Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I rest my case, funny watching people live in fear non stop from what the government wants them to do ..
Feeling well rested.
I rest my case, funny watching people live in fear non stop from what the government wants them to do ..
All RPCD drivers that do not get the shot will be demoted to funny watching people live in fear non stop from what the government wants them to do ..
I wear a mask while I drive alone HEE HEE I’m a KAREN HEE GEE
lolIt isn’t gone, it’s occupied. It’s a living organism, and an infallible institution. The see of Peter is the foundation of the Christian faith and anyone who is a Christian owes their entire existence to the Catholic Church, the bride of Christ.
I agree that the pro vaxers are labeled as liberal pawns but I also agree the anti-vaxers are labeled ignorant Trump supporters. At the end of the day it comes down to personal choice. I’m comfortable with my choice and I’m comfortable with whatever choice you make. I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle.If you're pro vax ,you're sheep that do whatever the government tells you. You're labeled a liberal pawn by many.
The personal choice to take the vax has been lost and has been blasted with every conspiracy theory imaginable by conservatives. Scroll any thread on the BC involving Covid. Nut jobs post everything from Hitler, communist plan , it's kill juice to depopulate, China & U.S. in it together, the plan is finally coming together, etc.
The mandate is a whole separate issue than the effectiveness of the shot itself. That gets lost. Maybe the pandemic is exaggerated, maybe it's not. In my circle, it's not.
The control they are trying to exhibit with the shot is a fact but that doesn't change the effectiveness of the shot, which is also a fact. Most people I know who are anti vaxers say this " Nobody is going to tell me what to do!" Even though they and those around them would benefit from the vax. Stupid.
Choice is what it's all about.
That doesn't mean one can't make the wrong choice for the wrong reason.
Because it's the truth. Why do you believe all of these crazy stories about how being vaccinated will turn you into a human magnet?
If you're pro vax ,you're sheep that do whatever the government tells you. You're labeled a liberal pawn by many.
The personal choice to take the vax has been lost and has been blasted with every conspiracy theory imaginable by conservatives. Scroll any thread on the BC involving Covid. Nut jobs post everything from Hitler, communist plan , it's kill juice to depopulate, China & U.S. in it together, the plan is finally coming together, etc.
The mandate is a whole separate issue than the effectiveness of the shot itself. That gets lost. Maybe the pandemic is exaggerated, maybe it's not. In my circle, it's not.
The control they are trying to exhibit with the shot is a fact but that doesn't change the effectiveness of the shot, which is also a fact. Most people I know who are anti vaxers say this " Nobody is going to tell me what to do!" Even though they and those around them would benefit from the vax. Stupid.
Choice is what it's all about.
That doesn't mean one can't make the wrong choice for the wrong
the non- effectiveness, how fast it was rushed to market, how it is made, and the flip flopping back and forth, from very smart people who have been preparing for situations such as this thief whole lives, is exactly the reason why the skepticism exists. I was watching an interview with Paul offit from chop, he made the varicella vaccine, he said there is no way they are going to make a safe and effective vaccine in a year and a half. He said the fastest we ever made a vaccine was 4 years, which was the mumps vaccine. He also said “there is no way they could possibly do the correct animal safety studies in that amount of time” and that he would not be taking it. This is a scientist that makes vaccines saying this, he is also a leftist. Joe Biden gets elected president and all of a sudden, he says the vaccine is safe and effective. Take it, “ you are not following the science if you don’t take it” lol, well excuse me for being a little on the conspiracy theory side. You can’t blame the people. where there is risk, there has to be a choice, period. And the non- effectiveness is just a fact at this point. You can’t vaccinate for corona viruses. It doesn’t work. Never has, and I doubt it ever will. The proof is in the pudding, we are worse off now then we were a year ago. Or at least no change.If you're pro vax ,you're sheep that do whatever the government tells you. You're labeled a liberal pawn by many.
The personal choice to take the vax has been lost and has been blasted with every conspiracy theory imaginable by conservatives. Scroll any thread on the BC involving Covid. Nut jobs post everything from Hitler, communist plan , it's kill juice to depopulate, China & U.S. in it together, the plan is finally coming together, etc.
The mandate is a whole separate issue than the effectiveness of the shot itself. That gets lost. Maybe the pandemic is exaggerated, maybe it's not. In my circle, it's not.
The control they are trying to exhibit with the shot is a fact but that doesn't change the effectiveness of the shot, which is also a fact. Most people I know who are anti vaxers say this " Nobody is going to tell me what to do!" Even though they and those around them would benefit from the vax. Stupid.
Choice is what it's all about.
That doesn't mean one can't make the wrong choice for the wrong reason.
Bingo!I agree that the pro vaxers are labeled as liberal pawns but I also agree the anti-vaxers are also labeled ignorant Trump supporters. At the end of the day it comes down to personal choice. I’m comfortable with my choice and I’m comfortable with whatever choice you make. I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle.
I agree that the pro vaxers are labeled as liberal pawns but I also agree the anti-vaxers are labeled ignorant Trump supporters. At the end of the day it comes down to personal choice. I’m comfortable with my choice and I’m comfortable with whatever choice you make. I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle.
the whole “I’m right your wrong” argument doesn’t help humanity either. The truth might not be exactly in the middle but it’s in between there somewhere. I don’t claim to know the truth ( I know which side I personally believe) but I’m not going to attack those that believe differently.I don't believe the truth is in the middle. The truth is essentially unattainable. When you have a position that is closer to the truth and one that is further away, meeting in the middle takes those who were closer to the truth further away. And even though the others get closer to the truth in this compromise, it doesn't help humanity in general.
Who?That’s all you got?
the whole “I’m right your wrong” argument doesn’t help humanity either. The truth might not be exactly in the middle but it’s in between there somewhere. I don’t claim to know the truth ( I know which side I personally believe) but I’m not going to attack those that believe differently.
No argument here. Just giving my two cents on this whole vaccine debate. I prefer personal choice.I agree with you in spirit. I wish we lived in a world where people allowed each other to believe what they want, and deal with the consequences of their own decisions. But we don't. You have people who want to force their views on to others and you have people who want everyone else to pay for their bad decisions.
Our ability to live as we see fit is under attack, and there is just no way to deny that reality.
Especially when the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting it or spreading itNo argument here. Just giving my two cents on this whole vaccine debate. I prefer personal choice.
The WHO the NIH and the CDC have their hands all over it. Fauci is the father of coronavirusCORONAVIRUS WAS AN INSIDE JOB!
Because they wanna force everyone out of the workforce and our institutions who believes in liberty it’s not very hard to figure out. Has zero to do with health whatsoeverEspecially when the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting it or spreading it
That's why I don't understand how these companies can force people to get vaccinated
But they wonder why the people that chose not to get vaccinated are not going to change your minds.Because they wanna force everyone out of the workforce and our institutions who believes in liberty it’s not very hard to figure out. Has zero to do with health whatsoever