Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
So the war in Iraq had Nothing to do with any of the embassy attacks????Please inform us with the motive for these attacks..
Because buying and selling weapons in the middle east is dangerous. They were working for the CIA, I doubt we'll ever really know what happened.To hell with motive.....why were 4 Americans killed? Where was the protection they asked for ??
Because those people asked for help ahead of time and were ignored !! Like you calling 911 and the operator says "do it yourself."
and that has nothing to do with any embassy attacks.
7 to 8 hours was the timeline ........plenty of time to bring in unicorns from fairyland!!You have to just love an "armchair" general.
Ya moreluck, its real easy to scramble marines in less than 45 minutes to an unsecure country. Gee, I wonder why it didnt work in vietnam?
This thread should be merged with the birth-certificate thread.
Both are pointless...
For those who continue to wave the Benghazi flag but discount the reality of empirical evidence comparing embassy attacks over the years, what is there to say?
Everything you're saying is true, but you want to selectively apply the facts to Obama alone.
Um, ok.
You have to just love an "armchair" general.
Ya moreluck, its real easy to scramble marines in less than 45 minutes to an unsecure country. Gee, I wonder why it didnt work in vietnam?
Last time I checked Obama was POTUS when Benghazi occurred.
You're right though.....I suppose we could go back to the Civil War and make comparisons.
I think we are dealing with the here and now........not the past.
How would you know what occurred in Vietnam?
I recall you saying that your daddy was too young to have been in Vietnam so how old would that make you?
"And Dubya was POTUS when 100+ died in embassy attacks on his watch....."
And there was no attempt at defense or response and he went off to Vegas as people died ?????? Big difference.
Because buying and selling weapons in the middle east is dangerous. They were working for the CIA, I doubt we'll ever really know what happened.