Express handing resi deliveries to Ground


Well-Known Member
Public heath is a public benefit. Everyone pays when people aren't healthy.

And for the ignorant(MAGA impaired), one of the first lines in the constitution states the constition was written to form a country to 'promote the general welfare' which is ignored by those who claim to be strict 'constitutionalists.' It's just more ignorance based on what they are told instead of what is actually factual.

And for the really stupid- public schools, public roads, public police and fire protection, public parks and libraries, publicly funded national defense, the federal air traffic control system, homeland security, border patrol, the FDA, and on and on are all SOCIALIST. Adding medical care will not make us socialist as the MGAs believe- we are ALREADY socialist
And don't forget Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid when you're in a nursing home and your money's all gone and 62% of all nursing home patients are on Medicaid . And then there's the usually quiet Centers For Disease Control and the National Institute of Health working feverishly to stop a killer virus from becoming an all out of control global pandemic.
Yes indeed we are a socialist nation. The trouble is you've got the cluckers and bible thumpers out there simply too damn dumb to understand the difference between tyrannical socialism and the benevolent socialism that has quietly served the nation quite well for generations. And rest assured the cluckers and thumpers will be yelling the loudest when the loss of the benefits of benevolent socialism impacts their lives in a very unpleasant manner. And indeed it will.


Well-Known Member
And don't forget Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid when you're in a nursing home and your money's all gone and 62% of all nursing home patients are on Medicaid . And then there's the usually quiet Centers For Disease Control and the National Institute of Health working feverishly to stop a killer virus from becoming an all out of control global pandemic.
Yes indeed we are a socialist nation. The trouble is you've got the cluckers and bible thumpers out there simply too damn dumb to understand the difference between tyrannical socialism and the benevolent socialism that has quietly served the nation quite well for generations. And rest assured the cluckers and thumpers will be yelling the loudest when the loss of the benefits of benevolent socialism impacts their lives in a very unpleasant manner. And indeed it will.

I was trying to point out all the programs that aren't generally considered as socialist, but in reality are. But everyone agrees that Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare are socialist. It is the sheep who cry 'socialism' the loudest who are always the MAGA-most misinformed. They don't/can't think for themselves. They just aren't bright enough, so they listen to people who they are told are experts, who really just read off teleprompters on a tv channels that only tells them half of what they need to know. And because they can parrot back every word Hannity or Limbaugh says, they honestly believe they are intelligent and well informed. It is a sad state of affairs that technology has made it so easy for the hateful to lead so many of the stupid.


Well-Known Member
I was trying to point out all the programs that aren't generally considered as socialist, but in reality are. But everyone agrees that Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare are socialist. It is the sheep who cry 'socialism' the loudest who are always the MAGA-most misinformed. They don't/can't think for themselves. They just aren't bright enough, so they listen to people who they are told are experts, who really just read off teleprompters on a tv channels that only tells them half of what they need to know. And because they can parrot back every word Hannity or Limbaugh says, they honestly believe they are intelligent and well informed. It is a sad state of affairs that technology has made it so easy for the hateful to lead so many of the stupid.
If it's a program that improves their lot and overall quality of life then it's not socialism But, if it's a program that doesn't directly improve their lives then it's socialism. The programs we've discussed go all the way back to the New Deal and Great Society. They've been around for so long and are so ingrained and so much a part of people's daily lives that many cluckers and thumpers treat them like their birth rights. I remember this one delivery I made to a place. The only person that was there was this guy who was at or getting close to retirement and was listening to another clucker brainwashing radio show. He says to me. " I love my country but I don't trust my government ". My response: " We'll at least there's one more person who won't be signing up for Social Security and Medicare" He just stood there with that dumbfounded look on his face. Then I said to him, "why would you want to trust something so important as your future retirement and healthcare needs to an entity you don't trust"? ......Believe just molested his mind.


Well-Known Member
If this "Hail Mary" they're throwing up doesn't pull out a last second win for Fat Freddy that $155 stock will be a $95 stock so fast they won't know what hit them because this act of desperation is all that's left in the playbook .

it went up to 161.00 and its going to hit 200 soon......

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
the new contracts after going DRO are horrible i hear
They are bad by most accounts. FedEx still has a contract with the post office that goes through May. I think most of the contracts on the new e-commerce rate aren’t actually getting all the smartpost volume yet. They are getting the lower rate without the density. Hopefully the contracts will work out when all the volume comes. The Express volume is just more on top.


Well-Known Member
Seeking Alpha is full of propaganda one of Fred’s bots placed an article going to 300.00 based on nothing most of the traffic on this site is how Tesla is going to zero. One of the managers told us that Amazon is going bankrupt the propaganda never ends.


Well-Known Member
Yes.The only socialism Magas love is corporate socialism. You can quickly research the number of American companies not paying taxes these days. They have no problem with socializing lost revenue and privatizing profits, when it comes to corporations. But let an average American think about national health care and we hear, "HOW ARE WE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT?" Well, America found a way to spend almost 700 billion dollars last year on military spending( only crumbs actually go into the pockets of the American solider). If America is really the best county in the world, as they always say even thought most of them don't even have passports, America can find a way.....if it wants to.


We were supposed to have a station meeting today about this. But it was oddly and abruptly postponed. I think people are stressing about this.
We had a meeting but it wasn’t talked into detail very much. It’s posted on internal system that Ground is getting SO, P2 and express saver residentials. Our senior has been talking about what a great company Fedex is and that we have nothing to worry about...YEAH RIGHT! One manager let it slip that there’s gonna be a lot of full timers this summer with nothing to do. Meanwhile, we have couriers who are oblivious to all of this. They don’t think it will affect our station and even several pm drivers who haven’t heard anything about the changes. People are gonna be in for a surprise soon!

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
We had a meeting but it wasn’t talked into detail very much. It’s posted on internal system that Ground is getting SO, P2 and express saver residentials. Our senior has been talking about what a great company Fedex is and that we have nothing to worry about...YEAH RIGHT! One manager let it slip that there’s gonna be a lot of full timers this summer with nothing to do. Meanwhile, we have couriers who are oblivious to all of this. They don’t think it will affect our station and even several pm drivers who haven’t heard anything about the changes. People are gonna be in for a surprise soon!
I think people want to ignore it as long as possible. I’m the kind of person that likes to know what’s going on. I hate being in the dark. Then there are people who have had a fantastic career at FedEx and have not been screwed by the company to this point. I feel bad for them. When the :censored2: hits the fan they’ll be the most pitiful.


I think people want to ignore it as long as possible. I’m the kind of person that likes to know what’s going on. I hate being in the dark. Then there are people who have had a fantastic career at FedEx and have not been screwed by the company to this point. I feel bad for them. When the :censored2: hits the fan they’ll be the most pitiful.
Agreed. I think the main reason I’ll stick around is out of curiosity. But I agree with you..I don’t like uncertainty. Thank god im debt free. It’s the people with families who are gonna be in a world of hurt if they don’t plan ahead now.