Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
The old Liberal and TOS mentality --never admit the Messia did anything wrong --just point to bad actions or events from the past to justify the scandals and coverups of today ---a never ending circle.

" Barack hit Suzie --well George hit suzie last year " That JUSTIFIES everything ----how sad the U.S has become.

I have always stated Bush Lied about "nation Building" and was wrong ---I also stated Obama covered up Bengazi with the dopey film-maker because of the upcoming election.

Is it so so hard for American's to see the truth --when it stares them in the face ----partisan blindness --that is how all the politicians get over on us ---Divide and they prosper.:sick:


golden ticket member
Because those people asked for help ahead of time and were ignored !! Like you calling 911 and the operator says "do it yourself."

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Because those people asked for help ahead of time and were ignored !! Like you calling 911 and the operator says "do it yourself."

You have to just love an "armchair" general.

Ya moreluck, its real easy to scramble marines in less than 45 minutes to an unsecure country. Gee, I wonder why it didnt work in vietnam?




Well-Known Member

You fail to mention that the "Sequester" was an Obama idea ---He also promised America during a Presidential Debate that it would never happen ----????


golden ticket member
You have to just love an "armchair" general.

Ya moreluck, its real easy to scramble marines in less than 45 minutes to an unsecure country. Gee, I wonder why it didnt work in vietnam?


7 to 8 hours was the timeline ........plenty of time to bring in unicorns from fairyland!!


Well-Known Member
This thread should be merged with the birth-certificate thread.

Both are pointless...

For those who continue to wave the Benghazi flag but discount the reality of empirical evidence comparing embassy attacks over the years, what is there to say?

Everything you're saying is true, but you want to selectively apply the facts to Obama alone.

Um, ok.


Well-Known Member
This thread should be merged with the birth-certificate thread.

Both are pointless...

For those who continue to wave the Benghazi flag but discount the reality of empirical evidence comparing embassy attacks over the years, what is there to say?

Everything you're saying is true, but you want to selectively apply the facts to Obama alone.

Um, ok.

Last time I checked Obama was POTUS when Benghazi occurred.
You're right though.....I suppose we could go back to the Civil War and make comparisons.
I think we are dealing with the here and now........not the past.


Well-Known Member
You have to just love an "armchair" general.

Ya moreluck, its real easy to scramble marines in less than 45 minutes to an unsecure country. Gee, I wonder why it didnt work in vietnam?



How would you know what occurred in Vietnam?
I recall you saying that your daddy was too young to have been in Vietnam so how old would that make you?


Inordinately Right
The only reason this is still a topic is because it was an issue in the last election, and some people didn't like the election results.
Surely everyone realizes the people who died were not merely civilians..... Use it as an excuse to hate Obama, don't question for a second why the CIA put them in that situation in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Last time I checked Obama was POTUS when Benghazi occurred.
You're right though.....I suppose we could go back to the Civil War and make comparisons.
I think we are dealing with the here and now........not the past.

You're correct, Obama was POTUS when 4 Americans died in Benghazi.

And Dubya was POTUS when 100+ died in embassy attacks on his watch.


Look, guy, I'll be the first to admit that the Obama administration is pretty much 'least-best' in a multitude of situations.

But the focus on Benghazi is just inflamed rhetoric.

When anyone brings up the mistakes of the Bush administration you and others say something like this: 'I suppose we could go back to the Civil War and make comparisons.'


By that rationale, once there is a new POTUS after Obama, all of Obama's screw-ups will be null and void, because, you know:

'I think we are dealing with the here and now........not the past.'

You talk like the effects of the Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Presidencies have no effect on what's happening RIGHT NOW.

Do you have any idea of what I'm talking about?

For the record, Obama's not my favorite, but can we at least try to be objective?


golden ticket member
"And Dubya was POTUS when 100+ died in embassy attacks on his watch....."

And there was no attempt at defense or response and he went off to Vegas as people died ?????? Big difference.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How would you know what occurred in Vietnam?
I recall you saying that your daddy was too young to have been in Vietnam so how old would that make you?

If your claim was that I said that, well, *.

History is well documented and Vietnam is well written about. There were many men left for dead in vietnam. It wasnt worth losing more men to save some. A terrible war with crappy leadership.

Thousands of mens lives wasted in a losing effort.

America failed in Vietnam just as we are in Afghanistan.

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UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Because buying and selling weapons in the middle east is dangerous. They were working for the CIA, I doubt we'll ever really know what happened.

Whose fault is that?

We are the greatest nation on earth. After 911, it didn't take long to figure out what was going on, who was at fault and eventually track down all the perpetrators and kill their leader.

When stonewalling is involved it usually is because the stonewaller does not want you to know what happened, who was at fault, etc. - There is no other reason this tread still has legs.


Well-Known Member
It was not Bushes fault --we have blamed him for too much already --it was the FILM-MAKERS fault. The uninformed voter voters have no problem that Obama is LIAR -in -Chief !!

Coverup is always worse than the actual event --Just ask Nixon --the Press did --when we had a Press !!!

Liberals had no problem calling Bush a liar --How about the present one we are subject to ---What say you Brown Army ??:wink2: Film Maker --REALLY ?????