golden ticket member
A homewrecker is when a married couple are broken Brad and Jen were Angelina'dLol. Maybbe the slang is 20 years too young for you.
It hasn't changed !!
A homewrecker is when a married couple are broken Brad and Jen were Angelina'dLol. Maybbe the slang is 20 years too young for you.
I know you are smarter than thinking he was talking about our elderly or truly needy. Im thinking you were just funning.Gladly. What is her fair share?
As for the 250K mark, I dont think Romney was the big starter of that number.
Sure it does and a big chunk of the 97% of blacks that voted Obama are as guilty of it as anyone.Because racism doesn't exist.
What hate? This person, as I doesn’t care for Obama’s policies, period! Where does this person say that the president doesn’t love his country? We would all get along if you could tell the truth in just responding to a post on the BrownCafe….Seek help my friend!!!Really? in his explanation, there is no legitimate reason he gave to define his hate for the president. He makes a statement that says he believes the president doesnt love his country. How can he possibly come to that conclusion without the benefit of the occupation of Barack Obamas mind? He simply and obviously substitutes rhetoric for reasoning. We all know the truth and so do you. We would all get along so much better if you guys could just be a little more honest with your feelings. But you cant. Your afraid of what would come of it. Peace TOS
Really? in his explanation, there is no legitimate reason he gave to define his hate for the president. He makes a statement that says he believes the president doesnt love his country.
How can he possibly come to that conclusion without the benefit of the occupation of Barack Obamas mind? He simply and obviously substitutes rhetoric for reasoning.
I cannot believe i spent all that time typing and you went and found a video to do it for thats better than anything I could type, and makes it easier to understand for those that like the pictures instead of the words... again awesome job!
I would like someone to state why they love this president. What has he done to deserve your loyalty? Almost everything he says is a lie, he has not fulfilled most of his promises. So instead of "He simply and obviously substitutes rhetoric for reasoning." please seriously convince me he is the better candidate. Without the obvious rhetoric. List his accomplishments maybe, his future picture for us?
The only thing i can see he has done is divide this country like has never been done before except for the civil war, rammed this bloated unconstitutional health care law that is already bankrupting this country (wait for the next four years), Oh and created almost 6 trillion in more debt in 3.5 years more than any other president ever. And best of all his hands off approach to the ever changing world problems is destroying our leverage/stance in the view of the world of being a country to be followed. Instead we are shown as weak and untrustworthy, there for we are opening our selves to attack and being bullied. Not only from Iran and the rest of the Middle East, but worst of all China . look at the growing threat around the world, they hate us and have become more bold to do what they want thinking we will just stand by because that is what this president projects to the world....our weakness...
So please tell me how you see it and change my vote,,
I would like someone to state why they love this president. What has he done to deserve your loyalty? Almost everything he says is a lie, he has not fulfilled most of his promises. So instead of "He simply and obviously substitutes rhetoric for reasoning." please seriously convince me he is the better candidate. Without the obvious rhetoric. List his accomplishments maybe, his future picture for us?
The only thing i can see he has done is divide this country like has never been done before except for the civil war, rammed this bloated unconstitutional health care law that is already bankrupting this country (wait for the next four years), Oh and created almost 6 trillion in more debt in 3.5 years more than any other president ever. And best of all his hands off approach to the ever changing world problems is destroying our leverage/stance in the view of the world of being a country to be followed. Instead we are shown as weak and untrustworthy, there for we are opening our selves to attack and being bullied. Not only from Iran and the rest of the Middle East, but worst of all China . look at the growing threat around the world, they hate us and have become more bold to do what they want thinking we will just stand by because that is what this president projects to the world....our weakness...
So please tell me how you see it and change my vote,,
First and foremost, lets talk about the division you speak of. From 2001 through 2008, this country was split in HALF by GW BUSH with his constant lies about both wars he started. The majority of americans didnt want these wars and suspected BUSH was lying, but the administration forced those wars down our throats.
Everyone knew that these wars (both unpaid and part of the national debt 3.8 trillion combined) would wipe out our economy, but the BUSH administration did it anyways.
This county started protesting against the goverment unlike anything since the 60's to stop the wars. Those who call themselves republicans pushed for a continuation of wars despite its obvious effects on wall street, the price of oil, the cost to GDP, and the cost to the unemployment rate that ultimately shoved us into a recession so deep, it could only be compared to the great depression.
As for President Obama, He ended the war in Iraq and they are on their own to find a way to govern. (money saved vs McCains theory of being there for 100 years) Afghanistan occupation will end in 2014 and whatever happens there happens. We should have never been there in the first place. These wars cost this country HUGE dollars that we cant pay back and ending them is in the best interest of the United States people.
With respect to health care, this isnt something new. Going back to the 90's, healthcare reform has been in front of congress and the senate and they failed to do anything about it.
That failure allowed health care costs to skyrocket every year at rates unheard of in USA history. At the same time, those same insurance companies were denying coverage to MILLIONS of americans every year for pre-existing conditions and in other cases, denying coverage simply because they ommitted something on the insurance application. Insurance
companies had actual committees of doctors to sit and evaluate a persons history just to find something wrong in order to deny coverage. Doctors from those committees testified in from of congress and explained how they were paid a percentage of any claim a patient made if they could find a way to deny coverage.
This action forces MILLIONS of americans into bankruptcy court and many lose homes, cars and property. The ACA gets those people out of the BK courts and that helps all of us as prices for services dont have to rise to cover losses.
You say its UNCONSTITUTIONAL, yet the supreme court ruled and validated the healthcare reform act. If this is the case, why do you say its unconstitutional? The founding fathers MANDATED all maritime employees to purchase health care insurance and then they created the maritime hospital system to cover these employees. This was done under the General Welfare Clause.
So how do you conclude the goverment has no right to mandate insurance?
The ACA has so many benefits for all americans, and this is something that must be done so healthcare prices are controlled and prevented from skyrocketing. The industry has operated at a 400% profit margin and that margin will be reduced and that reduction will help americans get the care they need.
As far as the troops are concerned, BUSH CUT benefits for the VA system because his deficits were SKYHIGH and the result was that we saw soldiers coming home and living in their cars, homeless, broke, injured and without help and their credit ratings destroyed. Most lost their jobs and no one wanted to hire one.
OBAMA has passed into law, the MILITARY DEBT RELIEF ACT, something that benefits ALL VETS when they return from a combat zone. He INCREASED spending for the VA SYSTEM building new facilities to care for those most needy from injuries. Under BUSH, military suicides were at record levels every month, and under OBAMA, with better care, that number is starting to come down.
With the economy, OBAMA had to take control of an airliner that was heading straight DOWN in a death dive, as BUSH was losing 750 thousand jobs a month starting in 2007 and continuing into 2009. 4.7 million jobs alone in 2008 were lost before OBAMA even sat at his desk.
Working with the fed, and economists, things had to be done. First, saving the banking industry was the priority. IF the large banks had failed, all the banks in the country would have tanked and we all would have been screwed. wall street collapsed under BUSH and over 3 trillion dollars in value was lost. Since then, OBAMAs policies have increased wall street by 100 percent and corporations are more profitable than ever in history.
The stimulus program that was passed also was an important part of our recovery ( romney also believes and supported this) this stimulus was constructed in thirds. The first part were tax cuts for those making under 250K. (thats you and me) The other third was used for highway projects , bridges, roads and freeway expansions and MY STATE recieved a large portion of that money.
The last third is still sitting in the treasury and hasnt been spent yet.
ON the housing market, OBAMA has created HARP programs that have helped tons of home owners to stay in homes. It isnt perfect, but it stopped the nose dive in the housing market and its turning around now. A new harp program is coming out shortly to help those homeowners who have privately held mortgages ( not fannie or freddie ) and that should further help the industry turn around. This program is for home owners who have made all their payments on time, never late and with good credit.
President Obama has attempted to restart our manufacturing industry by saving what we have left, and creating new industries. ( wind , solar ) These industries are creating jobs all across the nation. Solar here in california is going like gangbusters and companies are starting up everywhere. There is greater demand then there are service providers.
This is something all americans should embrace. We have to get away from being dependent on China for american goods made there.
President Obama has taken the lead on the war on terror, killing ALL the top leaders of AL Qaeda and using our military with greater precision and limiting service members lives.
Remember, in 2008, OBAMA said he was going into pakistan to find Usama Bin Laden, and the Entire GOP said he was NUTS, but thats what he did and he got him. That alone deserves the utmost respect.
BUSH himself said he didnt know where Usama was, nor was he thinking about him. BUSH hadnt the first clue where he was and the GOP would not go into pakistan calling them an ally. OBAMA was bold enough, brave enough and stong enough to make a decision to infiltrate a soverign country and capture and killing the number 1 terrorist in the world.
The GOP would rather send your children into two countries that had nothing to do with 9/11 and have them killed or maimed and then say that they are a part of the 47% that pay no taxes and they are freeloaders.
Does that insult you?
President Obama can only do what he can and its the house of representatives who really control what happens in the country. If they dont pass his bills, we stay where we are. The congress has voted on 33 bills to attempt to kill heathcare knowing full well they wouldnt pass the senate or get the presidents signature. All that did was waste time and the nations business can never be done.
The house since Boehner took control, has only kicked the can down the road with temporary spending bills hoping to kick it to 2013 when they hope to get a new president, and then you will see what kind of damage the republicans are willing to do to the american public, and that means YOU.
If you believe that Romney offers you something that will help you, then you are in for a big surprise. His tax cuts for the rich will punch a 4.75 trillion dollar hole in the deficit and to make up that deficit, he is willing to RAISE YOUR TAXES TO GET IT BACK.
Unfortunately, he wont tell you that, and all he will say, is to wait until after the election and congress will determine how to make up that 4.75 trillion dollar deficit at your expense.
This alone should be enough for you to NOT VOTE for Romney. This will affect you DIRECTLY. Mortgage deduction credit will be eliminated, Child deduction credits eliminated, College Tuition deductions eliminated, home repairs for rentals eliminated, sales tax deduction eliminated, car registration deductions eliminated, write offs for business deductions eliminated.
If any of that affect YOU, then you need to reconsider what you are doing to yourself.
Obamas direction is simple. Gain control of the economy ( check ) it isnt plummeting anymore. GGP has been positive since the stimulus was enacted vs negative for the last two years of BUSH. Obama will end the war in afghanistan and that will save money and lives. Obama will use our military more precisely in the future and that will save money and reduce the need for boots on the ground.
What needs to happen, is for the house and senate to go back to the democrats, and that alone will allow all the policies to be implemented and if they all fail, then the country can vote them all out in 2016 and start something new. Until then, with the house held captive by the GOP and the senate short of 60 votes, WE the people pay for the politics and WE are the ones who have to suffer.
Hope this helps.
Actually the courier that lead them to Bin Laden was found in 2004...cant remember who was the president but I dont think it was Obama, and also waterboarding is what got the couriers name...something Obama despized.