MICHAEL DOWLING: We are doing quite well. I mean, it is very manageable. You know, sometimes people think that it's very crazy. And of course it's somewhat difficult because you are in the middle of a pandemic. But it is quite manageable. We're staying very, very calm. And there is some very, very good news that I think is worth noticing.
One is that, while our numbers have increased-- Today I have 1,570 COVID cases. That's a big increase over about two weeks ago. But it seems to be flattening a little bit over the last couple of days. But the good news is that people are not as sick as they were before.
The percentage of people in the ICU is basically staying very low and flat. And the numbers of people being intubated is very, very low. And this is completely an improved circumstance from what it was a year and a half ago.