Express handing resi deliveries to Ground


Well-Known Member
I think people want to ignore it as long as possible. I’m the kind of person that likes to know what’s going on. I hate being in the dark. Then there are people who have had a fantastic career at FedEx and have not been screwed by the company to this point. I feel bad for them. When the :censored2: hits the fan they’ll be the most pitiful.
The best time to look for a job is when you have one. Pushing p1 commit only means they're past considering giving, not only p2 to ground but also P1. When is the question. I believe they're going to see how quickly and successful ground is handling the express packages. IF not so well, then express will probably exist until peek 2020 is over. By 2121 expect offer letters from the company to work for ground or become displaced. Their guy is in office touting how great the economy is so it would look bad to SOME koolaid drinkers for so many long time employees to be out on the streets looking for work but if Bernie is elect, it would give the company a great excuse to gut express and blame socialism. Either way, express is over. Ground will probably be re-branded and thats all folks. Express B.June 18, 1971 D. Jan 2, 2021


Well-Known Member
They may restructure routes as needed. Those in North Carolina who will be the guinea pigs have said that what goes to Ground will be stuff that Ground can take from the origin Express station on the PM sort and have on a truck at the destination Ground station on the morning of the commit date. According to them that's the plan for the time being.

I may or may not be in this area, so your saying the local babo stuff. At least for us isn't much. What I could see them doing is taking our deferred freight that comes in a day early. For example, we'll have over 200 pieces of "TUES" stuff arrive on Monday, I could see them taking the eligible pieces on monday night back to k'ville. GSOR has the ability to automatically hold our Deferred stuff, but they stopped doing that a few months back, which really clogs up our sorts.. We all basically just have to wait and see, nobody really knows or wants to tell what's going on.(even the seniors seem a bit clueless)

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
The best time to look for a job is when you have one. Pushing p1 commit only means they're past considering giving, not only p2 to ground but also P1. When is the question. I believe they're going to see how quickly and successful ground is handling the express packages. IF not so well, then express will probably exist until peek 2020 is over. By 2121 expect offer letters from the company to work for ground or become displaced. Their guy is in office touting how great the economy is so it would look bad to SOME koolaid drinkers for so many long time employees to be out on the streets looking for work but if Bernie is elect, it would give the company a great excuse to gut express and blame socialism. Either way, express is over. Ground will probably be re-branded and thats all folks. Express B.June 18, 1971 D. Jan 2, 2021
We had a meeting with the senior manager. He said they weren’t convinced that ground could be the face of Fedex because of the lack of professionalism. That’s why Greensboro is a trial run as well as freight capacity. No way would they consider p1.


Well-Known Member
The best time to look for a job is when you have one. Pushing p1 commit only means they're past considering giving, not only p2 to ground but also P1. When is the question. I believe they're going to see how quickly and successful ground is handling the express packages. IF not so well, then express will probably exist until peek 2020 is over. By 2121 expect offer letters from the company to work for ground or become displaced. Their guy is in office touting how great the economy is so it would look bad to SOME koolaid drinkers for so many long time employees to be out on the streets looking for work but if Bernie is elect, it would give the company a great excuse to gut express and blame socialism. Either way, express is over. Ground will probably be re-branded and thats all folks. Express B.June 18, 1971 D. Jan 2, 2021
After reading the comments on this thread it seems safe to say that if you're a 20+ years of service kind of guy at Express you should still be ok. For the new people on the payroll and for those on their way Express work will simply be another part time job that you chain up to your other 2 or 3 part time jobs.But for the guys in that 35-50 age group with less than 20 years in that's the ones who seem the most vulnerable to a real upheaval in their lives.

About all they can do is get out of debt or at least try to retire as much of it as they can in an effort be prepared as best they can for what could be one of the most unexpected events they thought could never occur . Being downgraded to part time work if not laid off altogether.
In his interview with Bloomberg Fat Freddy made no attempt to hide his anger over unflattering articles regarding the future of his company and made it quite clear that his company would come hell or high water be the lowest cost carrier in the industry .
In the meantime I would strongly discourage anyone from going over to Ground. The physical beating you'll take in exchange for a few years of hellish employment is just not worth it.

Instead, get a haircut and get a real job.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
We had a meeting with the senior manager. He said they weren’t convinced that ground could be the face of Fedex because of the lack of professionalism. That’s why Greensboro is a trial run as well as freight capacity. No way would they consider p1.
The ship has sailed on that front. There are many more Ground drivers than Express already. Most customers don’t even know there’s a difference.


Anyone younger than 35 should start over at UPS. $75k-100k/year and free benefits is worth the hard work and no A/C. Work 10 years and save as much money as possible. Then do something else so your body doesn’t wear out.
OR go back to school.....


Well-Known Member
Our director stated that we are very luck to be on the AGFS side of things as there could be some cuts, but not as bad as DGO is going to see. With just business P2 and no more resi's there are going to be quite a few full time couriers with a large window of nothing to do before their pick ups start. Could lead to a lot more part-timers as they will just need morning delivery drivers and afternoon pickup drivers. Don't need a bunch of drivers hanging out in the movie theaters waiting for their pickups to begin.

They are going to push for us to be able to be the ones being able to shuttle the freight over to the ground buildings instead of them, so we can save some of our jobs/hours. The freight will be flown into the hubs and ramps already sorted, so the ground cans just be pushed onto trucks and transported over to them. The stations will not have as much freight to sort in the mornings, so start times could be pushed back further lessening the hours for the drivers who work the AM sort.


Staff member
We had a meeting with the senior manager. He said they weren’t convinced that ground could be the face of Fedex because of the lack of professionalism. That’s why Greensboro is a trial run as well as freight capacity. No way would they consider p1.
So you think if it fails in Greensboro, they’ll just pull back and scrap the idea? What company do you think this is? Stock price would drop a third of its value overnight.
There is no pulling back. They either make it work or sell to someone who does make it work.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Two different corporations.

Irrelevant. We have Ground running alongside Express. One has a compensation program that is markedly superior than the other and yet Ground isn't a model of mass turnover. IWBF and bbsam aren't having trouble keeping drivers because of Express/UPS. There's always a group of people willing to settle for less. Always have been, always will be.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
This is the kind of ignorance that is all too common. People in group plans pay for prenatal care for their co=workers all the time, and group plans ARE always cheaper. There is NO copay OR deductible for any of the 10 essential benefits, so you can see your doctor and get tested at least once annually for NO out of pocket. I thought everyone knew all that 10 years after those changes took effect.

Democrats want BETTER- by saving the 20% off the top that insurers are taking away that could be spent on care. So many people are so ignorant of what Medicare For All would do that they would rather pay a $500 premium plus a higher deductible and copay for 'private' insurance than pay a $400 tax for better coverage. Medicare lets patients see just about any doctor, while most private insurance has networks.' And the US already pays more for health care than MFA will cost the country. If your employer is paying now, they can still pay under Medicare for All. Their premiums would be LOWER and employees could demand getting back the difference in wages. And as long as insurers offer plans that cover at the minimum the same as medicare for all, MOST democrats approve of medicare for all or something similar.

And you have no clue, obviously, about deductibles under Obama care. They don't apply to MOST care at all, so are higher for the remaining services up to a point, the difference is that under Obamacare, when you reach your $6000 annual deductible, that's it, except for continuing premiums. Under old plans, You would have deductibles even for basic care under most plans, or you had to pay the entire deductible before you got ANY covered care. Under Obamacare, you reach your deductible, and you don't start hitting co-insurance. Co-insurance is what made most people go bankrupt- NOT the deductible. And if you have a serious condition, you don't have a lifetime cap OR and ANNUAL cap OR co-insurance you can't afford. That saves lives. The coverage under Obamacare is much more extensive, at the cost of deductibles that APPEAR to the ignorant to be higher. But because those deductibles don't apply to most care, most people won't be paying them.

It is hard for stupid people to see things that take more than 4 words to explain- like MAGA, which sounds good but means nothing. But the ignorant love it!!!!

"Your premiums go up, your coverage goes down, and you're stupid if you don't like it."

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Public heath is a public benefit. Everyone pays when people aren't healthy.

And for the ignorant(MAGA impaired), one of the first lines in the constitution states the constition was written to form a country to 'promote the general welfare' which is ignored by those who claim to be strict 'constitutionalists.' It's just more ignorance based on what they are told instead of what is actually factual.

And for the really stupid- public schools, public roads, public police and fire protection, public parks and libraries, publicly funded national defense, the federal air traffic control system, homeland security, border patrol, the FDA, and on and on are all SOCIALIST. Adding medical care will not make us socialist as the MGAs believe- we are ALREADY socialist

Good grief, that's bacha-level insanity there.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Yes.The only socialism Magas love is corporate socialism. You can quickly research the number of American companies not paying taxes these days. They have no problem with socializing lost revenue and privatizing profits, when it comes to corporations.

"They shouldn't be allowed to take credits and deductions, but woe is me, I'm taxed to death!"


Well-Known Member
Wonder when they’ll start contracting out the pilots jobs.
People are saying the company is using an AirBus simulator faciltiy in India and plenty of applicants there are willing to work for 1/5 the pay of today's fdx pilots.((((( JUST KIDDING)))))), just in case you didn't pick up on, "People are saying". Usually a lie comes after that phrase lol.


Well-Known Member
This is not that hard plane lands trucks with P1 cans goes to Express stations P2 cans go to Ground stations.
I can say our station can stand to use a little fat trimming. We've got princess pickup rtes which at one point years ago, use to be bulk pickups but now are just scan 100 metered ABs and sit for two hours. The neighboring rte, who actually hustles, can easily grab those stops and continue about. This past peek, we had a person get 11 hours a day with 1 pup to show. Granted it was a bulk but not a 11 hour bulk. Some couriers are worthless and need a hiding place. This isn't fair to the working couriers or the company frankly.


Well-Known Member
So you think if it fails in Greensboro, they’ll just pull back and scrap the idea? What company do you think this is? Stock price would drop a third of its value overnight.
There is no pulling back. They either make it work or sell to someone who does make it work.

Makes me wonder if Bezos sold 4 billion dollars worth of stock this week to have a bid war with Buffet. All of that capital sitting around gathering dust...or it could just be the coronavirus killing China's economy.