Embassy Attacks


Strength through joy
Official: Embassy Attack Threat 'Had No Basis in Fact'...

A high-ranking Yemeni security official has told McClatchy that the Obama administration’s recently announced terror threat which supposedly targeted US embassies had “no basis in fact” and was manufactured merely to dampen opposition to drone strikes.
Dozens of people, labeled “suspected militants” by the US, have been killed in Yemen over the last two weeks as a result of at least eight drone strikes, attacks that have outraged Yemeni citizens. According to Princeton University professor and Yemen expert Gregory Johnson, the drone strikes are actually serving to recruit more terrorists.
“There are strikes that kill civilians. There are strikes that kill women and children. And when you kill people in Yemen, these are people who have families. They have clans. And they have tribes. And what we’re seeing is that the United States might target a particular individual because they see him as a member of al-Qaeda. But what’s happening on the ground is that he’s being defended as a tribesman,” said Johnson.
Figures show that 50 civilians are killed for every one terrorist taken out by a drone strike, which means that 95% of the victims are innocent men, women and children.


Inordinately Right
Another example of why Bush should have never gotten us into these wars, and why Obama lying to the American people about ending the wars is so disgusting. Our presence in the middle east just gives radical Muslims the fuel to justify their BS, and recruit more to their side.


golden ticket member


Inordinately Right
HAHA.... Who is that lady? She looks like an actress, or an intern. Are those glasses even real, or just for fashion's sake.

I can imagine the administration sitting around thinking, who should we put in the line of fire of questioning. Oh, just put her up there, no one takes her seriously anyways.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Wrong. Sequestration was Obama's idea.
Congress wouldn't raise the debt ceiling, like they did 90 times in the 20th Century, and 14 times in the 21st. It was never even a big deal until the Kenyan got elected.

Sheer stupidity by the Republican Congress. Thanks, American Taliban.


nowhere special
The DID raise the debt ceiling temporarily to try to come to an agreement with Obama but he refused to cut any spending so his sequestration was automatically triggered. And there was no reduction in spending. Just a slower increase.


nowhere special