Henry Swanson's my name, and excitement's my game.
You just got to draw a line in the sand and say enoughs enoughI hope not
You just got to draw a line in the sand and say enoughs enoughI hope not
Especially when they're not workingYou just got to draw a line in the sand and say enoughs enough
Just read that this morn ….Moderna Pres stating as suchIsn't it time for number 4 ?
Just read that this morn ….Moderna Pres stating as such
Personal data from those you know and the results cannot be denied no matter what numbers are propagated.That's from death certificates though right?
There's no national standard for how to decide cause of death, or for listing comorbidities.
It's hard to draw conclusions when all the data is garbage.
So anecdotal evidence is better than data.Personal data from those you know and the results cannot be denied no matter what numbers are propagated.
I do.So anecdotal evidence is better than data.
Lol, you realize that's a big reason people aren't getting vaccinated right?
They're called UAP's now and stop making assumptions about their sexual preferences you bigot.UFOs are fake and gay
Big money
That's from death certificates though right?
There's no national standard for how to decide cause of death, or for listing comorbidities.
It's hard to draw conclusions when all the data is garbage.
Supreme court hearing the case right now.
I would literally be shocked if they didn’t rubber stamp this. These problems will not be solved in Washington they’re solved when people resistFingers crossed.
Sotomayor is really triggered lol.Fingers crossed.
Sotomayor is really triggered lol.
Why does anyone care what the Supreme Court says? I’m not taking theregardless of what they or anyone else says. And guess what? They’re already bought and paid for so they’re not gonna save you. How can the very government that’s pushing this rule against the government they’re not gonna do that