Everyone get the jab.

Will you get the shot now that's required?

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Here’s a “short” list of young healthy athletes that have had a heart problems due to the shots. Thank you sir may I have another ?


PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
No, not 800000. Sadly we will never know the real number that died because if a man was in a motorcycle accident, with covid, and he died, They listed it as covid to get the government funds that goes along with that diagnosis. From the get go, when Fauci said on live tv, that masks won’t work. Come on, hes a brilliant scientist, right? been doing this for a long time, right? Why would you not err on the side of caution and say, yes, the mask may help stop some infection, put it on. I know I would have. But instead he told the truth and said, no, it might make you feel better about going out in public, but there is no scientific data backing up that masks help stop anything. Air borne viruses haven’t changed the way they infect, sorry. There are a ton of things about this charade that don’t make sense, but I get a little wordy.
None of that is true. When people die of COVID you can be sure that was the principle cause of death. Not an auto accident where the person later tested positive.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
None of that is true. When people die of COVID you can be sure that was the principle cause of death. Not an auto accident where the person later tested positive.
This is even lying Fox News saying this.


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Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Because it's the truth. Why do you believe all of these crazy stories about how being vaccinated will turn you into a human magnet?
I don’t believe it will turn you into a magnet. The vaccine is just unnecessary, doesn’t work, and probably interferes with how your natural immune system fights off sickness. It just doesn’t work. We would be out of this “pandemic” if it did. It’s all about money and controlling the populace. Why do you trust your government and msm media? that you know lies to you every single day? I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I’m not blind. I see the lies for what they are.


Well-Known Member
You can't keep it alive, because you don't have a magisterium.

Even on its own stupid bases, you are not capable or allowed to keep it alive or revive it.

The line of Peter was never real, but on your own admission, it's gone now anyway.
It isn’t gone, it’s occupied. It’s a living organism, and an infallible institution. The see of Peter is the foundation of the Christian faith and anyone who is a Christian owes their entire existence to the Catholic Church, the bride of Christ.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
How so, on the conservative side? I agree they may have done some things that weren’t really scientific. But conservatives are more concerned with natural born rights then pandemic rules. Especially when the pandemic is exaggerated in order to take more rights away.
If you're pro vax ,you're sheep that do whatever the government tells you. You're labeled a liberal pawn by many.
The personal choice to take the vax has been lost and has been blasted with every conspiracy theory imaginable by conservatives. Scroll any thread on the BC involving Covid. Nut jobs post everything from Hitler, communist plan , it's kill juice to depopulate, China & U.S. in it together, the plan is finally coming together, etc.
The mandate is a whole separate issue than the effectiveness of the shot itself. That gets lost. Maybe the pandemic is exaggerated, maybe it's not. In my circle, it's not.
The control they are trying to exhibit with the shot is a fact but that doesn't change the effectiveness of the shot, which is also a fact. Most people I know who are anti vaxers say this " Nobody is going to tell me what to do!" Even though they and those around them would benefit from the vax. Stupid.

Choice is what it's all about.
That doesn't mean one can't make the wrong choice for the wrong reason.


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
so funny watching people live in fear non stop from what the government wants them to do ..

I wear a mask while I drive alone HEE HEE I’m a KAREN HEE GEE