

Well-Known Member
Let's have a reasonable discussion about the election....

Given the current attitude by republicans at the state level towards public sector unions, who are we to assume a republican president with the backing of a republican congress, republican senate and a right leaning supreme court won't look to further weaken the influence of organized labor in the private sector. There is a reason why Fred S at Fedex is one of the biggest republican contributors in the country. He know's his best bet at keeping the status quo is having his buddies in power. Brown on the other hand does a great job at playing both sides. Brown uses labor to squeeze the Dems on issues of mutual interest to both sides then balances this with its PAC on the right.

Me.. I'm voting for Obama, not because I think he's going to fix anything but because I'm convinced that giving the GOP free rein in DC will further erode the middle class and widen income disparity. When a presidential candidate deeply believes that half of the country are moochers and victims who just don't work hard enough, it is a problem. And if you doubt that he really believes this, watch the tape again... and what's really sad is the ironical fact that the states that most fit his description are all red states.
Its extremely sad you would rather vote for same person who has promised to fix everything and yet has done nothing but make it easier for people to become more dependent on the hand outs of government ie: Obama care, record welfare (SNAP, or food stamps) from 17 million to 45 million in 2011,and additional almost 6 trillion in additional debt. Taxes will be raised sooner or later to pay for Obama care which he denies. I would rather place a vote for CHANGE in hopes that someone could fix this dis-functional country than stand for the same incompetence, just because i'm afaid of what would happen to the union! Which would be nothing the union and UPS are private entities, not public like police, fire, teachers and public works dept. I'm all for the union and believe its a great tool to keep the balance of fairness between mngment and the actual employees. But voting for someone because of that small fear of what might happen, Obama single handley eroded the middle class creating the haves and the ones dependent on the government letting people think we need/ want their help to live day to day. I for one do not want or need someone telling me or giving something that i work for to someone who does not want to work, I will vote for someone who can hopefully be proactive to fix the economy so people can get back to work and provide for their own future not he one the govenment has laid out for them...If you truly believe he could fix the country economy be than we were the first four years then vote for him. But to believe you would be would be a poor miscalculation, given the track record he has for the first 3.5 years he will run this country into the ground and then none of our jobs will be safe, just my thought take for what you will, Vote for the better of the country for our future.


Well-Known Member
Let's have a reasonable discussion about the election....

Given the current attitude by republicans at the state level towards public sector unions, who are we to assume a republican president with the backing of a republican congress, republican senate and a right leaning supreme court won't look to further weaken the influence of organized labor in the private sector. There is a reason why Fred S at Fedex is one of the biggest republican contributors in the country. He know's his best bet at keeping the status quo is having his buddies in power. Brown on the other hand does a great job at playing both sides. Brown uses labor to squeeze the Dems on issues of mutual interest to both sides then balances this with its PAC on the right.

Me.. I'm voting for Obama, not because I think he's going to fix anything but because I'm convinced that giving the GOP free rein in DC will further erode the middle class and widen income disparity. When a presidential candidate deeply believes that half of the country are moochers and victims who just don't work hard enough, it is a problem. And if you doubt that he really believes this, watch the tape again... and what's really sad is the ironical fact that the states that most fit his description are all red states.

Well I guess they sensor here too.... Since they won't post my last reply I will just say its irresponsible for someone to vote for four more years of this incompetent president if they don't even believe that he is going to make things better in this country. I for one will move "FORWARD" for "CHANGE" and vote for a better future for this country and my family because obviously someone has to.


If this economy tanks, union or not, your tail is in the soup line...Im willing to take that chance and get this machine moving again with a man that actually knows something about business.


Man of Great Wisdom
If this economy tanks, union or not, your tail is in the soup line...Im willing to take that chance and get this machine moving again with a man that actually knows something about business.

Inheriting a million dollars. I would know a lot about business with a start like that.


Man of Great Wisdom
island1fox claims we don't have jobs for half the country. I didnt know we had 50 percent un employment. My 91 year old Grandma is one of the 47 percent. Sorry she doesn't pay taxes, that moocher.


Well-Known Member
You could always pay her "fair share" for her.

Care to elaborate?

Romney's quote about the '47%', while good fodder for the $50,000-a-plate fundraiser he was unfortunately recorded at, doesn't quite square with the math about who pays taxes.

Sooooooo...Romney is pretty tone-deaf about the reality on the ground, but that's just who he is.

When asked about the 'middle-class', Romney seems to think the cut-off is around $250,000 US.


WTF?; what alternate America is he running for President of?


(I've said it before: I understand the context of the 'speech' /47%/ he was giving to the REALLY rich people, and, in that vein, I think the media is giving Romney a slightly unfair-shake on this issue...yet I'm not sure why anyone is surprised by his statements: obviously this is what he believes, etc.)

As well, a small percentage of the '47%' who don't pay taxes (as Mr. Romney just inelegantly pointed out) include a minority of the 1% [America's richest], who, for tax reasons, have moved their investments overseas to avoid tax liability...are these people 'victims' too?)

Bottom line:

Willard is indeed a businessman, and he's applying everything he's learned in the back-breaking world of the corporate-raider-pirate-club to his own campaign.

He'll tell anyone, in any situation, exactly what that particular audience wants to hear.

This brouhaha over this 'leaked' video is ridiculous:



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Voting Romney here. Whatever gaffs he may make do not ever equal the big Os 1001 blunders. Problem is his blunders are his real thoughts, and that is scary.


Well-Known Member
untitled h.jpg
untitled h.jpg

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What a weak and pathetic response. When you stoop this low insinuating racism you've lost all credibility if you ever had any!

Really? in his explanation, there is no legitimate reason he gave to define his hate for the president. He makes a statement that says he believes the president doesnt love his country.

How can he possibly come to that conclusion without the benefit of the occupation of Barack Obamas mind? He simply and obviously substitutes rhetoric for reasoning.

We all know the truth and so do you. We would all get along so much better if you guys could just be a little more honest with your feelings.

But you cant. Your afraid of what would come of it.

