Embassy Attacks


golden ticket member
The administration had the information to go after the suspects, they knew who they were. The team begged for abilty to go after the suspects, the administration did nothing.

Via Fox News:

Two weeks after the Obama administration announced charges against suspects in the Benghazi attack, a large portion of the U.S. team that hunted the suspects and trained Libyans to help capture or kill them is leaving Libya permanently.

Special operators in the region tell Fox News that while Benghazi targets have been identified for months, officials in Washington could “never pull the trigger.” In fact, one source insists that much of the information on Benghazi suspects had been passed along to the White House after being vetted by the Department of Defense and the State Department — and at least one recommendation for direct action on a Benghazi suspect was given to President Obama as recently as Aug. 7.

Meanwhile, months after video, photo and voice documentation on the Benghazi suspects was first presented to high-level military leaders, the State Department and ultimately the White House, prison breaks in the country have eroded security. U.S. special forces have now been relegated to a “villa,” a stopover for the operators before they’re shipped out of the country entirely.

“We put American special operations in harm’s way to develop a picture of these suspects and to seek justice and instead of acting, we stalled. We just let it slip and pass us by and now it’s going to be much more difficult,” one source said, citing 1,200 prisoners escaping two weeks ago. “It’s already blowing up. Daily assassinations, bi-weekly prison escapes, we waited way too long.”


Strength through joy
Congress wouldn't raise the debt ceiling, like they did 90 times in the 20th Century, and 14 times in the 21st. It was never even a big deal until the Kenyan got elected.

Sheer stupidity by the Republican Congress. Thanks, American Taliban.

Blame Harry Reid ( D ) .
He refused to pass a budget for years , thus forcing the gov't to run on supplement spending plans .
He's the real American Taliban .
He refused to allow the US Senate to do their primary job .
Funny how bhos never called him out on that .


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Blame Harry Reid ( D ) .
He refused to pass a budget for years , thus forcing the gov't to run on supplement spending plans .
He's the real American Taliban .
He refused to allow the US Senate to do their primary job .
Funny how bhos never called him out on that .

Silly baba, he doesn't know how the budget works.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Ya moreluck, you have it right. OBAMA did nothing in Libya and all the survivors simply walked out of the country on their own. How dare this president leave the survivors to exit out of that war zone on their own without any help from our military.

Ya goof.




golden ticket member
Ya moreluck, you have it right. OBAMA did nothing in Libya and all the survivors simply walked out of the country on their own. How dare this president leave the survivors to exit out of that war zone on their own without any help from our military.

Ya goof.



No reference to the 4 Americans who died..........1 year anniversary fast approaching.
It's the "little things".

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No reference to the 4 Americans who died..........1 year anniversary fast approaching.
It's the "little things".

ITs the BIGGER things moreluck that matter, like all the OTHER lives that were saved by the military's rescue mission. You ache for the 4 that were killed because thats what you are told to do, even though, they were dead before they themselves knew it.

Libya is a dangerous place, and when you run a covert ops in a place without security, someone is going to get killed. Unfortunately, it was the ambassador, an aide and TWO knuckleheads who gave up their position and got themselves killed.

Everyone ELSE made it out with the marines who came to rescue them.

When will you accept that NOTHING could have been done to save the ambassador and the others who died that night.

It was enevitable.




golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Baba is silly. Do YOU know the process for the budget?
The Federal budget process starts with the Executive Office of Management and Budget (OMB), who must prepare the budget for the President before he submits it to Congress. The OMB manages the budget throughout the year.
In the early fall, all Federal agencies submit their budget requests to OMB for the following fiscal year, which runs from October 1-September 30. In other words, the budget planning process starts a year in advance.
In November, OMB sends its budget review comments back to the agencies. They submit their final budget requests in December. OMB then assembles the final budget for the following fiscal year, and sends it to the President.
The President submits his proposed budget to Congress by the first Monday in February each year. He uses the budget to set the strategy and policies. He has already given an outline of the budget priorities in the annual State of the Union Address.He is assisted by the Council of Economic Advisors, who also submit the "Economic Report of the President." This report gives the Council's analysis of the upcoming economic trends.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) provides information to Congress to facilitate its review of the budget. This includes a detailed review of the President's budget for each fiscal year.
Using the President's budget as a base, each house of Congress develops their own budget proposals separately. They base this on hearings held with agency officials, who explain why they need the funds requested. They then meet in a Conference Committee to agree on a budget by April 15th.
Congress then develops spending appropriation bills that they should deliver to the President by June 30th. However, He usually doesn't get them until September.
The President must either approve these bills, disapprove them or allow them to go forward without his approval within the next 10 days.
In addition, the President usually submits a Mid-Session Review of the budget to Congress by July 15.
By October 1st, the beginning of the new fiscal year, the budget must be worked out between the President and the Congress so that government agencies can continue to spend and function.
The Treasury Department's Financial Management Services executes the budget. This is the agency that makes payments, collects revenues and delinquent debt and issues reports including the Treasury statements.

Seeing how bhos' budgets keeps getting ZERO votes in the senate , no wonder nothing gets done .

My personal budget is based on how much money I get weekly minus expenses and beer money .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Answer me this ......
Who were the survivors and why haven't they gone public with what they know ?

Such dumb questions.

Covert operation employees are not about to to "public" and tell you anything. Classified information isnt for your consumption. Black Op sites will never come forward. IF they did, all the Black OPs sites BUSH was running where they were torturing prisoners and killing them would come to light.

Over 30 people were saved that night.

You will just have to get over it.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Strength through joy
[h=2]Benghazi Dad Charles Woods: “Ty’s Body Left On Tarmac For Three Hours”, No Rescue Sent, Obama Off To Vegas[/h]
Mr. Woods said he sent a letter to the President requesting answers on Benghazi, but he has received no answers as of yet. When asked about President, he said:
I wish he had taken the time the night of September 11, not to go to bed, not to go prepare to collect money in Las Vegas, but I wish he had taken time then to watch more of the video of the live time ambush attack at the Embassy and that I wish that he had sent the troops that everybody knows were available to rescue those people…
In this case, there was no rescue attempt, no planes sent. In fact, Ty’s body was left on the tarmac for three hours and there wasn’t even an American plane sent to rescue or even take his body home.
They had to commandeer a Libyan plane and didn’t even know where they would be taken in order to remove his body from the tarmac. Is that the way to treat an American hero?



golden ticket member

The list of shame.
Carolyn Maloney
Danny Davis
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Gerald E. Connolly
Jim Cooper
John Tierney
Mark Pocan
Matt Cartwright
Michelle Lujan Grisham
Peter Welch
Stephen Lynch
Steven Horsford
Tammy Duckworth
Tony Cardenas
William Lacy Clay
The only Democrats with the decency to stick around are Elijia Cummings and Jackie Speier.