Virus’ do not care about weed no matter how good the quality may be.I’m not getting the jab, marijuana cures covid I figured out
How can I protect them if the vaccine does not stop me from spreading it to them?To protect your health and the health of your loved ones.
But there are some really good arguments to take it without being forced to.There is really no good argument to force people to get vaccinated
Those arguments have gotten really weak since the vaccine rolloutBut there are some really good arguments to take it without being forced to.
Couple big dab hits would solve that, COVID hates THCVirus’ do not care about weed no matter how good the quality may be.
But it lessen her symptoms and kept her out of the hospital. Sheez don’t you keep up with the news.a gentleman I deliver to lost his wife to “ covid” and she was in her mid 60s and vaccinated so the vaccine isn’t some miracle drug.
@PT Car Washer: It’s starting to look like it’s time for chicken Little to start talking.You don't have to panic just yet Chicken Little. They don't yet know enough about this new variant. Shutting down air travel for an overabundance of caution.
No argument here. Just giving my two cents on this whole vaccine debate. I prefer personal choice.
How can everyone have a good Thanksgiving when the world is in Chaois over this Omicron variant? Haven’t you been watching the TV?I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving
so nice not having TV , I like asking people why they even have a mask on and act like I have never heard of the rona. Wonder if any one would know about the rona if not for the news. Prob just be called the “ flu” like the good old daysHow can everyone have a good Thanksgiving when the world is in Chaois over this Omicron variant? Haven’t you been watching the TV?
BullTo protect your health and the health of your loved ones.
Do you believe 911 was an inside job?That is, unless you believe that the world is over populated and that we need to reduce the population. I guess it depends on what you actually value.
calling something a conspiracy theory because you don’t want to believe it is not making a case. It only makes my argument stronger. This is financially incentivized medical malpracticeI rest my case, again.