

Well-Known Member
"I'm damn proud to be a 60%er", (wkmac post #1943)

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men", some guy named Plato said this.


Well-Known Member
"I'm damn proud to be a 60%er", (wkmac post #1943)

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men", some guy named Plato said this.

"The journey to wisdom is to see the evil men who seek to rule and thus not partake of that which allows them to achieve their goals." Plato didn't say that, I did. :wink2:

And although said nearly 500 years ago, Etienne De La Boetie would agree.


Well-Known Member
So doesn't that mean requiring ID to vote disenfranchises minorities is false?

Either that or the New Black Panthers are doing an excellent job!

Not sure what is the driving factor behind TOS source but according to the 2010' census, the United States African American/Black population stood at 42 million. This places eligible voters by law somewhere around the 30 to 35 million mark. Obama and Romney split somewhere around 120 million votes give or take a few million and I don't see other non whites as having the numbers to make up enough of the difference. Obama carried the day because of the white vote and not in spite of.

I do agree Obama came on the scene post Katrina for the black vote because had the 2 parties posted up 2 whites in 08', the Black voting population in this country would have all but walked. And in their case and POV rightly so. But many are waking up to realize they've been had. Start with Black Agenda Report and follow the trail.