Obama on Wednesday will make his third trip in a month to attend five fundraisers.

Silicon Valley and Hollywood are Obama’s hottest spots to raise money, and the spigots have opened wider since Obama last month went public with his personal endorsement of gay marriage, which went over particularly well with California donors.

The president’s trip on Wednesday will be his 16th visit to California since entering office.
To be sure, the Golden State has always been a major cash machine for Democratic candidates — and even some Republicans. Sixteen of Obama’s top bundlers — including DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg — hail from California. But the state’s importance to the president has increased as Wall Street has cooled to Obama because of his attacks on Mitt Romney’s private-equity background at Bain Capital.


Staff member
Let's take that photo and I believe they truly are prisoners. I have some questions. First, do you believe this picture to represent a cross-section of prison population? Second, if not, where are the black inmates? Are only the white inmates "capable" or "reformed" enough to work in the call center? Knowing what we know about prison populations in the U.S. wouldn't it seem odd to have an all white work detail? Granted it is a small subset, but the poster does claim, "This is US Prison".


Staff member
As far as Allen West goes, no I doubt that he is a racist. But then as you point out, we know alot more about him than we know about the origins of the poster. But that is not our fault, now is it? Allen West let's people know more than our poster creator. It would be as though somebody for a prank drove to a Romney rally with a Southern Cross flag and a bullhorn and started chanting, "white power". Is this person a racist? Maybe, maybe not. Could easily be a college prank but that's not what they put out to be known.


golden ticket member
Let's take that photo and I believe they truly are prisoners. I have some questions. First, do you believe this picture to represent a cross-section of prison population? Second, if not, where are the black inmates? Are only the white inmates "capable" or "reformed" enough to work in the call center? Knowing what we know about prison populations in the U.S. wouldn't it seem odd to have an all white work detail? Granted it is a small subset, but the poster does claim, "This is US Prison".
Do you know the stats. for women's prisons? (just asking, don't know)


golden ticket member
[h=2]Obama Spends Record Amount of Time Fundraising: Hits 153rd Fundraiser Since Announcing Reelection Bid, Bush Did Only 79 At Same Point In His Presidency…[/h]

Plus this pathetic excuse for a Commander-in-Chief failed to commemorate D-Day today in favor of hitting a handful of fundraisers in California.

Via Politico:
No, it’s not your imagination: President Barack Obama is spending a whole lot of time fundraising, perhaps more than any incumbent president in history.

Including this week’s trip to California, he will have spent eight of 24 weekdays during the past month — that’s a third of them — on the road and collecting cash.

His event Thursday morning will mark his 153rd fundraiser since announcing his reelection bid last year. That’s nearly double the number that his predecessor George W. Bush had attended by this point in his reelection campaign, according to CBS’s Mark Knoller, who put 43’s early June number at 79.
Neither White House nor campaign officials responded to messages seeking comment.


golden ticket member
B.O. didn't have time to speak for D-Day remembrances, but did release a new campaign ad on that day starring a tax dodger!!

Another tax-dodger for Obama | Washington Free Beacon

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I couldn't agree more with your assessment that racism is more about cultural fear than skin color (modern day). However there are some modern day Neanderthals who still believe that people with African features and skin color are somehow not quite human or at least a step below them (Neanderthal) in the evolutionary scale. There is very little we can do about that type of person but we can continually work on educating others to help them eliminate their irrational fear of other cultures.


golden ticket member
I understand the "young people" part, but where does it say they have to all be starlets??

[h=2]Report: Obama Met Privately With 25 Young Hollywood Stars…[/h]

How cute, Obama’s one of the cool kids.
Via Hollywood Reporter:
Before heading off for a breakfast Thursday that officially concluded his two-day fundraising trip to Los Angeles, President Barack Obama met privately at the Beverly Hilton with two dozen of Hollywood’s hottest young stars, urging them to involve themselves in his re-election campaign.

Among those who met with the president were The Avengers starJeremy Renner, Glee actress Dianna Agron, Star Trek‘s Zachary Quinto, Southland’s Ben McKenzie, Jessica Alba,Bryan Greenberg, Adam Rodriguez, Zach Braff, Brandon Routh, Ian Somerhalder, Jared Leto, Kal Penn and Sophia Bush.

Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that the meeting was part of the Obama re-election campaign’s “Young America Effort,” an initiative to build support and turnout among the younger voters who were key to the president’s election four years ago.


golden ticket member

Subject: Requesting A Small Favor

Dear friends,

There are less than 7 months until election day when the people will
decide who will be the next President. The person elected will be the
president of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans.
It's time that we all need to come together, Democrats and Republicans
alike, in a bi-partisan effort for America. If you will support Mitt
Romney, please drive with your headlights ON during the day.If you
support Barack Obama, please drive with your headlights OFF at night.
Together, we can make it happen.

Thank you!