In my POV, BOs biggest mistake has and is running the White House as if there is a constant campaign. My contention is that the David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett are the puppet masters and have way too much influence on BO. Every decision is formulated as if a campaign is in progress. BO does what he does best...campaigns.
Instead of doing what is best for America, his "team" decides what is best for his image and how they can spin it to get the desired effect. Therefore when a there is a need to take decisive action, a plan is put in place to be able to spin the results (in case it does not go the way they want) rather than do what is best for the country.
This type of behavior will continue to eat away at the confidence in the president, because of the top echelon of BOs closest advisors.
It will be real interesting to see what happens in 2014.
If the Republicans take the senate, then legislation will be passed in both houses and BO will have no choice but to veto one bill after the next. This will show that he is the stonewall in Washington. His only other choice will be to work closely with Congress to get legislation passed. He will be forced to do this for the good of his party. As a side benefit, it may be for the good of the country!
We might actually eliminate the deadlock in DC if the senate goes to the Republicans.
On the other hand, given the current approval rating for the GOP in congress is less than 10%, its pretty hard to imagine them keeping the house. Despite the country improving without the help of the GOP, normal americans will oust the GOP and give control back to the democrats.
YOU and your friends can attempt to ride those dead horses.. IRS scandal, AP scandal, fast and furious, Bengazi and james rosen to the finish line, but just like in 2008 and 2012, you will find out the hard way that the party of old white men is dead on arrival.
All the political jargon YOU use is laughable at best. You state you form your own opinions, yet repeat the talking points of fox news and rush limbaugh who everyday state that the president is constantly campaiging.
Youre about as original as the GOP is popular.