Embassy Attacks


The Nim
What idiot released him? Who was President in 2007? And why was he released to a known terrorist, Muammar Gaddafi?

Yeah, it was under Bush, but what idiot refused to take action to protect the embassy or, and this is really a marvel, take the chance to blame Bush instead of a video any simpleton could see wasn't the real cause.


nowhere special
The January 15, 2014 release of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on Benghazi confirms what hundreds of hours of research, inquiry, and conversation revealed the following:

1. The September 11, 2012 attack could have been prevented.

2. Secretary of State Clinton did not do an appropriate risk assessment for Ambassador Stevens and other outpost personnel.

3. Al Qaeda was directly involved in the detailed planing and execution of the attack.

4. President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both knew it was a terrorist attack on the evening of September 11, 2012.

5. A lie was manufactured and perpetuated as they repeatedly blamed an anti-Islamic video as the impetus of the attack.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
The January 15, 2014 release of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on Benghazi confirms what hundreds of hours of research, inquiry, and conversation revealed the following:

1. The September 11, 2012 attack could have been prevented.

2. Secretary of State Clinton did not do an appropriate risk assessment for Ambassador Stevens and other outpost personnel.

3. Al Qaeda was directly involved in the detailed planing and execution of the attack.

4. President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both knew it was a terrorist attack on the evening of September 11, 2012.

5. A lie was manufactured and perpetuated as they repeatedly blamed an anti-Islamic video as the impetus of the attack.

Thanks for the Fox News assessment.

Rather than dispute those false bullet points one by one, try to read an actual non-biased report.

I'd recommend this for starters:


BTW, the attacks of Sept 11, 2001 were far more preventable.
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Staff member
It was a war zone. People die. Yeah, they should have been better protected. They weren't. Alot of people have died in war zones, probably most of them needlessly. While it's tragic, should it really be the case that only the grunts and privates take the bullets while we sit back and "thank them for their service"? Maybe we'd come to more successful conclusions if we all had "skin in the game".

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Thanks for the Fox News assessment.

Rather than dispute those false bullet points one by one, try to read an actual non-biased report.

I'd recommend this for starters:


BTW, the attacks of Sept 11, 2001 were far more preventable.

BRO, the only got one news source, and it repeats false stories every hour and guys like him tune in without regard to truth or facts. Whatever they tell him becomes his truth.



golden ticket member
I looked on the MSNBC site and the top 10 stories don't mention anything about Benghazi.........so, by not having the story there, is it like it isn't news to you. Is that how it works? Talk about heads in the sand. Geez!!


Strength through joy
Why hasn't YouTube released the number of hits yet ?
I want to see just how many actually viewed the video prior to 9-11 & from what countries ?
Also after 9-11 until bhos announce that video was the cause of mass demonstrations ?


Strength through joy
I started this thread on 9-12 , from a foreign news source because I couldn't find any US MSM coverage .
No where in that article is anything about a video mentioned .


golden ticket member
I know one is Smith because his mom is on TV all the time pleading for investigation of this incident.

There's lots of dead people whose names you can't recite....but they died just the same.........and we usually try to find out the circumstances. Why do they perform all the post mortem garbage on all those nameless people???


golden ticket member
Via Breitbart:

The government watchdog group that revealed that President Barack Obama failed to attend over half of his daily intelligence briefings (known officially as the Presidential Daily Brief, or PDB) released a devastating Benghazi timeline Wednesday.

It reveals Obama’s schedule in the week leading up to the terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Release of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) Benghazi timeline comes as a new Senate report published Wednesday concluded that “the attacks were preventable.”

As the GAI timeline reveals, Obama failed to attend his daily intelligence briefing for the five consecutive days leading up to the September 11, 2012 attack of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

The Benghazi timeline catalogues Obama’s continuous campaigning even as terrorist forces vowed Libyan attacks and State Department officials were warned of security threats.

The day following the deadly attacks, Obama departed for a Las Vegas campaign rally.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Via Breitbart:

The government watchdog group that revealed that President Barack Obama failed to attend over half of his daily intelligence briefings (known officially as the Presidential Daily Brief, or PDB) released a devastating Benghazi timeline Wednesday.

It reveals Obama’s schedule in the week leading up to the terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Release of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) Benghazi timeline comes as a new Senate report published Wednesday concluded that “the attacks were preventable.”

As the GAI timeline reveals, Obama failed to attend his daily intelligence briefing for the five consecutive days leading up to the September 11, 2012 attack of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

The Benghazi timeline catalogues Obama’s continuous campaigning even as terrorist forces vowed Libyan attacks and State Department officials were warned of security threats.

The day following the deadly attacks, Obama departed for a Las Vegas campaign rally.


Why are you not more interested in why 9/11 NYC wasnt prevented? Why are you comfortable with GW BUSH's handling of the worst crime against the USA?

Bengazi is a dead issue, and allthough FOX news and the GOP wants to attempt to keep it alive, only the fox news crowd is listening.



Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself